Lin Xuan heart move, subconsciously turned around.

"What are you doing here?"

But after that, Lin Xuan regretted it.

Shen MuQing was so beautiful that she said with a smile, "didn't you invite me here before?"

"I'm finally free today. I'm here to talk with you."

She has a delicate face, an unparalleled demeanor and a bright smile.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan suddenly looked embarrassed. He had been shut up all the time before, but he forgot this stubble.

"The scenery is beautiful, the rocks are craggy, the spirit is abundant, the essence of the world is condensed, clouds and mist are winding, really like fairyland."

Shen MuQing sits on the ground with his back against a huge bluestone and looks out at the peaks in a soft voice.

"It's hard to imagine that in ancient times, it would be a bloody battlefield."

Time is like a knife, vanishing forever.

A lot of old things are covered in history, even the battlefield of the past is now full of vitality, becoming a rare treasure land.

At this time, Lin Xuan smiles and finally calms down. He goes to Shen MuQing and sits down.

Looking at the sea of clouds in the distance, Lin Xuan only felt that his body and mind were incomparably empty and bright, as if he were in nature, and could feel the breath of heaven and earth.

He slightly narrowed his eyes and said in a soft voice, "do you know a lot about the old things in ancient times?"

"I have asked Shen Yan a lot before, but what he described is not very clear. The years are too long. He said that in addition to those ancient families and inheritances, few people still remember those histories."

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Shen MuQing said with a calm smile: "he knows a little more than he does. In fact, there are many so-called ancient histories in the collection hall of qixuezong."

"I'm too lazy to look for it. Tell me about it. Today, we'll talk about history."

Lin Xuan shook his head and said with a smile.


Shen MuQing seems to be yearning for and curious about those distant times, and his eyes are bright and moving.

She is playing with a newly sprouted grass in her hand, growing in the crevice, drinking the morning dew. At the summit of this aura condensation, even the most common seedlings can be used as medicine.

"The ancient history of this world actually has a common cognition."

"The most remote is the flood and famine era, sometimes called the beginning of heaven. At that time, heaven and earth began to open, and all things were still pregnant. The world was vast and boundless."

"Later, hundreds of millions of different races bred by heaven and earth gradually grew up, opened their minds, and explored the way to practice."

"There are many ancient records that the practice system of that era was different from ours. Honghuang was the protagonist of the era. There were hundreds of millions of races, such as the real dragon and Phoenix, which could not be called invincible. There was also the existence of the same level with them."

"It's just that the time is too long to verify. I don't even know how many years ago. I'm afraid only those real ancient forbidden areas have such records."

Shen MuQing's eyes were deep and his face was full of a leisurely smile.

"Later, somehow, at the end of the flood and famine era, which is commonly known as the ancient times, there was an unimaginable war."

"Heaven and earth have been destroyed, countless mountains and rivers have been razed to the ground, the sea of blood is surging, and thousands of people are crying bitterly."

"Ancient times, is synonymous with chaos and blood, it is a period of time that can not be traced back, can not look back."

"A lot of the old things of the flood and famine era came to an end at that time."

Lin Xuan finally came to be interested. He seemed to get rid of the fog and see eternity. In his mind, he inexplicably deduced the miniature of that ancient era.

Shen MuQing has a talent for storytelling. She is beautiful and graceful.

"The era of turmoil has continued to the beginning of archaea, and this is a new era."

"Many ancient flood and famine races have been greatly weakened in the battle of ancient times. Countless races have become the ashes of history and cut off the inheritance. There are no more than one flood and famine species in their heyday."

"After such a war, many ancient races were afraid of fighting and death, and heaven and earth finally got a chance to breathe."

"All the materials that give birth to life gush out of the void, and the earth gushes into the Golden Lotus. Heaven and earth seem to be repairing their own wounds. For a long time, they can cover up a lot of scars."

"Heaven and earth come back to life, all things come back to life, and the Honghuang race once again takes over the power of heaven and earth."

"At this time, the earliest primitive human race was born, but the human race was born weak, and there was no suitable practice system for the human race, so human beings could only serve as the blood food, slaves and servants of all races."

"It was the most miserable and dark time for the Terrans."

Speaking of this, Shen MuQing sighed and felt.

"Then, in the long Taigu period, most of the time, it was still ruled by the Honghuang people."

"Until the end of the Archaean era, a powerful race was born, crushing all the wild and alien species in the world."

At this time, Shen Yan thought of Liu Ruyi and said, "Protoss."

"Yes, there are all kinds of records that they are a branch of the human race, and some people say that they are a certain wild race, but the only thing that can be determined is that they call themselves Protoss."

"At that time, heaven and earth had already recovered from the ancient wars. There were many families, and they flourished to the utmost. They reappeared the style of the flood and famine era!"

"But in such an era, the protoss rose against the sky, swept the sky and the earth, and all races had to bow their heads and be soft."

"In the past, the era of numerous ethnic groups has become a thing of the past. In the past, the times of flood and famine, the real dragon and Phoenix and so on, which were the most powerful ethnic groups, failed to do, were done by the Protoss."

"They established a divine court, ruled all directions, suppressed heaven and earth, and gave birth to a leader of the protoss who was known as the strongest in history."

"In the end of archaea, it was the era of protoss, and the world was the best!"

Speaking of this, Shen MuQing sighed again. She looked at the sea of clouds at her feet and said to herself, "however, the protoss, which is so strong and powerful that it creates a miracle never seen in ancient times, once collapsed!"

"It's like the curse of heaven and earth. At the end of Taigu, the war at the end of Honghuang reappeared, which was also unimaginable, and even more fierce than that at the end of Honghuang!"

"The most prosperous Protoss collapsed, and the power of the divine court disappeared."

"Even the most powerful man standing on the top, the head of the protoss, disappeared in the war."

"The protoss, who once dominated the world, fell into the clouds after their brilliance, and even the race was going to be extinct“

"Until now, there is no trace of protoss in the world."

Shen MuQing sighed. It seemed that he was sorry for the powerful imperial dynasty.

Lin Xuan's face is calm. Although he is familiar with Shen MuQing, he doesn't intend to tell Liu Ruyi's story, which will inevitably cause an uproar.

"How can such powerful races be completely destroyed? Ha ha, there will always be some blood left, but the world is too big to find."

Lin Xuan shook his head and said with a smile.

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