"Hum, you are too unreasonable, young master."

Shen MuQing snorted, but he still had a smile on his face. His clothes were like a nine day Xuan girl.

"Bah, this is not the time to joke. Come and help me!"

Lin Xuan is very depressed. This little girl's skin is absolutely intentional!

"I don't know you, but I just happened to pass by. Why should I help you?"

She Yingying a smile, although she said not to help, but calmly went to the edge of the battlefield Lin Xuan and others!

Such an accident made Gao's retinue a little surprised. He had to stop, turn over his body, step back a few steps, and distance himself from Lin Xuan and others.

Lin Xuan, however, directly leads Lin Yu to Shen MuQing's side, guarding against the tall retinue.

Shen MuQing just stood there quietly, like an abyss, which made people unable to see through. His temperament was as ethereal as an immortal. The battle in the field stopped in an instant.

The tall retinue looked at Shen MuQing with a cold face. In the deep of his eyes, he was a little scared. He couldn't know whether he was a friend or an enemy!

At this time, Song Lin and others all came after him. At a glance, he saw Shen MuQing standing in front of him.

"I know you, the beautiful girl of heaven who ascends the ladder. Why do you want to intervene in today's affairs?"

Song Lin's eyes are awe inspiring, glaring at Shen MuQing!

"I think you have misunderstood me. As I have said just now, I just happened to meet you when I passed by here."

Shen MuQing's eyes are as bright as stars. She blinks her eyes, looks delicate and says with a smile.

"In that case, get out of the way and don't get in our way!"

Song Lin snorted coldly and said angrily!

"Originally, I wanted to leave, but the childe's temper is really big. He treats me like nothing and scolds me like that. It's really majestic!"

Shen MuQing's appearance is still indifferent, but his tone is cold.

She is not an ordinary woman and has never been reprimanded.

"Hum, I knew you had a ghost in your heart for a long time. In that case, don't leave. Stay and die together!"

"Ha ha, I really can't bear to say that the girl died just like this."

"Well, I'll abolish your cultivation and make you a mortal forever. What do you think of it

This song Lin's eyes are playful. He doesn't care about Shen MuQing at all, with a provocative voice!

In his eyes, Shen MuQing is only the cultivation of the three sections of the spirit. He has many followers, and all of them are more than five sections of the spirit. All of them are the experts carefully cultivated by the family. It's nothing to deal with the three wastes!

I feel like I'm going to win!

"Young master..."

However, at this time, the high squire suddenly began to remind Song Lin to be careful!

But unfortunately, the words have been exported. How can they be withdrawn?

"See, this guy is so arrogant, and also so dirty and disgusting. It's really insulting to say that he's going to arrest you as a maid. Don't bear to beat them!"

On the other side, Lin Xuan, with a smile, adds oil and vinegar to Shen MuQing's ears and encourages her to do it!

"And you?"

Shen MuQing looked back at Lin Xuan and said with a smile.

Song Lin's words just now seemed to have no influence on her. She was still as indifferent as a Buddha. No one could shake her mood.

"Just these little bastards, you still use me to help you. You can solve them all by yourself. If you are here with me, don't pretend. You have the strength. Don't hide and tuck them in. Beat them!"

This remark, in the eyes of others, naturally is Lin Xuan full of nonsense, nonsense.

Are you kidding me? A weak woman with three sections of Spirit said that she could beat all of them. It's really the biggest slip in the world!

"Ha ha ha, Lin Xuan, it's very stupid of you to say these mindless words when you are dying!"

Naturally, Song Lin didn't believe it. He burst out laughing with a sneer on his face.

Even Lin Yu was very puzzled. He thought Lin Xuan's words were incredible. He said in a low voice: "can it work?"

"Why can't you believe Miss Shen? She's hiding too deep, so it gives you an illusion that she's weak."

"In fact, this woman is so strong!"

"If she didn't want to keep a low profile that day, she would have already crossed 120 steps!"

Lin Xuan points to Shen MuQing beside her and teases her in front of her.

In the field, only the most profound high squire can feel Shen MuQing's terror, so he has always wanted to persuade Song Lin not to provoke her.

On one side, Shen MuQing's eyes were like eyes, and the water was gurgling. She said with a smile, "you're a good abacus. It's good to sit here and enjoy your success. I wanted to help you before I showed up. As a result, you turned around and sold me!"

Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "what's the matter? What's the relationship between us? Forget it. I believe you. If you are in danger, I will help you."

Help or not, beautiful words must be said.

"Well, why don't I believe that?"

The woman said with a coquettish smile.

"Well, you are admitting your identity?" But at this time, Shen MuQing suddenly thought of something, curious way.

"Nonsense is not. I've talked to this extent, but I have not admitted it."

Lin Xuan is helpless. He can't admit it. Today's crisis can't be solved by him alone. The realm of the two great retinues is too high.

"But you have to keep it a secret for me. I don't want to expose myself so early!"

Lin Xuan continued to remind.

However, at this moment, the opposite Song Lin sneered again and said, "enough, you can't delay here!"

"Procrastination? Who do you look down on, Miss Shen? It's self-confidence. Don't take you seriously, OK

What Lin Xuan said at this time was not true.

Shen MuQing is absolutely with him a level of peerless genius, even if slightly inferior, also absolutely strong.

And when Lin Xuan faced Shen MuQing, he was afraid in the bottom of his heart. He was too mysterious and hidden too deeply. There was an unexpected secret on him.

Otherwise, she would never have been a weak woman who had no talent to practice. In five years, she would have reached the peak of the three periods of spiritual cultivation. She would have lost her crown in Huangcheng, and her realm was extremely stable. This has created a miracle.

The others are not sure, but Shen MuQing has absolutely practiced the top-level skills. Otherwise, when she practices spiritually, it is impossible to hang Shen Yan who has already been spirited. This is a high-level or even holy level skill, which can only be achieved by the top-level skill with a very high upper limit of each realm!

Lin Xuan is confident that if his cultivation is like Shen MuQing's, and reaches the peak of the third section of the spirit, then the five people present are really a fart, and he can suppress it by raising his hand!

Shen MuQing can do what he can.

"Are you so confident in my strength?"

Shen MuQing shakes his head and looks at Lin Xuan with a smile.

"Come on, come on, don't talk nonsense. We'll take the battle for you and don't let them run away. Today, the whole pit is here to prevent the information from leaking out!"

Lin Xuan waved his hand to Shen MuQing!

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