At the same moment, Lin Xuan's ready arrow shot out, like a purple dragon, fast as lightning at a middle-aged retinue beside Song Lin!

However, this retinue is worthy of the cultivation of the fifth section of the spirit. He was a little embarrassed and stepped back. There was no fatal scar on his whole body!

"Curfew, get out of here!"

All of a sudden, the squire yelled at the place where Lin Xuan was hiding. It was like the earth shaking and the mountains shaking. The trees around him were shaking, and the leaves were falling, as if they were scattered by the wind.

His clothes burst to pieces, revealing the Golden Lock armour inside, like a valiant general, with a long gun in his hand!

"Damn, I said how can I resist so much, it's meat!"

Lin Xuan's pupils were constricted, and he felt some resentment in his heart. He was so angry that he even talked about the terms of playing games in his previous life.

He wanted to attack and hit one person first, so the pressure would be relieved. But he chose the wrong person and chose a routan!

The lock armour on the middle-aged squire is absolutely not ordinary. It's a low-level armour famous for its defense. It's very expensive. Who can afford it.

It also verifies what Lin Yu said at the beginning. This song Lin family is really extraordinary. Even a squire can have such a good thing. It's incredible!

"Well, I found you!"

At this time, the middle-aged squire, relying on his own defense, rushed to Lin Xuan with his bare hands, obviously trying to stop him!

However, as soon as I saw him, the middle-aged squire suddenly gave out a sneer: "I'm not wrong. A piece of rubbish, who is just a spiritual person, dares to attack and kill us. I'm really looking for death!"

"I'll take you on the road today!"

On the other hand, although Song Lin has a gap with Lin Yu in terms of talent, Lin Yu would lose a lot if he discussed the inside information and magic weapon!

Therefore, although Lin Yu took advantage of the sneak attack, he was not able to kill with one blow. He was blocked by Song Lin's magic gourd!

What's more terrible is that another green haired squire with sword on his back also shot. In a moment, he killed Lin Yu and swore to him repeatedly!

"Who are you? How dare you attack us here? "

"Do you know who I am?"

At this moment, Song Lin was finally able to breathe a little, his eyes were cold, and now his fingers were still shaking. At that moment, if he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been seriously injured even if he didn't die!

I hate the people who come to assassinate me!

However, Lin Yu didn't say a word. He just fought for his life. The green haired sword carrying squire could have some advantages, but after the real fight, he was not the opponent at all and was suppressed!

"Hum, since you don't say it, I'll beat you myself to say it!"

Song Lin snorted coldly. He adjusted the disordered Qi and blood in his body just now, and then rushed to Lin Yu coldly!

The original scene of "one against one" changed into "two against one". Lin Yu fell into a disadvantageous position and lost step by step!

Not far away, the middle-aged squire, wearing a lock armour, entangles Lin Xuan and makes him unable to support him at the first time.

This man's cultivation is definitely not the ordinary five sections of the spirit. His breath is long, at least the peak, and he is a treasure of defense, which makes Lin Xuan upset for a while!

"To die!"

Lin Xuan had already put away the cloud piercing bow. In this close fight, the long bow didn't work. On the contrary, it was not as sharp as his Huanglong sword!

"Mountain splitting style!"

An illusory Yellow Dragon rushes out from the long sword and roars up to the sky, making bursts of dragon chanting sound!

As a result, a golden light came down at a high speed, like a powerful axe, and gave the middle-aged squire a heavy blow. The latter stretched out his arm to block.

That cover whole body of lock son armor, at this moment, unexpectedly spread to crack of voice!

Moreover, because the middle-aged squire couldn't bear such a strong force, he was immediately split away, and his internal organs were greatly impacted. Blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and his face was full of amazement!

"How is that possible?"

He couldn't understand why a monk with a section of spirit could suppress him and even split him as a whole, like a joke!

However, in the twinkling of an eye, Lin Xuan had already come to the other side of the battlefield with the Huanglong sword. He directly exerted the effect of magic power. He fell down in a mountain splitting way and killed the green haired squire!

At this moment, Lin xuanwan came down to earth like a God. The pressure of Lin Yu, who had already been unable to hold on, was greatly reduced. He took a deep breath and used his skills to improve his state and spirit as much as possible. Then he really got in touch with Song Lin!

"It's you!"

Hand in hand, Song Lin exclaimed, he recognized the person!

"Yes, it's me!"

At this moment, Lin Yu did not cover up. They had to say that even though Song Lin came from a big family with a strong background and was born with a golden spoon!

But his personal strength is still excellent. At least in a short time, Lin Yu can't crush him directly!

What's more, this guy has all his magic weapons, and most of them are powerful forbidden weapons, all of which are left for him by his elders to defend himself!

Every time he sacrificed, Lin Yu was disheartened and suffered a lot!

And Lin Xuan, he fight is not easy, because he wants to use two, entangle two people, don't let them go to rescue!

If the two men fight with him, they just want to get out of the fight and rush to help Song Lin, which makes Lin Xuan a little tired, and he has to intercept from time to time!

"Get out of here!"

"Here I am, young master!"

Two people don't want to love war, a left and a right, desperately and Lin Xuan open distance!

"Can you walk with me?"

At this moment, Lin Xuan stepped on the moon shadow step, like a ghost. He wandered between them, often with a knife on one side and a fist on the other. Anyway, he tried his best to stop them from interfering in Lin Yu's battlefield!

Lin Yu did not return to Lin Xuan's expectation. After a short fight, he took the initiative and beat Song Lin violently!

"Damn it, you are disgusting. OK, I'll solve you first!"

At this moment, the middle-aged squire, who was annoyed by Lin Xuan's entanglement, suddenly became angry and called on the green haired swordsman. They showed the most powerful means of killing and cutting, and wanted to solve Lin Xuan first!

However, Lin Xuanshi is too brave. The Yellow Dragon sword in his hand is really comparable to the divine iron, which completely smashes the lock armor on the middle-aged squire's body!

"Ah, waste, how can you do that? I'll kill you!"

The middle-aged squire yelled, completely crazy!

However, Lin xuangen didn't take his suit. He swam around the kite and gave him a knife every now and then. He was as slippery as a loach!

On one side, the green haired swordsman's hair was scattered. He was in a mess, just like a madman. He was also tortured by Lin Xuan.

At this moment, Song Lin, not far away, suddenly yelled angrily, "what are you waiting for? I'm going to be killed, and I'm not coming out yet?"

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