"Dare you

Not far away, Liu Kuan was very angry, biting his teeth and looking at the position of Qian Shan. His round face was full of shock and inconceivable. He really didn't expect that the three masters of five sections of the spirit could not kill Lin Xuan!

On the contrary, he seized the opportunity and broke it one by one. He was out of control and the situation was completely reversed!

Qian Shan's eyes were wide open and he wanted to say something. His throat was full of blood and water. Finally, he was unwilling to fall to the ground and stirred up a cloud of dust!

"Brother Liu Kuan, it's your turn!"

I don't know when, Lin Xuan with Huanglong Dao has come to Liu Kuan's body, showing a funny smile!

Three people have gone, two, only Liu Kuan left, the threat to him is not so big!

"Lin Xuan! I'll kill you

Liu Kuan's eyes are full of blood. He knows that there is no way to be good at this moment. Only one of them can survive!

The dark meteor hammer seemed to fall down like a meteor. Suddenly, it fell down on Lin Xuan. His figure flashed and he dodged. In his original position, it had already been smashed out of a big hole by the meteor hammer!

The fighting of the spiritual friars is so fierce that it can affect the surrounding environment. Not to mention the collapse of mountains, it can also Crack Rocks!

"Elder martial brother Liu Kuan, I have a question. I wonder if you can explain it for me?"

At this moment, Lin Xuan, who is under great pressure, is not in a hurry to fight Liu Kuan. Instead, he evades his killing moves and sends out his doubts curiously.

"The young master of the black robed population, isn't he the master behind you?"

Lin Xuan's eyes are calm, his feet step on the moon shadow, and Liu Kuan keeps away from him!

"Ha ha, if you have any doubts, you'd better keep it and ask yourself!"

However, Liu Kuan gave a sneer and did not give a positive answer at all.

After that, he jumped up again, like the God of war, two huge meteor hammers turned into the most terrifying weapons, constantly falling, the earth was shaking!

"Well, since you don't say it, I'll put the account on your master first!"

Lin Xuan sighed, some helpless, it seems that today he is very difficult to get the answer.

"Ha ha ha, is it up to you? Lin Xuan, do you know what a tree is

However, when he said this, he was ridiculed by Liu Kuan and continued to scorn: "if that person comes, how can you be so rampant today? When you raise your hand, you will be destroyed!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan just shakes his head, he won't be frightened by this person's words.

"If it's the same level, your master, I'm afraid he doesn't even deserve to carry my shoes for me!"

At this moment, Lin Xuan didn't want to say anything to Liu kuanduo any more. He just wanted to solve it as soon as possible, so as not to cause trouble!

"I've asked all the questions. Since you don't tell me, I'll have to take you on the road first!"

Just a breath, Lin Xuan no longer retreated, but took the initiative to meet up!


After several times of fighting, Lin Xuan urged the supernatural power. He was like a wild beast reviving. His power was boundless. He could pull out the mountain, and a long knife chased Liu Kuan to chop. It was irresistible!

That flashing black light on the meteor hammer, now has been cut out dozens of knife marks, uneven, very sad!

However, Liu Kuan didn't dare to fight any more when he saw the situation. Instead, he turned around to run his body method and ran away as fast as he could!

"Ha ha, you don't want to kill me. Why did you run away?"

Lin Xuan smiles a little, he feels the blood inside his body is about to boil, that is the battle blood is reviving!

"Come again, I haven't had a good fight yet. Don't run!"

However, Liu Kuan seems to have never heard of him. His steps are not only continuous, but also the distance of tens of meters, just like Shenxing Taibao!

This chase completely changed the role. At this moment, Lin Xuan has become the active hunter!

In his eyes, Liu Kuan became a prey!

However, after Lin Xuan chased for several miles, Liu Kuan, who had been flying in front of him, suddenly stopped and turned around with a strange look!

"What? Do you think you can't run away, and you want to fight me again? "

Lin Xuan joked and walked towards Liu Kuan step by step!

Suddenly, change suddenly!

I saw the earth where Lin Xuan was suddenly shaking, as if half of the earthquake!

The next moment, the flying sand all over the sky, like a devil, wants to devour Lin Xuan!

In front of him, Liu Kuan laughs wildly. I don't know when, a black array disk appears in his hand!

"Hum, Lin Xuan, I have to admit that if you are really talented, you are rare in the world."

"But it's a pity. Fortunately, I'm cautious and arranged an array here in advance. Hehe, enter my crazy sand array, Lin Xuan, you're dead!"

"Today, a genius once in a hundred years will die in my hands. It's a wonderful feeling to strangle genius."

At this moment, Liu Kuan is sure to win. He controls the array plate outside the array, and the boundless wild sand rises on the ground. One beast after another opens his mouth. He rushes to Lin Xuan's body and wants to eat him!

"Qian Shan and I are really rubbish. In the end, it's up to me to turn the tide around!"

Liu Kuan seems to have thought of something. With a sneer, he looks down on his teammates who just fought side by side with him!

"Lin Xuan, you don't have to struggle any more. In order to kill you safely, some materials I have collected for a long time are used today. You can close your eyes!"

However, in the crazy sand formation, Lin Xuan's face was very calm. There were two golden lights in his eyes. Through the layers of sand and stones, he seemed to see through the ages!

In this crazy sand, he not only has to face the sand like a blade, but also faces those fantastic beasts, fighting every second!

At this moment, Lin Xuan's whole body was covered with a layer of light golden luster. His eyes were sacred and he said with a silent sneer: "elder martial brother Liu Kuan, do you really think that you can trap me with this broken array?"

"Don't forget, I'm also a mage!"

In a twinkling, Lin Xuan put away the Huanglong sword, clapped it out with his hands, and defeated a wave of beasts rushing up!

Then, in the void, with his own spiritual power, he recorded a mysterious and obscure rune!

The next moment, crazy sand suddenly shaking up, void, suddenly appeared a small crack, as if to open up a door in general!

However, Lin Xuan's strength is limited. It's the limit to make a crack!

"Don't put out the palm!"

He burst out and hit it with all his strength. With only one hand, it was like a broken glass in the array. The scene of yellow sand in front of him gradually faded away, and all the strange animals that came again scattered into sand and stone!


Lin Xuan, white as snow and with black hair and shawl, suddenly rushed out of the array. A long sword appeared in his hand again!

Liu Kuan's eyes widened and his face was full of wonder. He kept stepping back and exclaimed, "impossible... Impossible, how can it be!"

"It's over!"

Lin Xuan whispered, his body turned into a shadow, and rushed to the dull Liu Kuan!

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