"Who was the man in black just now? I've never heard of him. Isn't he the elder martial brother of the last term, but earlier?"

In front of the booth, some onlookers were puzzled and discussed with the people around them.

"Yes, this elder martial brother doesn't look ordinary. How can he come from an unknown place?"

"Strange, strange!"

Lin Xuan was also curious about the identity of the visitor. Although he was calm and calm just now, he was still afraid of the visitor at the bottom of his heart!

It's not only because the realm of the man in black is already six sections of the spirit, but the most important thing is that Lin Xuan can always feel a kind of dullness from the man in black, whether there is or not, like facing a mountain or a deep pool, which is hard to see through.

"I know. No wonder I think this person is familiar. I think it should be that one. I didn't expect that he appeared again after years of silence."

"And it has become so powerful and profound that it is already the best in the last term!"

Suddenly, in front of the booth, a middle-aged elder martial brother looked at the figure of the man in black. He felt as if he had passed away. He was surprised.

"Ah? Dare to ask this elder martial brother, what's the origin of this one you're talking about? Why does it sound so mysterious? "

Lin Xuan hears speech, immediately curious opening to ask, such a mysterious potential opponent, he is still careful, be sure to find out each other's origin.

"Ha ha, his name is Shan Qiushui. He was once famous in the clan."

The middle-aged elder martial brother came out and whispered.

"Shan Qiushui? What, it's him? "

"No, it's the one who's rumored to fall?"

"He's dead. Why did he show up again today?"

At this moment, not only in front of Lin Xuan's booth, but also in the crowd on the second floor of the third peak, there was a cry of surprise, which was incredible!

"Please, elder martial brothers, don't play tricks. Does this man really have a mysterious origin?"

Don't wait for Lin Xuan to open a mouth, immediately have the same door of acute son to speak for him!

"Ha ha, I can't talk about the mysterious origin... But this man is really a strange man!"

At this time, the middle-aged elder martial brother laughed and told me.

"He was a great man in the last term. Even at that time, many people felt that his strength could rank in the top three of the same term. However, he was a genius and a little rebellious. He had few friends in the sect, but he provoked a lot of opponents!"

"This man was born in a small town in Qingyun Prefecture. His family is on the verge of decline. The most powerful one is his grandfather, who was the cultivation of the third section of the spirit."

"However, this man is arrogant and rebellious. He provoked people who shouldn't be provoked in Qixue sect. But that man is also famous for his ruthlessness. In order to get angry, he asked people to slaughter Shan Qiushui's family all night, leaving only a few innocent servant girls."

"I think at that time, it should be to kill Shan Qiushui, but at that time, he just left."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged elder martial brother sighed with sadness and sympathy.

"When Shan Qiushui comes back to his family and learns the bad news, he goes crazy and goes back to the clan to kill him seriously. He kills most of his followers, which leads to the intervention of the elder of the evil hall!"

"At the beginning, that man's cultivation was much higher than that of Shan Qiushui by several small levels, and there were a lot of followers. Shan Qiushui's move shocked the whole blood weeping clan, and his name was very famous for a while!"

"But it's a pity that at the beginning, he was only a spiritual man. Even if he was strong, he paid a huge price for it. He was seriously injured and would die!"

"Some elder said that he was pitiful. Maybe he thought that this man's talent was too strong. He went to beg for mercy, and the matter was settled like this!"

"It's said that at the beginning, Shan Qiushui's oil was exhausted and the lamp was dry. He had not gathered his spirit, but he was still a mortal body!"

"Later, he was taken away by the elder. Since then, there has been no news. Many people feel sorry that he must have died."

"But I didn't expect it to reappear today!"

The middle-aged elder martial brother's words fell, and many melon eaters who didn't know the truth at the scene also expressed their feelings. This man was really ill fated, which moved them!

However, at this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly said curiously: "this elder martial brother? I don't know who you mean by that? "

The middle-aged elder martial brother's face changed, and he said with dignity: "Lin Xuan, you'd better not know the name of this man. That man... Is not easy to provoke. It's an old thing. It's long gone. I'll tell you today, it's just to cause trouble."

"But I have a sense of propriety. If I want to come here, I won't do it to me."

At this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly laughed: "this elder martial brother, what you said is too exaggerated. Just a few casual chats, he's going to attack you? So powerful? More than the elder? "

"Young man, the ignorant are fearless. Brother Jin is right. Don't ask."

However, the middle-aged elder martial brother didn't speak at this time. On the contrary, there was another one behind him. He looked serious in his thirties.

"If I guess correctly, the two elder martial brothers of the last year are already good at self cultivation. In this outer door, there are people who make the two elder martial brothers so taboo?"

However, the more they didn't say it, the more Lin Xuan felt itchy and wanted to know the answer.

"Ha ha, since you want to know so much, it doesn't matter if you listen to me."

"The third name in the total scoreboard of the trading hall is the taboo of that one!"

However, as the middle-aged elder martial brother's words fell down, on the third peak, he suddenly came up one after another and gave out bursts of exclamations!

"What, it's him!"

"Qin Xuanfeng, can't you? It's incredible that he is this one!"

"That Shan Qiushui has what ability, unexpectedly can injure this person four years ago, can't be mistaken?"

"Elder martial brother Qin is now the cultivation of the eight sections of the spirit. Why is Shan Qiushui?"

Many people are surprised, shocked, inexplicable, can't believe it.

"Ha ha, don't think it's fake. It's true. I saw it with my own eyes."

The middle-aged elder martial brother laughed. He seemed to be open-minded and didn't avoid anything.

He continued: "at the beginning, although Shan Qiushui had already stepped into the second section of the spirit, all in all, he was still the cultivation of the first section of the spirit."

"At that time, Qin Xuanfeng was one of the five sections of the spirit. Among my contemporaries, he was quite powerful and had some followers in the sect."

"It's in this situation that Shan Qiushui creates the impossible. He not only seriously injures Qin Xuanfeng, but also kills several followers. These are the people who have been ordered by Qin Xuanfeng to slaughter his family."

Hearing the speech, all the people on the scene were tongue jerking and whispered: "it's still human. How can it be so strong?"

The middle-aged elder martial brother shook his head, and his words became more and more amazing!

"Many years ago, someone in the clan praised him as a legend."

"I think that if he had not suffered such a fatal injury in those years, his cultivation would have been higher and hard to reach."

And Lin Xuan, the fear in the heart is also more and more intense, the same surprised way: "lying trough, this person is so strong, no wonder give me a very dangerous feeling, like a dormant beast!"

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