After hearing what Lin Yu said, Lin Xuan also had a lot of feelings. This nuota sect looks very peaceful and full of aura. It is a holy land for practice.

However, there is an undercurrent surging behind, which is very dangerous. If you are careless, it will fall.

When he first came to zongmen, he witnessed more than once that people's hearts were sinister and that he could survive, which was the word "caution".

"Ha ha, I also said that if I want to practice in a low-key way for a period of time, now it seems that I can't achieve my wish!"

Lin Xuan laughs. If other people come to him for help, Lin Xuan can still refuse, but he can't face Lin Yu.

Even though Lin Xuan knew that his trip was dangerous, he still had to strengthen his heart and not shrink back.

"Lin Xuan, thank you for helping me. After we're done, I won't take any of the booty. It's all yours."

At this moment, Lin Yu reveals his true feelings. During his time in qixuezong, he has encountered many dangers. Only Lin Xuan is willing to help, which makes Lin Yu very moved.

"If there is no such reason, don't say it later. I help you not for reward, but for your friendship and mine."

Lin Xuan shook his head and refused.

"Well, in that case, I won't say much. I'll stare at him all the time, looking for opportunities, and I'll let you know."

Lin Yu suddenly got up and said with a heavy face.

Hearing the words, Lin Xuan nodded and took out two shining jade cards from the storage space. There were mysterious runes on them, full of spirituality.

"Here, this is my latest refined note, which can convey 50 miles away. You can engrave your spiritual imprint into it. You can tell me anything directly with the note."

Lin Yu saw Lin Xuan two eyes, didn't refuse, heavy key head way: "good, I know, you wait for my news."

When Lin Yu left the seventy-two peaks, Lin Xuan put away all the teapots and other things, and sat on the jade Futon again to practice and refine his mental strength.

There is no Jia Zi in the mountain, and there is no time for practice.

The plan can't keep up with the change, because in recent days, Song Lin may have to be attacked at any time, so Lin Xuan has been closed all these days.

In a blink of an eye, ten days passed. He didn't even do the business of passing notes.

During the ten days, he not only smelted all the pills he had accumulated before, but also smelted a few heats of concentration pills to refine his mental power.

His experience value has also risen to 800000, which is only 400000 away from the 1.2 million experience upgrade.

Originally, Lin Xuan was not satisfied with this, so he planned to replace all the spirit stones he got with the materials of the spirit medicine, and then refine them into pills for cultivation, so as to directly break through the second section of the spirit. In this way, there is still a guarantee.

However, things are always difficult to achieve. On this day, bursts of warm current suddenly gushed out of Lin Xuanhuai's jade plate.

When Lin Xuan immersed himself in his spirit, he heard Lin Yu's familiar voice.

"Lin Xuan, here's the chance!"

"Over the past ten days, Song Lin has been shrinking in the clan and refused to go out. But today, he has taken a task from the trading hall and has to go to the shadow forest."

"We can kill this man on the way!"

Hearing the voice in the transmission, Lin Xuan nodded and replied, "OK, I'll go to you now."

There is a mysterious connection between the notes. Yes, it can be positioned!

The farther away you are, the worse the effect will be. The feeling of positioning will be very fuzzy and even make mistakes.

But if it is close, the effect will be very good, can clearly detect the location of another jade.


Lin Xuan has been preparing all these days, and all his life preservers are in the storage space. So he received a message from Lin Yu. He didn't stay too long, so he made peace with Lin Yuhui at the foot of the mountain.

They were all dressed in black robes, with cloaks and masks, deliberately hiding their identities.

"Lin Xuan, you are here at last. They are in front of me. I don't dare to be too close for fear of being found out."

Lin Yu's face only has a pair of clear eyes to show, explaining to Lin Xuan.

"According to my previous observation, he was really cautious. As soon as he came out of the sect, there were two retinues behind him, and they were all masters of spiritual cultivation!"

"Lin Xuan, I want you to help me hold down the other two people, give Song Lin to me, buy some time, and I will be able to kill him, and then you and I will join hands to kill them all."

Lin Yu looked at the noble young master who was walking about 500 meters in front of him.

"So hasty? We are not afraid of ambush, and we are not well prepared. "

However, Lin Xuan poured a basin of cold water and calmed down.

"I know it's a bit hasty, but I can't help it. I don't have much time to arrange it. This opportunity is fleeting and can't be missed."

"I followed him all the way and made sure there were only three people on the other side. There could be no ambush."

However, Lin Yu was determined to kill today, and no one could stop him.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan no longer said much. At the beginning, he fought against the three spirits alone, and the five section master was not unheard of. What's more, now he has advanced strength.

"Well, you say, where shall we do it?"

Lin Yuwei thought about it, and then he blurted out.

"It's just outside the shadow forest. Don't give them a chance to enter. Otherwise, if they run away, the terrain in the shadow forest will be complicated and many monsters will occupy it. I'm afraid there will be trouble."

"If you have finished your work in one battle, you must not fall short of it!"

Hearing the words, Lin Xuan looked at the mountains ahead and murmured, "if that's the case, we'll do it now. At this time, they are less than 20 miles away from the shadow forest!"

For monks, 20 Li is just like 200 meters for ordinary people. If they exert their utmost speed, they will arrive within ten minutes.

Two people look at each other, Lin Yu nods, they both spread out extremely fast, from the distant mountains around the past, want to block Song Lin and others in front.

"Lin Xuan, I'll do it first. You must help me hold down the other two."

"If... If things change, things can't be done, don't hesitate, leave me and go quickly."

Before beginning, Lin Yu suddenly instructs a way.


Lin Xuan nodded without affectation.

With the fall of Lin Xuan's words, Lin Yu seems to have made up his mind. He is as cautious and serious as a potential hunter.

And Lin Xuan also took out his cloud piercing bow from the storage space. He also had power, and spiritual power gushed out of his palm, gradually condensed into the shape of an arrow, suffused with cyan color and slightly glowing.

He aimed at Song Lin and others. They were less than 100 meters apart and would be exposed at any time.

At this moment, Lin Yu incarnated in the shadow. I don't know when, he had already sneaked out for tens of meters. He jumped and appeared in front of Song Lin!

His hand suddenly appeared a silver halberd, the first trigeminal, extremely sharp, suddenly stabbed at Song Lin!

"Die for me!"

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