"Lin Xuan, go to die!"

The green haired swordsman's hair is developing. The sword in his hand is like a flying feather, and it's coming out of his hand and stabbing at Lin Xuan's throat!

This unconventional scene made Lin Xuan dull for a short time, but then he reacted quickly and avoided the inevitable attack in a hurry!

"Well, it's really insidious. I've neglected it. Fortunately, your sword speed is too slow, but I have a lot of time to react!"

"This sword didn't kill me. Ha ha, I don't know if you can catch my sword!"

Lin Xuan snorted coldly. The thrilling scene just now really made his back sweat. Fortunately, his sense of mind was sharp enough and his reaction was quick enough. Otherwise, he would be stabbed in his body, or he would be in the fatal position of his throat. Maybe he would fall on the spot!

The friars who have not gathered the spirit are so fragile that they may die at any time!

But then, with a roar, Lin Xuan turned into a shadow. He stepped on the moon shadow step, increased his speed to the limit, rushed to the green haired swordsman, and jumped up!

"Magic power - Juli!"

"Mountain splitting style!"

The surging spirit power gushed out from Lin Xuan's body. At the moment, he was just like the sea. There was a steady stream of pure spirit power converging on the blade. In the blink of an eye, all sounds were silent!


The clang of swords and daggers is as beautiful as the sound of nature.


As strong as a swordsman with green hair, he can't bear the blow. The long sword in his hand is in a hurry to block, but he can't bear the power of the cross cutting sword technique. Every inch of it collapses into pieces and scattered in the sky!

And the shaking force was like being pressed down by a mountain peak, which made his legs sink into the earth two feet deep in an instant!

The mouth is also gushing out two mouthfuls of red blood, eyes full of shock look!

"How can you..."

The green haired swordsman's face is unimaginable. As he speaks, he is still bleeding. Obviously, his internal organs have been injured!

"It's said that the tiger is not powerful. You really treat me as a sick cat!"

Lin Xuan sneers. He mentions Huanglong Dao and just wants to cut this man in front of his eyes to destroy his life.

However, the next moment, without waiting for Lin Xuan to wield this knife to really kill, the short man's retinue came in a hurry, holding a big hammer of strange style in his hand, as huge as an urn!

The huge hammer suddenly hit Lin Xuan's head. If it was hit, I'm afraid not all his head would be smashed and the whole person would die!

He had to give up the killing moment and leave for a short time, leaving a shadow behind him!

The short man gave a cold chide. His face was ugly. He was as fat as a pig, but he was born strong. The huge hammer was like nothing in his hand. He could jump up and chase Lin Xuan again to fight him!

"Where to go!"

However, at this time, Lin Xuan's steps suddenly stopped, he suddenly turned around, facing the hammer that was bigger than the boulder, without fear in his heart!

"Go? Why did Lao Tzu leave? I've never been afraid of anyone in my life He gave a sneer, his face was extremely cold, like a demon coming back from hell, and his whole body was full of fierce breath!

"Ha ha ha, I seem to have heard the funniest joke in the world. You're really a mantis arm in the way of the car. You're looking for your own death!"

The short servant laughed wildly, his eyes full of ridicule and disdain.

"I was born with great strength, and I practiced the method of refining my body. My body is unparalleled, and my strength is boundless. I can pull out mountains!"

"Even those who are higher than me dare not compete with me in body and power. Why are you such a waste of spirit?"

It's not arrogance. What is it?

It made him laugh!

"I was carefully cultivated by my family. When I was young, I used to soak in animal blood. In my own flesh and blood, there was that kind of savage blood, so that I gained great power!"

But also because of this, some blood in those animal blood is not pure, which makes his body surface produce some rotten sores, especially his face. All the toxins that can not be refined in his body gather here, making his face ugly.

"And you? A weak bug, that golden knife is a bit extraordinary. Without it, what are you

The short man sneered, as if he could show his greatness!

"Ha ha, you are the first one in the history to refine your body to the point that people are not ghosts and ghosts. It's really amazing!"

Lin Xuan laughs. This man's so-called body refining method is definitely not a good one. It has huge defects. Otherwise, he would not have refined people like this. He thought it was born in the womb, but it was not.

"Damn, you want to die!"

However, Lin Xuan's words seemed to touch the short man's strong self-esteem. Suddenly, he ran towards him like a bull, shaking the earth!

The huge hammer was carried in his hand. If there was nothing, he would step on the air and hit Lin Xuan heavily!

"Go to hell!"

However, Lin Xuan's eyes were extremely calm. A golden sword in his hand waved out and aroused the sound of breaking the air!

"Horizontal sky chop!"


The next moment, the golden long knife suddenly hit the huge black gold hammer, and it gave out a deafening roar, like nine days of thunder, shaking the sky!


The terrible wave of destroying the sky and the earth is like the passage of a strong wind. The dust is blowing. On the old trees in the distance, the leaves are falling, almost falling out!

The next moment, I saw that the short squire's mouth suddenly spewed out a mouthful of black blood, and the whole person flew upside down. The huge black gold hammer was directly split by the tortoise, and was split by the Huanglong knife. Then it broke into several pieces and fell slowly from the air!

"Black blood?" Lin Xuan's eyes were clear and he thought about it.

His body was infected by the accumulated toxin, and his blood was already impure!

This method of refining the body is really refining with life, which has great side effects!

However, Lin Xuan was not so relaxed. Even though he was strong, the blow made his arm numb, and the tiger's mouth was shaking. It was a little sore!

I have to admit that this person still has some things, should be regarded as half a person with special physique!

However, there was no chance to rest in such a decisive battle. Of course, he was killed while he was ill!

Lin xuanqiang took a mouthful of essence and blood. The continuous fighting has consumed most of his strength. However, the immortal Sutra is strong enough to absorb the aura of heaven and earth all the time. The aura in his body is still full, but his spirit is a little tired!

His Huanglong Dao is high enough. After dozens of battles, it's still shining, with neat blade and no damage!

Lin Xuan stepped on the shadow of the moon step and chased out in an instant. Before the short squire flew backward, he jumped and hit hard!

"Mountain splitting style!"

The huge shock, such as Huang zhongdalu, is quiet and shaking. The whole earth seems to be split by this blow, with a long crack!

Inside, it's like a broken robe with black blood, buried in the soil!

Lin Xuan looks indifferent. He turns around and no longer looks at the tragedy behind him. There is no mercy in the battle. Either you die or I live!

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