“ Yes, that race, there must be blood, perhaps, on your side and me

Shen MuQing nodded and promised.

However, her eyes, but some unusual, carefully looked at Lin Xuan, slightly blooming.

"Ha? What do you think I'm doing? You don't think I'm a Protoss, do you? "

"Emmm... That's too much nonsense. It's impossible!"

"In the ancient history of the protoss, any one of the clansmen is extremely powerful and has unparalleled talent. If I were a descendant of his blood, my family would be the second best in the reign of emperor Daqian now!"

Lin Xuan shook his head busily. He knew very well whether he was a Protoss or not.

However, Shen MuQing said with a smile, "I haven't said anything yet. Why are you so excited?"

"Well, I did have such a guess. After all, you are so unusual."

"Once upon a time, those who had not been promoted to the spirit could suppress the generation of Luohuang city."

However, Lin Xuan chuckled.

"Ha ha, according to your logic, you are so strong and Shen Qingfeng is so strong. Are they all Protoss blood?"

"And don't praise me. If I hadn't been a disciple of the great cult, many people would have cut me off."

Lin Xuan is neither humble nor arrogant. He continues.

"All right. Yes, I don't know whether the protoss is human or not. "

"Perhaps it was a branch of the Honghuang race that rose at the end of Archaea."

Shen MuQing shakes her head and doesn't care about this topic any more.

With a bright smile on her face, she continued: "at the end of the Archean era, when the protoss were dead and wounded, the deaths and injuries of all ethnic groups were no less than those at the end of the flood and famine. Those wars affected all races, and no one could be alone."

"Later, many powerful races were really afraid. The losses were too great, and the casualties were too severe. It's hard to say that there was still the risk of losing their race."

"One after another, they chose to go far away from the frontier, avoid the world, paint the land as a prison, turn it into forbidden areas, give up large areas of mountains and rivers, and let the people of the world fight."

"Years roll by like a long river. The archaic era ends in the silent ruins. There are many holes and rivers of blood between heaven and earth. Countless races are removed from the world."

"No one knows the source of the chaos. In those ancient records, some people say that the first battlefield began in the abyss, others say that it was the punishment of heaven, and some people say that it was someone who led all this behind the scenes, and there were terrorist black hands hiding behind the curtain of shadows, overlooking the heaven and earth."

"In a word, in the archaic times, the protoss were dead and wounded. No matter how hard it is to be in this world, the cost of avoiding disaster for all ethnic groups will come to an end."

In Shen MuQing's eyes, there are still many doubts. There are many words she said, even in the library of qixuezong.

Her understanding of the world is far beyond Lin Xuan's imagination.

"After that, there was the ancient era of the rise of the human race."

"In the early days of ancient times, there was a sea of waste waiting to be revived. The world was a sea of swords and blood, and there were Jedi everywhere. The mountains and rivers that had been smashed didn't know where they were. There were stars falling, the sea dried up, and even a piece of land that had been smashed into the abyss and fell into the abyss!"

"But also in this era, the human race finally rose, not only created a complete cultivation system, but also became the master of the world."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan laughs. There are not many faults in the history of the rise of the human race. There are many records in the collection hall of qixuezong, which Lin Xuan once read.

Moreover, he grew up under the red flag in his previous life. In that world, the human race also rose.

"Children and grandchildren are endless."

"The human race's powerful reproductive capacity has created today's splendid grand occasion."

Lin Xuan sighed that the earth in this world has been almost visited by the people of the human race. Wherever you go, you can meet the human race!

"Indeed, at that time, the truly powerful Honghuang race either died in the war or could not escape from the world. Those remaining on the earth could not stop the rise of the human race."

Shen MuQing nodded and agreed with Lin Xuan.

"In ancient times, there were a large number of people's sages, and all kinds of the most powerful and holy skills and secrets emerged one after another. That was really the most glorious era of the human race."

"An invincible master of alchemy created a system of alchemy."

"There is a venerable array pattern master who imitates the laws of heaven and earth and creates a basic array pattern system belonging to the human race."

"There are more famous weapon refiners in the world to create a system of weapon refining..."


"It was a brilliant era, with heavenly arrogance emerging one after another, and one after another, and the rise of the human race in such a background!"

"Later, some ancient races revived and came out of the forbidden area they had set up."

"They still think that this is the age of Archean. They still think that the Terrans are as weak as before and can be used as their blood food."

"However, those once powerful and desolate races can only be suppressed by the endless stream of human ancestors. They can either flee back to the forbidden area or be bloodthirsty."

"There were powerful races coming back hand in hand, and there were so many experts, but they didn't know that the Terrans at that time had grown to an incredible level."

"With the advantage of number, it almost reached the ruling power of the protoss at the end of Archean."

"No single race can compete, even if dozens or hundreds of races return and fight against the Terrans to regain control of heaven and earth, but it is of no help. Finally, the tortoise has to retreat to many forbidden areas."

"In the whole ancient times, it was almost a struggle between the human race and the various ethnic groups. Every few thousand years, there was a big war, which lasted for several years, and then disappeared again."

"Until now, the Terrans are the masters of heaven and earth."

Said here, Shen MuQing's face with a confident smile.

But at this time, Lin Xuan suddenly remembered that when he was in the underground mausoleum, the dutianzun had said that after a thousand years at most, those ancient races would revive and return again.

He didn't know whether there were only mysterious races in the ancient forest, or whether there were other races born together, but he thought that there would be fierce battles at that time!

In the history of ancient times, there was almost no chronology. In millions of years, there were only small-scale battles. As Shen MuQing said, every few thousands of years, there would be a bloody battle.

After that, it will disappear.

However, even so, the most secret ancient history is not owned by qixuezong.

Because the history of qixuezong is only ten thousand years!

If you want to pursue those real secrets, even in the palace of emperor Daqian, there are not many detailed records.

The world is too big. The Daqian Dynasty was just a "small country" in the northern region, even though the distance between the north and the South was tens of thousands of miles!

The northern region is vast and unimaginable. In the northern region, there are hundreds of "small countries" like the Daqian Dynasty.

Lin Xuan looked far away. He could not help feeling in his heart. He said to himself, "if cultivation is not enough, a poor life may be just a corner out of the northern region."

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