Lin Xuan looks like a man with emotion, while Shen MuQing looks at each other with a smile.

"I didn't thank you for saving my life before. Today, in order to repay you for saving your life, I want you to taste my bitter bamboo tea."

Lin Xuan raised his mouth slightly. He flattened a small piece of boulder in front of him. Although it was not so smooth, he was able to put down the teapot and cup that he took out from the storage space. He cooked the bitter bamboo tea with morning dew as he had done before when he was entertaining Lin Yu.

They can't pry into the secrets of ancient history. It's not too much to say that they are as weak as ants. It's better to talk about Fengyue.

"Thank me? Hehe, even if you didn't meet me that day, you should be OK. "

Shen MuQing laughs and looks pretty. Her feelings for Lin Xuan are just like Lin Xuan's feelings for her. They are very mysterious and believe in each other's strength.

"Ha ha, I can run, but Lin Yu is expected to stay in that battlefield forever. That's not the result I want."

"It's still more to my taste!"

The fire in Lin Xuan's hand just rang, and the tea was ready.

He poured a cup for Shen MuQing, smelling the fragrance, even Shen MuQing was full of praise and said: "ha ha, you are good at drinking."

"If you have good tea, you should also have good water. Otherwise, it's not a waste."

Such as Lingguang guanding, Lin Xuan slightly sipped, clear and clear in his mind, experience value crazy growth.

"The last Rune you taught me, I've understood it."

Shen MuQing also smiles and sips, and then opens his mouth.

"Oh? Well, have you tried it before? What's the effect? "

Lin Xuan nodded. Not everyone was as systematic as he was. As long as he had enough mental power, he could understand it by himself, especially the original runes, which were very obscure and difficult to understand. For ordinary people, it was just like a Book of heaven, and they couldn't understand it!

Shen MuQing can understand so quickly and thoroughly, which is quite rare. It is really a gift!

"Yes, these obscure runes are really powerful, even terrible. As long as the array is not too much stronger than myself, I can force a channel with my own strength! "

"But I have read many books about the way of array patterns before, and I have not found any record of these strange runes. Even the old man in the family is unheard of."

Shen MuQing looked at Lin Xuan quietly with deep eyes and asked abruptly, "Lin Xuan, where did this ancient and mysterious Rune come from?"

Lin Xuan smiles smartly. He still has some reservations about Shen MuQing, because so far, he can't see through this man.

"This mysterious rune is what I saw in a volume of ancient books. There are five similar mysterious runes recorded in that volume of ancient books. It seems that they are arranged by many basic patterns."


Shen MuQing looked surprised and puzzled.

"Yes, there are indeed five. The owner of the ancient scroll should also be a great array pattern master. He once recorded in the ancient scroll that he entered a cave by mistake and got it from there."

"But as for where the cave is, it is not mentioned."

"But even if he was as good as the pattern master, he only heard his form, but not his door. He spent all his life comprehending only two of them!"

Lin Xuan's face was not red and his heart was not beating. He explained calmly.

"One of them is the mysterious rune that I taught you last time, which is similar to" open the door ". Another function is to transmit sound. The reason why the quality of the transmitted notes I sold and made is so good is because of the blessing of this mysterious rune."

"However, only these two runes were annotated in the ancient volume. It took me a lot of effort to understand them. As for the other three runes, I didn't have the slightest clue!"

Hearing the words, Shen MuQing's face changed slightly, his eyes were smiling, like the spring breeze. He said softly, "Mr. Lin, can you copy those runes to let me have a look?"


Lin Xuan suddenly wanted to laugh. Shen MuQing seemed to return to the time when he first saw him. He was quite respectful to him. It was all because of the mysterious primitive Rune!

"Mr. Lin, is that ok?"

Shen MuQing had no choice but to put down her figure, smile and continue to ask.

"Hahaha, isn't it? Shen MuQing, how can you be so real? You have already called my name directly before, and now you look like a lady of a big family!"

Lin Xuan couldn't stop laughing, which made Shen MuQing a little embarrassed!

"Mr. Lin?"

Shen MuQing suddenly clenched her teeth, and her white and delicate face showed a trace of anger!

"All right, all right, I won't tease you."

Lin Xuan waved his hand again and again. He was really afraid of Shen MuQing's troubles. He beat him, but he couldn't beat him again. There was no place to cry at that time.

"But since I take you as my friend, you don't have to be so polite to me. Just call me Mr. Lin Xuan."

He is not a native of the world, so he doesn't feel much about the so-called red tape of the world.

In fact, he knew that Shen MuQing called him this way because he was respectful and formal.

Hearing the speech, Shen MuQing had to nod her head and say, "OK."

Lin Xuan didn't say anything. He got up and painted in the void. What he first copied with his spiritual power was the Rune of "sound transmission".

Then, not far away, he carved another rune, a total of two runes. He directly used the spiritual power to urge the rune to turn into power.

Then Lin Xuan stood in the distance under the rune and said, "Hello, can you hear me?"

All of a sudden, the original Rune on the other side of the void was shocked, and there was a shining light. Then, a voice came from inside, which was Lin Xuan's voice!

It's like a telephone. It's really capable of long-distance communication.

"Well, don't you have a finished product? Have you ever studied it? What's better than the note passing you made before?"

Lin Xuan laughed and waved a palm to erase the mysterious symbol in the void.

"This mysterious rune is so magical that it is even simpler than the pattern inheritance of shoulder passing notes, and the effect is not weak at all."

Shen Mu green face dew surprised, from the storage ring out before Lin Xuan sent with his notes, a green jade.

She held it in her hand and rubbed it, feeling the coolness from the jade.

"Nah, Nah, I've shown you once. Don't steal it. I've made a fortune by pointing to it. You're different from me. You have family resources. I can only make money by myself."

Lin Xuan suddenly began to tease.

"Steal school?"

"Ha ha, don't be joking. Don't you know that this mysterious rune is tens of times more than the ordinary basic pattern."

"The mysterious Rune contains the power of the laws of heaven and earth. If I can't understand it, I can't even write it down!"

"The last time you taught me that rune, I always urged the rune on the animal skin. I felt it carefully and silently. It took me four months to finally understand it."

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