"This guy is really fat. There are so many people in his family."

Lin Xuan turns over Song Lin's cold body and finds out three rings and two bags!

There are many miraculous medicines and stones, as well as some precious materials, incomplete skills and secret arts.

The rest of the people's things are not as rich as Song Lin's, but they are still pretty good. They turned out more than two million pieces of Lingshi.

This wave if Lin Xuan himself a person profit, it must be overnight wealth!

But because there are Shen MuQing and Lin Yu, these things naturally have to be reasonably distributed!

However, they did not come according to the proportion agreed before, just joking.

Shen MuQing fought 40% alone, and Lin Xuan and Lin Yu 30% each.

However, many things can't be sold and used. After all, it's easy to arouse suspicion. Song Lin's family is too powerful. If they know the truth, it will be very bad for them.

What can really be used are the spirit contracts and elixir materials of Lingshi and the major chambers of Commerce.

In the end, Lin Xuan got 400000 spirit stone, medicine and various materials.

"400000 is not bad. It's not in vain."

Lin Xuan was still happy. Although he went through a lot of dangers, he managed to save himself from danger.

Shen MuQing's long black hair is bright and smooth. She has a faint smile on her beautiful face. She stares at Lin Xuan with great interest and says, "last time I saw you, I didn't admit my identity. Why, do you think I can't recognize you if you don't tell me?"

"No, no, you must have misunderstood. At that time, there were so many people and so many words. How could I easily expose my identity?"

Lin Xuan shakes his head, and his face is harmless.

Then, he continued, "I actually wanted to find you in private later, but there were so many things that I was delayed."

"I apologize."

Lin Xuan has a good attitude to admit his mistake, which makes Shen MuQing laugh.

She didn't expose the loopholes in Lin Xuan's words, but her eyes moved slightly, and she said with a smile: "well, let's not talk about this matter first. Let's talk about the matter that goes on."

"Why did you leave my Shen family without saying goodbye?"

Hearing the words, Lin Xuan was even more helpless. He didn't know why. How could he say that he had cheated at the beginning? Isn't it good to know this kind of thing by heart?

But looking at Shen MuQing's appearance, he clearly wants to see his embarrassment.

"Keke, I had something important to do. I was in a hurry, so..."

Lin Xuan's face was very embarrassed, and the lie was full of holes.

Shen MuQing has a slight jaw. In fact, she knows Lin Xuan's style before, but she doesn't care much. She just wants to embarrass him and see his embarrassment!

At present, Shen MuQing's idea comes true, and he is too lazy to entangle with Lin Xuan.

"Lin Xuan, is that your real name?"

Shen MuQing shook her head and said, slightly angry.

"Well... Yes, Keke, you have to hide your identity and change your name when you are wandering in the world."

Lin Xuan felt his head awkwardly and nodded.

If he is the most guilty to anyone, it's really Shen MuQing.

At the beginning of that bosao's operation, he had a lot of array symbols in the basic catalogue. Even in the end, he was insatiable of cheating 100000 spirit stones!

So now, facing Shen MuQing with his real body, there are still some problems in his heart!

Thick skinned, we have to divide the time and the object.

Now, he really can't afford to be generous. He feels that he owes something to the Shen family.

"Well, I think you are afraid of being beaten."

But Shen MuQing didn't care. He just gave a groan and exposed the truth mercilessly.

"And your face? Is it true? "

But then, Shen MuQing again issued his own questions.

At the beginning, Lin Xuan not only changed his name, but also changed his appearance by using the secret technique in the immortal xuanjing.

He had to nod again, embarrassed to find a crack to drill in.

"It's true. It's absolutely true this time. The old and the young are not deceived!"

Shen MuQing chuckled and said, "what are you going to do next?"

"What are you going to do? Now everything is really safe. After selling all the notes, you should be at ease to practice in seclusion and break through the realm first. "

He smile, in the heart relieved tone, Shen MuQing finally let him go, did not mention before.

Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing stroll in the desolate mountains. They seem to be a perfect combination of talent and beauty. They have their own merits and unique style.

After a short period of training, Lin Yu's body toxins have been discharged. It has to be said that the effect of dahuandan on detoxification is not boastful.

System products, must be fine.

He is far in the back of the hanging, was Lin Xuan two people left, in the heart bear tons of damage.

But at this time, Shen MuQing was stunned and asked, "hmm? Don't you want to take part in the assessment at the end of this year? "

"It's less than three months before the end of the year."

"If you don't actively do a few more tasks, at the end of the year, there will be no your name on the scoreboard."

"If you can't get on the scoreboard, you won't be able to participate in the sect's year to year ratio in the spring of next year, and you won't be able to get more cultivation resources in the sect."

Shen MuQing looks very puzzled and says one after another.

There are only 1000 people on the scoreboard, and only these 1000 people can participate in the zongmen competition in the spring of next year.

Ranking means cultivation resources.

No practitioner can leave the resources of cultivation, otherwise it will be difficult for him to make progress only by absorbing aura and practicing slowly.

However, in such an environment, Lin Xuan shook his head and said: "no, I'm still in a shallow state. Even if I do crazy tasks in the next days, it doesn't matter if I get into the scoreboard."

"None of those elder martial brothers who were many years ago were easy to compete with. When they were competing, they couldn't get absolute strength, let alone a good place."

"Instead of earning thousands of spirit stone resources every month, ha ha, it's better for me to refine the notes and pills and sell them for money."

Lin Xuan can see clearly. His realm is really low now. It's hard to fight a senior brother of the last term, not to mention a senior brother of the last term or even earlier!

They, and many others, still remain in the sect to practice and never leave school.

According to his efforts, he should be able to promote the second section of the spirit before the end of the year.

But that's not enough.

"Ha ha, since you have such an idea, I won't say more."

Shen MuQing nodded.

"You should come here to do the task. Ha ha, you are different from me. Your accomplishments are higher and you can compete."

"I'd better wait for next year."

Lin Xuan shakes his head and laughs at Shen MuQing.

He wants to keep a low profile, and doesn't want to go on flaunting. He hasn't been two months since he started his career. He even killed the legitimate children of the big family!

"Well, that's fine."

Shen MuQing nodded.

They didn't say much. Shen MuQing still has a task to do. He can't go back to zongmen with Lin Xuan.

Before leaving, Lin Xuan invited Shen MuQing to visit 72 peak when she returned.

But originally Lin Xuan just said it casually, but Shen MuQing said with a smile: "well, I just want to explore the way of array with you."

"But this time I've got a lot of tasks. It's estimated that it will be half a month after I get back to zongmen."

"Don't run away then!"

Shen MuQing has a bright smile and is as bright as the sun. She sweeps Lin Xuan's embarrassed face and turns around to leave. She looks like a chivalrous woman with a sword in her arms. She comes out in a white shirt and looks like a banished immortal.

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