"If he has already gathered the spirit, let alone the soul, he will be able to reshape the body."

"But it's a pity that even the king of medicine can't save him now, unless he can find the legendary holy medicine or even the divine medicine..."

"No, I don't believe it!"

All this is too sudden, suddenly to Lin Xuan without any heart preparation.

He had never been so excited as today. He knelt down in front of Lin Yu again and grasped his sleeve tightly.

"Hold on, hold on, I'll go to the zongmen pharmacy to ask for medicine for you. You wait for me

Lin Xuan was bitter in his heart, but he forced himself to laugh. If he wanted to laugh, it would be better.

"Cough... No need."

"Lin Xuan, don't do anything for me. I don't know about my own body."

Lin Yu coughed, some of them were open.

He seemed to have no strength to speak, and his voice was very low.

"Useful, certainly useful, you wait for me, hold on, I'll go now, ask for the help of the medicine king for you!"

Lin Xuan clenched his fist, clenched his teeth, and said in a low voice.

He wanted to stand up and leave, but at this moment, he was grabbed by Lin Yu's only strength.

"Don't be sad for me, and don't be sad. Practice is like this. Things are changeable. It's hard to say which day will come to an end."

"Just like the enemy we once killed, the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, this is the case."

Lin Yu is smiling, very brilliant.

"A long time ago, when I first met you, I thought that one day you would surpass me. Later, your performance surprised me even more. Sometimes I even thought that many years later, it would be hard for me to see your back."

"Lin Xuan, you must live well. The inheritance of the family depends on you."

"How I want to see you in the world..."

Lin Yu's smile finally solidified on his dirty face, and his fingers fell silently.

At this moment, Lin Xuan couldn't bear this kind of great sorrow. He cried loudly, and many people were speechless.

But just then, there was an untimely laugh.

"It's just a waste. If you die, you'll die. If you want to cry, go away!"

Song Tiancheng's side, a follower sneered.

For a moment, the air between heaven and earth seemed to be solidified, and a cold breath gushed from Lin Xuan's body.

He wiped his tears, stood up silently, helped Lin Yu up and let him lean against a stone.

Then, he grinned and looked at Lin Yu's eyes, which were already blank.

Biting my teeth, I feel sad in my heart, and my tears have already fallen silently.

He forced himself to smile, even if it was worse than crying.

"Watch carefully. I'll cut off their heads and kick them for you!"

Lin Xuan began to smile. He turned around, as if he had changed a person, just like the ice of thousands of years, his eyes were indifferent.

"Hum, Lin Xuan, do you want to die?"

At this moment, song Tiancheng feels a little uneasy. He stares at the figure slowly coming towards him and scolds him.

He didn't know why he was afraid of the waste of the second paragraph of the spirit, but in the dark, he had a wonderful feeling.

Lin Xuan was like a ghost crawling out of hell, and his whole body was full of the breath of death.

"Well, well, since you're looking for death, I'll help you and let you two get together below!"

At this time, song Tiancheng already knew that there was no way out, this war was inevitable, he forced himself to calm down in his heart!

Try to tell yourself, Lin Xuan is a waste, how can he beat a spirit seven section master?

What's more, there are followers of the two spirituals in the sixth paragraph and the two spirituals in the fifth paragraph. How can they be afraid of him?

Under such self hypnosis, Lin Xuan's steps were getting closer and closer. He didn't say a word, but he didn't know when a slender golden sword appeared in his hand.

"Go, kill him for me!"

At this moment, song Tiancheng gave a big drink, and his face gradually calmed down!

In his opinion, four followers together, but also beat a spirit of the second paragraph of waste?

However, at this time, Lin Xuan's figure suddenly turned into a ghost, leaving a remnant in place. The figure suddenly came to them!

The Yellow Dragon sword, which used to kill the enemy and drink blood, is more and more extraordinary. There is still blood on the blade.

At this moment, Lin Xuan showed a bloodthirsty smile.

The golden long knife in his hand is waving high. The speed of time seems to slow down between the lightning and flint. You can clearly see that the golden long knife is falling slowly.

But even if it was so slow, the figure under the long sword still couldn't escape. He could only hold a long bronze sword to fight with Lin Xuan!

"Mountain splitting style!"

Suddenly, it seemed that a real dragon revived, turned into a long sword, and cut it down heavily. The long bronze sword, which looked very extraordinary, just touched, broke into several pieces!

The golden long knife is still powerful. In the eyes of the followers who had been laughing and sneering just now, the long knife broke out like cutting a piece of tofu.

On the tip of the knife, there was a drop of red blood dripping on the ground. All the people who saw this scene held their breath!

That knife was too fast. In the blink of an eye, it was over.

At this moment, the battle has just begun!

"Horizontal sky!"

"Broken soul!"

"Cut the mountain!"

The skill of cutting across the sword has been practiced by him. The first three moves have already been integrated and almost combined with the sword!

Under the fierce battle, Lin Xuan was invincible. The blade seemed to be able to smash everything, which was hard to stop.

He bathed in blood and fought, killing all sides with the cultivation of the second section of the spirit. It's a miracle!

Within a short half column of incense, the four followers had already all drank their hatred on the spot!

Finally, Lin Xuan looks at Song Tiancheng, who has been frightened by his bloody appearance. He grins like a demon coming back!

"Song family, are you such a waste?"

He murmured, waved the long knife, and the figure disappeared from the original place in a moment!

In a flash, Lin Xuan's figure suddenly appears in front of song Tiancheng.

"It's over!"

But at this time, a black figure from the side of the attic, he is like a peerless swordsman, waiting for the opportunity to move!

In the most unguarded moment of Lin Xuan, he suddenly shot!

Even if Lin Xuan's reaction was very quick, he would run the immortal body to the extreme in a flash.

But this sword has been waiting for a long time, too fast.

The silver blade broke through Lin Xuan's defense and penetrated into his body.

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