"You... You killed him?"

Not far away, the green haired swordsman's eyes were dull and scared.

He's incredible!

Lin Xuan's cultivation is only one part of the spirit, and both he and his short followers are all five parts of the spirit!

This is not a gap between one or two small realms, but four small realms!

The most incredible thing is Lin Xuan. Under the attack of the two of them, he can still kill them, which makes his heart cool and seems to witness a miracle!

"Well, that's funny. Only your people are allowed to pursue my friends?"

"I will not only kill him, but also kill you. From the moment you lay hands on us, we are doomed to each other's end."

Lin Xuan sneered. At the moment, the green haired swordsman had already been seriously injured. Even in his heyday, he was not afraid!

"Today, I'll take you on the road!"

The long sword is extremely sharp in the air!

Lin xuanru falls to the ground like a meteor. He kills the green haired swordsman in front of him in one jump and wields a knife fiercely!

The green haired swordsman is scared at the moment. His original sword has broken, and there is no longer anything around him!

He wanted to retreat in a hurry, but it was too late!

Lin Xuan, like a pig or a dog, slashes the sky. The green haired swordsman's back clothes are broken, and there is a bloodstain. His tall and straight body is like a building block. In an instant, it is divided into two parts!


In the distance, the middle-aged servant in Suozi armour roared. He looked sad and his eyes were full of tears!

But then, he became angry again. The whole person seemed to be crazy. He gave up the injured Lin Yu and turned to Lin Xuan!

"Damn you!"

With a long gun in his hand, Qiu bearded man attacked like a mighty general!

However, Lin Xuan gave a sneer. Without the slightest fear, he jumped up and welcomed him with the Huanglong sword!


The fierce fight rolled up the dust all over the sky. Tears came from the eyes of Qiu bearded servants. He was so mad that he cried and laughed. He was so sad in his heart!

"I will kill you and avenge my brother!"

Qiu bearded big man has a long gun like a dragon, and his sonorous voice is heard all the time. He is a big man, and every time he hits, he has great strength!

"Well, that green haired swordsman is the brother of one of your mother's compatriots!"

"Sad? Is it heartache? "

Lin Xuan sneered, without any sympathy on his face!

"Have you ever thought about the blood in your hands? Have their souls ever rested? "

"Shut up and die!"

However, the middle-aged servant roared, kill again!

"Don't live by your own sin!"

Lin Xuan sighed. His spiritual power gushed out, like the white moon, pouring into the sword!

The Yellow Dragon sword is invincible. Lin Xuan kills all sides. It's hard to stop him and wipe out thousands of troops!

The ferocious knife cut out one big pit after another, and the middle-aged servant was also very embarrassed at the moment. His weapon grade was not high. At the moment, the silver gun was full of cracks, as if it would be broken with a touch!

Lin Xuan is too strong. He is like a demon. He has the power to cut mountains. The Yellow Dragon Sword turns into the most terrible weapon in his hands. It's so strong!

Nothing can stop his blade. It's too magical and extraordinary!

"I didn't expect that I would die in your hands today... I'm not reconciled!"

The middle-aged servant roared bitterly. He wanted to go against the sky and kill Lin Xuan!

However, it can not be done, too powerless!

That young figure is really like the reincarnation of heaven and man, the world's elusive genius, let him have some despair!

It's not enough to kill the two spirits in a row. At the moment, he's going to die!

The middle-aged servant only felt that the spiritual power in his body had been exhausted. His body was wobbly and could not stand steadily. He could only support himself with the long gun full of cracks, and he did not fall down!

What about Lin Xuan?

The more he fought, the more brave he was. Every knife was stronger than the last one!

It's just out of the ordinary!

At this moment, Lin Xuan looked at the burly, but exhausted figure. He felt a little sad.

"It's over, next life, don't be my enemy!"

Lin Xuan didn't give half of his kindness, because he knew that if it was him who met this scene today, the other side would not have the slightest sympathy!

Lin Xuan had known the cruelty of practice for a long time. He had no way back.

This world is not the one he once stayed in. The world is peaceful and stable!

It's a cruel, bloody and dangerous world!

The road to the peak is doomed to be a lot of bones, he has no choice!

"Ha ha ha... Wu Wu Wu... Ha ha ha!"

The middle-aged servant already knew that he was at a dead end. He was very sad, but he wanted to laugh very much.

"Free at last!"

The middle-aged servant closed his eyes. He could not lift his gun and accepted his life.

The blade fell, and a bright red bead of blood slowly flowed from his neck. In the twinkling of an eye, it was like a vast ocean!

When Lin Xuan came to Lin Yu, he saw that there was a deep wound on his chest. There was a gurgling blood gushing out. His face turned white and his lips were dry.

"Da Huan Dan, the pill of middle and low grade. Here you are!"

This is when Lin Xuangang just killed the three middle-aged servants. The system rewards Da huandan. Lin Xuan sends it to Lin Yu and feeds him!

"Cough... Poof... Don't worry, I'm ok, I can't die..."

However, as soon as Lin Yucai swallowed it, a mouthful of stinking blood came out of his throat.


Lin Xuan's face changed, worried.

"Well, it's good that it's not a poison without antidote. Let me sit here and have a rest for a while. It's OK. Go and help Miss Shen quickly."

Lin Yu nodded, his face was tired. He sat on the ground and tried to drive out the residual toxin in his body!

Seeing this, Lin Xuan took out two big return pills and handed them to Lin Yu. Then he got up and rushed to the battlefield of Shen MuQing!

At this time, the huge Python virtual shadow has been very transparent, as if to dissipate in general!

Shen MuQing, with a cold air and a refined temperament, has not suffered any damage since the war. It's incredible!

Not far away, Song Lin and Gao's servants still attack Shen MuQing from time to time, but she dissolves them one by one!

"I'll help you!"

Lin Xuangang just swallowed a Da Huan Dan. At the moment, the spiritual power and Qi and blood in his body are boiling. He is not afraid of a battle!

"What... You didn't die?"

At this moment, Song Lin was shocked. In his opinion, it should be no problem to let the three middle-aged retinues clean up their two wastes, but he didn't expect that Lin Xuan came back alive now!

Their battle just now moved out several miles, and Shen MuQing also deliberately led the enemy away as far as possible for them, so Song Lin and others did not see the previous battle!

If not, it will definitely come to stop!

"Dead? Ha ha, you look down on me too much. If you all die, I won't die! "

Lin Xuan laughs. At the moment, he is relieved, because the battle has come to an end!

Shen MuQing is undamaged and consumes a lot at most, which is great news for him!

The situation really turned over. Lin Xuan was alone with Song Lin and Gao Ge, and Shen MuQing was finally able to deal with the python!

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