Lin Xuan thought that they had already occupied the advantage. It only took a moment to finish the war, but he didn't expect Song Lin to say such a thing at this moment!

be struck with fright!

Rao was what Lin Xuan had expected. At this moment, his heart was covered with a shadow!

He hoped that Song Lin's words were just bluff, but then two figures suddenly appeared in the mountains and fields, which made Lin Xuan's heart sink!

Those who came were very familiar to him. They were the two people who pursued Lin Yu before!

One is tall, one is short, one is fat and one is thin. His figure is very recognizable. Lin Xuan will never make a mistake!

At this moment, Lin Yuwang always sneered at Song Lin, who was fighting with him in front of him: "sure enough, I didn't guess wrong. The person who was sent to kill me that day was you!"

"Well, it was you who refused to give way earlier. I've already given you a chance!"

Unexpectedly, Song Lin is no regret, cold hum way.

"Ha ha ha, it's a joke. I brought it myself. Why should I let it out?"

Lin Yu only felt depressed. Although he was a genius in Tianxing City, he was born into a big family!

But speaking of it, his Lin family is only a small family in Qingyun Prefecture, which can't be compared with those big families with deep foundation!

People often have five masters of five sections of the spirit as their retinues. This kind of person can become an elder in the Lin family!

But in Song Lin's family, he can only be a thug!

We can imagine how big the gap is!

Moreover, Lin Yu, a tall and a short man, had a hand in hand with them. Their accomplishments were about to enter the sixth section of the spirit, and the difference was not far away!

At this moment, Lin Yu was a little desperate!

Even though he is talented and confident that few people will be his opponents when he plays alone, the reality is that no one will give him this opportunity!

In this short moment, the two retinues who came from the mountains were close at hand. Lin Yu didn't want to leave the battle!

After all, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!

However, at this moment, he was entangled by Song Lin and couldn't get away!

"So, you didn't let it happen that day, and today it will come to such an end. All this is the fate of cause and effect. Lin Yu, rest in peace!"

Song Lin sneered. Seeing that the helper had appeared, he didn't cover up any more. He regarded Lin Yu as a dead man!

"Hey, hey, do you really think you've been following me secretly these days and I haven't found out?"

"I'm just acting with you!"

"Today, you think it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In fact, it's just that I deliberately gave it to you, in order to hook you up!"

At this moment, Lin Yu's heart was a little cool. He regretted that he had been carried away by hatred. He didn't listen to Lin Xuan's words. He should have a long-term plan!

But in front of Song Lin, also let Lin Yu realize, far from the usual see so simple, scheming is very deep!

"Ha ha, also, born in such a big family, how can it be vulgar, even under the influence, it's not simple!"

In the distance, Lin Xuan's face was anxious. If he dealt with the ordinary spirit five, even if there were five people on the other side, he could not fight.

But the difficulty lies in the fact that none of the five people in front of us is vulgar!

It can even be said that compared with Qian Shan and others, only strong is not weak!

"Lin Yu, stop talking nonsense and go quickly!"

Lin Xuan yelled, clapped his hands and beat back the two men in front of him. Then he took the Huanglong sword and rushed to Lin Yu's battlefield to help him out!

"Lin Xuan... Go away, don't worry about me!"

"Let's go!"

However, Lin Yu didn't appreciate it at all, or he thought that he had no chance to escape from heaven. He was careless and fell into the whole set set by his opponent!

From the original hunter, in a flash, changed the role and became the prey in their eyes!

"If you leave, I'll stop you for a moment. It has nothing to do with you. I'm ashamed to involve you. Now, I can't let you stay and bury me!"

The silver halberd in his hand was as bright as the moon, blocking the two retinues who just came!

"Don't be silly, you have a magic barrier in your heart now. Listen to me, you can go together!"

Lin Xuan knew that Lin Yu couldn't get out of the brilliance of genius in Tianxing city for a while, and couldn't face his heart.

He always felt that he was not so dazzling. When he came to qixuezong, the experts he met were like clouds, all over the sky, and he didn't know what to do.

At the same level, there are no fewer people who can compete with him. What's more, they have caused several attacks, leading to problems in their hearts.

He is already the cultivation of the four sections of the spirit. It is quite extraordinary that he can fight across the ranks and suppress song Lin.

But now it's more like laughing at him than before.

"Go? Where to go? Today, you are all going to die! "

Song Lin gave a sneer and waved his hand. The four masters of the retinue, I don't know when, have already become a pack of power. The current situation is extremely unfavorable to Lin Xuan and them!

"You go, it's me who hurt you. I'll fight my life and find a way for you!"

At this moment, Lin Yu suddenly laughed, only a little cold. His silver halberd danced like a white faced gentleman. With the unyielding spirit in his heart, he suddenly attacked the green haired swordsman to open a gap from him!

"Follow me!"

Lin Xuan didn't waste this opportunity. He leaped forward and fought with Lin Yu side by side. He also wanted to cut off the green haired swordsman first, but he was disappointed. This man's reaction was so quick that he just cut off a few strands of hair!

Then, taking advantage of the shelter of the green haired swordsman, Lin Xuan pulled up Lin Yu and stepped on the shadow step of the moon. In an instant, he escaped hundreds of meters away!

After him, it was impossible for Song Lin or the retinues to let them go so easily and keep up with them. Moreover, the tall servant was very fast, not much weaker than Lin Xuan's moon shadow step, but he was about to catch up with him in just a few minutes!

"Hum, death is imminent. Don't waste your efforts!"

At this moment, the tall retinue suddenly got close to him. His body method was very extraordinary. He immediately entangled Lin Xuan. The two of them fell into crisis!

However, at this moment, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of Lin Xuan.

"Well, it's so busy. What a coincidence!"

Shen MuQing was dressed in white, with a smile on her beautiful face, like a fairy in the sky.

At this moment, Lin Xuan's heart moved and immediately roared: "help me!"

"Eh, who is this young master? Are we familiar? Why should I help you?"

Shen MuQing's smile is full of spirit.

"Day your uncle, Shen MuQing, don't pretend to be silly, if you don't do it again, I'll be cold here!"

Lin Xuan immediately scolded, this surname Shen is also too irritating, at the beginning clearly recognized his identity, but today deliberately pretended not to know!

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