Back at the seventy-two peak, Lin Xuan sat on a jade Futon in the thatched cottage, which he had got from Lu Yun before.

It contains a miniature gathering spirit array. Sitting on it, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

But at this time, Shan Qiushui's figure always flashed in his mind, which made it hard to calm down.

Lin Xuan tells the truth, he is a bit flustered, this kind of fierce person, if really find out Liu Kuan's death is related to him, fight who win who lose really very hard to anticipate!

Extremely dangerous!

"Ha ha, the only thing to be thankful for is that this person seems reasonable. As long as I don't admit my death, he certainly has no absolute evidence to prove that Liu Kuan's death is related to me!"

"It seems that I'm going to keep a low profile for a while. When I break through the two realms secretly, no matter who he is, I can suppress him. I won't be as passive as I am today."

Lin Xuan made up his mind to practice and make notes in peace of mind during this time!

Then, he closed his eyes, and his mind was clear. He abandoned all thoughts and planned to practice the immortal Sutra.

But at this moment, his spiritual sense was touched, his spiritual power suddenly broke out, and immediately covered the area of 60 meters around him!

Then came the sound of breaking the air. Someone jumped up and came to his cottage!

"Who is it?"

Lin Xuan gave a big drink. He felt a little flustered in his heart and thought that he had been approached.

"Lin Xuan, it's me!"

Outside, however, came a gentle and familiar voice.

"Lin Yu?"

All of a sudden, Lin Xuan's face was a little embarrassed, and he really made a joke.

"Yes, I'm here to talk with you about something important."

Outside, Lin Yu explained in a low voice.

After that, Lin Xuan got up from the jade futon, opened the door, and saw that it was Lin Yu who was coming. His wound was obviously healed, and he looked ruddy.

"Are you well hurt?"

"Well, let's go inside."

Then, Lin Xuan welcomed Lin Yu into the room. In a sense, they were brothers and came out of the same vein.

"Come on, the house is simple. You and I don't have to be so polite. Just sit down."

That's right, but there are not even chairs in the cottage, only a few futons, a straw mat and a low tea table.

As they sat on the ground, Lin Xuan took out a silver teapot and two tea cups made of Wenyu from the storage space.

Then he took out a small box of tea, which was his former booty. It was made from the leaves of bitter bamboo elixir, which were dried in the sun and dried in the air. It was beneficial to the spirit and invigorate Qi.

However, it wasn't over yet. Lin Xuan took out an arm sized bottle of lanolin from the storage space. Although the bottle was sealed, there was still aura overflowing from it, which was also not an ordinary product.

"This is the dew on the elixir. It not only has the fragrance of the elixir, but also has a lot of spiritual and superior rootless water. I usually add a little when I refine the Ningshen pill."

"Hey, hey, today you come as a guest, I have nothing to entertain you, so I use this rootless water to chat with bitter bamboo tea to express my heart."

After that, Lin Xuan poured a pot of rootless dew, then put down a few pieces of bitter bamboo tea that looked like willow leaves, and then put them in his palm. He gently used his own spiritual power as a fire to heat the pot of tea.

"Ha ha, OK, Lin Xuan, you can mix well. I can't afford to drink this stuff, but you're good."

Smell speech, Lin Yu immediately laughs, two people originally have old, at the moment talk freely, also have no restraint to speak of.

The fire of Lingli is far more powerful than that of any other fire. Within a few minutes, this pot of tea has been cooked.

"Come on, have a taste!"

Seeing that Lin Xuan was so enthusiastic, Lin Yu had to take a cup of tea, put it to his mouth and smack it gently.

For a moment, he only felt that his mind suddenly clear, there is a cool air in his viscera, as if to ascend to immortality.

"Well, good tea, good tea. The leaves of the bitter bamboo grass are the elixir. It's too late for others to use them. Lin Xuan, you are so luxurious. It's hard to dry them into tea."

Lin Yu praised him a lot. He couldn't help but drink a few more mouthfuls of it. He felt that it was the same as taking medicine, and his spiritual power was boiling.

"Ha ha, although there is a bitter word in the name of this bitter bamboo grass, it is not so bitter at all. It tastes sweet. With the rootless dew, it tastes sweet and delicious."

In his previous life, Lin Xuan only felt this sweet taste in one kind of tea, that is milk tea.

However, after a bit of gossip, Lin Yu finally said the purpose of this.

"Lin Xuan, in fact, I came to you today because I already knew who hurt me at the beginning!"

Lin Yu's amazing words surprised Lin Xuan.

"You know? Didn't those people run away? Did they hit you again? "

However, Lin Yu shook his head and said, "that's not true, but I had guessed before, but I'm not sure. I haven't talked to you much!"

"Then, I secretly explored and followed that person. Today, I finally found a clue!"

Lin Yu is quite mysterious.

"This morning, the man left the clan. I followed him behind and found him meeting people at the foot of a cliff. He was one of the people who killed me when I was attacked."

"But because I was afraid of being detected, I was too far away to hear what they were saying."

Smell speech, Lin Xuan in the heart clear, open mouth way: "so, you come to me today, want to let me help?"

"Yes, both of us are new to the sect. We are helpless here. The only helper I can think of is you."

"This man wants to kill me and plot in secret. I can't avoid it. It's better to start first."

Lin Yu nodded to Lin Xuan.

"What do you want me to do?"

Lin Xuan nodded, but he didn't say much about other nonsense. Since Lin Yu opened his mouth, he had to help him whether he was repaying his kindness or looking at the same face.

"That person's name is Song Lin, he is only the cultivation of the five sections of the spirit, which is nothing. In fact, even if I don't ask you to come, I can solve him myself."

"But the trouble, the trouble is that this man has a big background, and he has a special retinue to follow him. He has always been outside the blood weeping sect, and he will come with it."

"And this man is also very cautious. Even if he is led out, he will not go on the road alone. There must be experts around him."

"Therefore, if we want to deal with him, I alone is not enough. Only with you can we be safe."

Lin Yu thought carefully.

At this time, Lin Xuan nodded, but he still had some doubts in his heart and said, "how does this song Lin conflict with you?"

"Ha ha, what else can we do? It's just for a cottage."

"He is not as powerful as me. He is defeated by me in the clan, so he has to play some tricks that can't be on the stage!"

Lin Yu sneered and his face suddenly became cold.

At this time, Lin Xuancai remembered that Lin Yu also lived on the top of the peak. Such a seat was very rare on every peak, and only those with real strength could take it.

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