"Impossible... How can it be?"

"You must be lying!"

"How can you escape from the hands of the three of them..."


Song Lin's face is unimaginable. Up to now, he still takes the proud attitude of a big family. He doesn't put Lin Xuan in his eyes and calls him waste from time to time!

"Ha ha, you guessed right, the three of them have died. They died miserably. I did it. How, do you want to avenge them?"

Lin Xuan laughs and sneers back.

"Lin Xuan..."

When Song Lin heard the words, he suddenly became dull. The proud look in his eyes had faded away. He repeated Lin Xuan's name in a low voice, as if he knew him for the first time!

"No, I don't believe it!"

Song Lin roared. He didn't know whether he didn't believe it or he didn't want to believe it!

"Kill, kill him for me!"

Song Lin's eyes were full of anger, and his face was cold!

The next moment, I saw a high squire coming towards Lin Xuanchong in an instant. A mountain axe appeared in his hand. It was as if it was made of brass. It was golden, and it was shining with Lin Xuan's yellow dragon sword!

"What's the matter? I've been seriously injured and I'm about to go to the ground. I dare to rush up!"

"Forget it, I'd better take you on the road together."

Lin Xuan gave a sneer. Before that, he hit a squire heavily. Later, Shen MuQing also hit him heavily. Unexpectedly, he recovered a lot of Kung Fu. I think he took a rare elixir!

But no matter whether it is injured or not, Lin Xuan is not very concerned about it!

At present, only Song Lin and Gao's retinue are left. He has fought against each other with confidence on his face!

Just at this time, a bright axe came. Lin Xuan immediately took back his mind and reacted quickly. He waved a horizontal sky chop to cut off the high retinue!


The violent bombardment, like thunder, shook the earth.

Just as their bodies separated, they saw the high retinue making a comeback!

"Go to hell!"

The high squire's eyes were cold at the moment. He jumped up and fell heavily to kill Lin Xuan!

But how could Lin Xuan be defeated so easily? The Yellow Dragon sword in his hand was really like a yellow dragon, which was thrown out by him and turned into a terrible weapon, and went straight to the face of the high squire!

He learned this skill from the green haired swordsman!

Moreover, Lin Xuan's power was so terrible, and the Huanglong sword was so sharp that it was irresistible. Even the gods and demons were scared!

Lin Xuan's unexpected move suddenly disrupted the high squire's position and forced him to turn his body in the air!

However, in this very short time, Lin Xuan moved again!

Although he had nothing in his hand, he had no fear. There was a trace of calmness in his eyes!

Suddenly, he turned into a human beast and rushed to the high squire who twisted his body!

"Don't put out the palm!"


What kind of mountain axe, what kind of spirit five peak cultivation!

In this power to open the sky under the palm of the hand, will turn into a masterpiece!


A mouthful of red blood from the high squire's mouth, there is a bloody handprint behind him, as if inlaid into the flesh and blood!

This palm, like the creation of heaven and earth, recreate the myth!

Let the muscles and bones behind the high retinue be broken. Even the heart is broken by the powerful Qi. It's hard to support his body and fall from the air silently!

The axe also seemed to be lamenting the loss of its master. It fell to the ground and let out a clear cry!

"Young master... I've tried my best..."

The voice of the high squire was full of blood. His voice was weak and hard to hear, such as a broken Gong voice!

But it moved the audience.

Lin Xuan stood in the same place, silent for a moment, did not say a word, turned to look at the distance completely Silly Song Lin!

He didn't expect that the powerful retinue around him in the past would die one by one in front of him today!

And the people who took the shot were all the same!

What a shame!

In the past, Song Lin felt that he would have an irrepressible desire to kill his opponent!

But today, when he really faced such a scene, looking at Lin Xuan's figure like a demon, his heart had already given birth to infinite fear!

That seemingly weak trash!

He was shocked by breaking the myth again and again!

Is it really human's work to cut off four spirituals in five sections with one section of cultivation?

Song Lin in the heart sends out infinite question, don't understand why that figure is detached from common sense, he won't tired?

"It's your turn!"

Lin Xuan gave a cold smile and showed his bloodthirsty eyes!

This day is the most serious day for him to kill. In his eyes, Song Lin is a dead man and has no chance of survival!


"You can't kill me..."

"I'm the legitimate son of the Song family. If you kill me, you will suffer unimaginable disaster!"

Song Lin was flustered. His heart was blank at the moment. He was scared by Lin Xuan's eyes. He didn't have the same look as before. He was completely scared!

"Only by killing you, the news won't leak out. In fact, it doesn't have to happen!"

Lin Xuan sneered and sighed.

At this moment, Song Lin suddenly regretted that he didn't bring more retinues, but regretted that he provoked Shanglin Yu!

If he did not want to kill Lin Yu, he would not encounter Lin Xuan!

This man is terrible!

However, at this moment, it's too late to say anything. There is no regret medicine to take in the world!

Song Lin doesn't want to die!

But he did not dare to face Lin Xuan!

Even the high retinue was defeated by Lin Xuan. Song Lin didn't think he would be better than him. He was terrified!

Then, Song Lin seemed to react suddenly. He didn't expect the more illusory shape of Python in the sky to save him!

Not only Lin Xuan shocked him!

Shen MuQing, just like him!

"What evils are there in this session?"

Song Lin's teeth were trembling. He watched Lin Xuan walk towards him step by step, just like the bell from hell!

"Bata, Bata..."


Song Lin turns around in panic. At the moment, his demeanor is gone. He just wants to live, show the extreme speed he can take in his life, and escape to the shadow forest!

He roared in his heart: "escape, there is heavy fog in the shadow forest. As long as you escape, you can survive, and they will never find me again!"

It has to be said that Song Lin's speed is really very fast. In less than a breath, he has escaped tens of meters!

What's more, Song Lin felt more joyful, that is, behind him, he didn't feel someone chasing him!

"Run away!"

At this moment, there is only one word left in Song Lin's heart, that is escape!

However, the more he ran, the more strange he felt!

How could Lin Xuan let him go so easily?

Why is there no movement behind?

There are countless questions in Song Lin's heart. His steps suddenly, he wants to see if there is anyone coming after him!

Then Song Lin turned his head carefully.

A sound of breaking the air comes slowly!

What appeared in front of him was an arrow wrapped in a red flame

That arrow's appearance is very strange, such as Trident general, toward his rapid rush!

Song Lin subconsciously wants to dodge, however, his body seems to be fixed in general, difficult to move, only to watch the strange arrow jump to his eyes!


The next moment, the silver Trident from his chest through, with blood red spray, momentum does not reduce, far into a towering tree.


The fierce impact startled thousands of birds, leaves fell into pieces.

In the distant sky, the illusory Python's true form finally consumed its last spirit, silently disintegrated, turned into light and rain, and fell to the earth!

A beautiful woman, bathed in the holy splendor, jumped down from the sky. She came to Lin Xuan with a light temperament and a smile, as if all things were born.

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