The image of Tao body just appeared here. He didn't look at Lin Xuan. He just bowed his head to play the piano. A gentleman is like jade, and his temperament is excellent.

"Are you song Tiancheng?"

Lin Xuan Mou Guang has some doubts. He didn't notice when this person came.

"No, you can go in again."

At this time, the man in white raised his head slightly and gave Lin Xuan a smile. He shook his finger and said nothing more.

"Thank you very much."

Lin Xuan said thanks. Although he had doubts in his heart, he could only force him down. The man in white gave him a great sense of oppression. Lin Xuan felt that he could not see through at all. He must be a real proud man!

At this time, there was a burst of laughter from the depths of the ninth peak. He said with a slight irony, "Song Tiancheng, people have come to the door, and you can't get out. Why, do you want me to wait for you?"

A slightly puffy young man, dressed in brocade, was surrounded by two followers and came from the depth of Yunfeng.

"Well, sun, you don't care about my business!"

Also at this moment, on the second floor of a pavilion in front of him, the window was opened. A dignified, tall and valiant young man in zongpao gave a cold hum, and his cold eyes swept the slowly coming Lin Xuan!

"Lin Xuan, you're so bold. I haven't found you any trouble for the person who hurt me badly. You sent me to the door in person!"

He was quite handsome, but his arrogant appearance made Lin Xuan feel ridiculous.

"Ha ha ha, it's so busy today. How can I be less than me?"

At this moment, I don't know when, there is another figure leaping from the sky. This person has a strong smile and looks at Lin Xuan with a kind face.

"Yes, the ninth peak is like a pool of stagnant water. It's finally lively today!"

In the depth of Yunfeng, someone walked calmly with a smile on his face.

"Ha ha ha, Lin Xuan, don't worry about it. Today, except song Tiancheng, I promise no one else will do it to you!"

Another one burst out laughing. I don't know when, sitting on a huge stone not far away, he was very interested.

At this moment, Lin Xuan didn't expect such a situation. These people seem to come to see the excitement. Some people even don't deal with song Tiancheng and want to borrow his hand. Song Tiancheng is disgusting!

Lin Xuan knows that none of these people will feel that they can really beat song Tiancheng and encourage him to fight. Hehe, everyone is kind.

But it's good. Lin Xuan was worried before he came. If someone helped song Tiancheng on the ninth peak, he would be very dangerous!

But now it seems that the situation is not as bad as that.

If it can be settled peacefully, Lin Xuan doesn't want to do it.

He looked at Song Tiancheng solemnly and said, "where did you take Lin Yu?"

"Ha ha, he's here!"

In front of the pavilion, the half closed window finally opened, and a figure was thrown out of the window.

Lin Xuan's eyes are quick and his hands are quick. He catches Lin Yu from the air. At the moment, his whole body is full of blood. He has more air out and less air in!

There was a long scar on the handsome cheek!

His body as if with broken bones and muscles in general, soft, even can not stand!

Lin Xuan's nose was sour and his eyes were red!

He gently put Lin Yu on the ground, took out a few big pills from his body, put them into Lin Yu's mouth anxiously, and operated his own spiritual power to help Lin Yu refine!

At this time, he was ragged and covered with blood. It's hard to imagine what inhuman torture he suffered!

Lin XuanZhen was silent. He was so calm that he clenched his fist tightly. His breath was introverted, as if he was brewing something!

"Keke... Lin Xuan... Why are you here..."

Lin Yu's face was dirty. He half narrowed his eyes and seemed very tired, but he still grinned at Lin Xuan.

"Sorry... I'm late!"

Lin Xuan's voice was very low. A scene that Lin Yu had stood out for him when he was weak a long time ago appeared in his mind.

Also think of at the beginning, he in the sky star city nobody is optimistic about, but only Lin Yu letter his time.

"Cough, you don't have to worry about me, you go."

Lin Yu coughed gently, and black blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that the injury had really hurt his heart.

"My meridians and bones are broken. I have no hope to practice in this life. Lin Xuan, it's not worth being a useless person for me. You have to restrain yourself!"

Lin Yu's eyes were a little sad, and with the dusk of his heart, as if he wanted to live for a long time.

Lin Xuan kneels on the ground, grabs his arm and gives him pure spiritual power. He wants to use the medicine of dahuandan to repair his damaged meridians.

But it's really useless. After all, dahuandan is only a mediocre and inferior medicine, and its property is not enough.

And Lin Yu's injury is too serious, even if it is difficult to continue life, let alone recover as before.

"Why don't you tell me with a note?"

Lin Xuan's eyes were so sad for the first time. He felt powerless. The pure spirit power had no effect on Lin Yu's body, just like a bottomless hole.

"I... I don't want to involve you..."

Lin Yu still had a painful expression on his face, but he squeezed out a smile and continued: "Lin Xuan, you don't have to be sad for me, and you don't have to stand out for me."

"Live well, take over the banner of the Lin family for me, and go on."

The black blood in Lin Yu's mouth still kept coming out, and he couldn't stop it.

Lin Xuan really didn't expect that things would happen so fast, so serious!

In his eyes, if the Song family were still afraid of qixuezong, it would be impossible to attack them without the slightest evidence!

But at this moment, he suddenly found himself wrong, and wrong!

The millennial family has a profound foundation. How can they care about the life and death of the people who came from the marginal town?

What are they?

"I didn't say anything or admit it. Go away... Don't die in vain for me."

Lin Yu's voice was as thin as a mosquito and a fly, and he laughed in a low voice in Lin Xuan's ear.

But his smile, but with tears.

At this moment, Lin xuanwan was crazy. He had tears in his eyes. I don't know how long he hasn't been like this. At the moment, he couldn't stop it.

It's hard to suppress the sadness in my heart, and it continues to spread.

"Stop it, I won't let you die!"

Lin Xuan roared. He didn't want to accept the ending. He stood up and swept the crowd who were suddenly silent.

This lively, with their imagination appeared a little deviation.

"Who has the best medicine, no matter what the price, I want it!"

"Who has it?"

"Which one of you has?"

Lin Xuan asked aloud, but no one spoke. They all shook their heads.

The elixir, even in the blood weeping sect, is extremely rare.

But just then, a faint sigh came. The young man who was born to play the piano in white came over and sighed, "if it's just a matter of the body, maybe some medicine can save him, but now the last magic fire in his platform is going out..."

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