"Eight two!"

Shen Mu says two characters abruptly in her mouth, and her expression is slowly serious.

"Lying trough, isn't it? Do you want to be so dark, five five!"

Of course, Lin Xuan understood what Shen MuQing was talking about, that is, spoils. She meant that she accounted for 80%!

"Then you come?"

Shen MuQing laughed angrily and said angrily.

"64, buy it now."

Lin Xuan continued to fight for more rights and interests for himself.

"You fight. I'll go. I'll come back when you're done."

Shen MuQing shakes his head, leans his white clothes to the world, turns around and leaves!

"Well, what are you doing? There must be a process for negotiation. Otherwise, what do you think of 73?"

"Ai Ai, you really go!"

"All right, all right, you're ruthless. Eight two is eight two!"

However, despite Lin Xuan's improvement, Shen MuQing still didn't look back. In such a short time, she had already walked out of hundreds of meters.

"Crouching trough, how can you be so black, nine one, nine one OK!"

When Lin Xuan's voice came out, he saw a figure in white, like a fairy in the dust. In a moment, he passed Lin Xuan and killed Song Lin and others, like a sword coming to the West!


Song Lin's eyes are full of disbelief. Unexpectedly, there is such a high speed in the world. It's just too fast. If it wasn't for the high servant's quick reaction and blocking the killing move for him, Song Lin would have been killed on the spot!

In the field, the tall servant had a golden pole in his hand, waving it in his hand to resist Shen MuQing's attack!

Then, the green haired swordsman, the middle-aged squire, and another short and fat squire made a concerted effort to kill Shen MuQing on the spot!

However, at this moment, the blue and gold sword was simple and powerful, and the sword Qi rushed to the sky, dispersing the crowd around, and all of them were shot away!

All of a sudden, the sound of a sword rushed to the sky, shaking the sky, causing people to be shocked!

The green haired swordsman, in particular, is a swordsman. He has his own unique understanding of kendo, but this woman who is reincarnated from heaven and man is so powerful that she has already cultivated her sword spirit!

How terrible is this?

"Young master, let's cover for you to go first. This man is extraordinary. Maybe there will be a big change!"

The high squire yelled. In order to block Shen MuQing's attack, he vomited blood directly!

That kind of sword Qi broke into his body and swam among his four limbs, making him difficult to dissolve!

I think it's incredible that the high squire is going to enter the sixth section of the spirit, but now he can't stand Shen MuQing's attack at all!

"No! How can it be

Song Lin was shocked. He didn't believe it was true. There were still such women in the world. Just now, he even dared to say that he wanted to abandon other people's cultivation and arrest them as maidservants!

I don't know what to do!

This is the biggest insult to Shen MuQing. He has already announced his death penalty!

At this time, the two retinues, tall, short, fat and thin, want to stop Shen MuQing for a moment and let the green haired swordsman and the middle-aged suozijia retinue take Song Lin away!

For a short moment, Shen MuQing, even though he is strong, can't easily kill the two people. They still have strength and are carefully cultivated.

However, not far away Lin Xuan and Lin Yu also moved, blocking all their retreat!

At this moment, the situation completely reversed, and Song Lin and others turned into turtles in a jar!

"Do you want to go now? It's too late

Lin Xuan sneered. Song Lin scolded so fiercely just now, but now he was as embarrassed as a dog. He was scared!

The next moment, Shen MuQing's battlefield has already occupied the advantage, forcing the two high and low squires to disperse and evade!

Shen MuQing, on the other hand, moves in the air, reappears the immortal means, takes a short step in the air, pursues his opponent like a bird, and wields his sword, which is extremely fierce!

The sword light was waved down by her and fell at the foot of the high squire. As soon as she touched it, it exploded, and the whole earth trembled like thunder!

At this moment, even if the high squire had already expected Shen MuQing's strength, he still didn't expect that he could catch up with them five by himself. It was terrible!

They know that there is no hope of escape. Today, only by fighting to the death can they win a chance of survival!

"Damn it, you forced me. Today you will surely die!"

Song Lin and others were surrounded by groups and couldn't walk away. He gave a loud shout and his face was angry!

"I really think I'm a bully. My song family is one of the big families in Qingyun Prefecture. They have a deep foundation. Can you imagine that?"

"If I really want to play such a card, you'll have to die!"

Then, in Song Lin's hand, a seemingly ordinary but mysterious pottery pot suddenly appeared!

"Don't be afraid of something, Miss Shen. Who doesn't have a trump card? I'm ready to sacrifice it at any time. You go up first and beat him to death!"

Lin Xuan stood in the distance, looking disdainful.

In the center of the battlefield, Shen MuQing's mouth twitches slightly, and his beautiful face is full of shame and anger. He always feels that Lin Xuan, who has changed his original identity, has let himself go. Previously, in Luohuang City, he paid special attention to his words and deeds, especially a gentleman, because he wanted to show the demeanor of a direct disciple of the great cult!

Now, it has become a rogue, standing in the distance to say sarcastic, too irritating!

However, Shen MuQing was not really angry. She knew that this was Lin Xuan's counterattack to her sarcastic remarks just now

Beside him, the corners of Lin Yu's mouth moved. He felt that Lin Xuan and Miss Shen MuQing were a little like enemies

At this time, Song Lin, who was ignored, was furious again. How ever was he treated like this? Those people who saw him in the past would like to lick his smelly feet and dare not fight him at all!

But today, there are one genius after another. It's insulting not to take him seriously!

His own cultivation talent is not very high, only relying on the identity of the family can command, at the moment as if stripped naked, a little angry!

This person has been trapped in the magic barrier, often in which aspect of weakness, the more can not see others good!

If he was not gifted, he hated all the gifted people, especially those who had no background. Otherwise, he would not have chosen Lin Yu!

"Damn it, you all die, die!"

With that, Song Lin urged the pot to shine like stars!


The next moment, the mouth of the pot suddenly burst, and black light gushed out. Inside, a blue purple shadow rushed out, like a giant beast in the abyss, covered with cold scales. Suddenly, the shadow rushed to the sky, becoming more solid and huge, and manifested in the sky!

It is like a spirit, rushing up to the sky, the Dragon chanting, shaking the nine clouds, howling mountains and rivers!

"That's a dragon shadow!"

In the distance, seeing this sacred scene, Lin Yu coughed up a mouthful of blood. He was hurt by a palm before, and murmured.

In this world, all the things related to dragon and Phoenix are very important!

Dragon, that is the synonym of the end, grow to the prime of life of the real dragon, the worst has become a saint!

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