A sharp pain came from Lin Xuan's rib. He took a cool breath, and his whole face was a little ferocious!

Straight behind the silver sword momentum did not reduce, even he can be called King Kong not bad body!

This is enough to explain the terror of the comer. The incomparable indifference in Lin Xuan's heart made him angry!

If he didn't react quickly and move his body, the sword would not pierce his rib, but his heart!

Before gathering the spirit, such trauma basically means death!

It's too cruel and heartless for the person who made the move!

Lin Xuan withstood the pain of tearing, and cut back with his backhand. The swordsman in black also knew that this blow could not kill Lin Xuan, so he took back the silver sword!

He retreated a few steps, the Mou light dead stares at Lin Xuan.

At this moment, the blood under Lin Xuan's ribs is murmuring. This kind of injury is too miserable for him now!

"It's you!"

Lin Xuan's eyes angrily swept the killer who suddenly appeared behind him and recognized his appearance!

"Yes, it's me!"

At this moment, Shan Qiushui said indifferently.

"Ha ha, I have nothing to do with you. Why did you do it to me?"

"Prince song is kind to me. Naturally, I can't watch you kill him, so I have to stop you."

Shan Qiushui holds a silver sword and tells himself.

"Stop me?"

"Ha ha ha, it's the biggest joke in the world!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan immediately laugh, just his laughter, but very cold.

"If you stop me, you won't kill me."

Well, when I killed him and Liu Kuan, there will be a battle with Shan Qiushui sooner or later, but I didn't expect that this day will come so soon!

Lin Xuan is not ready yet!

The single autumn water in front of him is absolutely hard stubble!

"Hum, Lin Xuan, do you think I'm really afraid of you? I'm just waiting to kill you when you show your flaws."

"It's a pity that you have dodged the crucial position of this fatal blow!"

"However, it doesn't matter. You are seriously injured now. Your strength is greatly reduced. You don't need me to do anything at all. You will die under the sword of Shan Qiushui!"

At this time, song Tiancheng in front of the pavilion gave a cold hum and sneered.

"Now that you have torn your skin, you can't avoid it. What are you doing if you don't do it?"

All of a sudden, song Tiancheng shouts at Shan Qiushui and reminds him!

Shan Qiushui looks at Song Tiancheng and whispers, "don't forget what you promised me."

"Of course not. I believe what I said, and the world knows it“

Smell speech, Shan Qiushui just turns around, carrying three feet silver sharp sword, step by step toward the face pain of Lin Xuan.

"This is life and death in the world. Only the strong can control fate."

"Lin Xuan, I don't know if Liu Kuan's death has anything to do with you, but nothing matters today."

"I'll have to give you a ride!"

Shan Qiushui smiles slightly, showing a bloodthirsty expression.

At this moment, Lin Xuan was shocked in his heart. He was afraid of the guy in front of him!

This is a real genius. When the spirit is at its peak, it can make a big stir.

It is not comparable to the six paragraphs of the ordinary spirit.

However, Lin Xuan's sad appearance reverberated in his mind. Before he left, the words that hurt his heart made Lin Xuan mourn!

"Today, the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddhas block and destroy the Buddhas!"

Lin Xuan roared. He temporarily restrained the blood gushing from the wound with his spiritual power, and his whole body was as bright as a Buddha!

The immortal sutra was run to the extreme by him, and Lin Xuan moved. His speed was as fast as lightning, and a huge murderous spirit gushed out of the bloody sword.

This is the first time that Lin Xuan is so angry and angry. He does everything he can to keep it!

"Well, that's a big tone!"

However, Shan Qiushui is not an ordinary person.

Lin Xuan's several attacks were all taken over by him, and the latter was hardly injured, just lost some spiritual power.

This result makes Lin Xuan almost desperate, even crazy!

He has been in the same level, this can cross the level and fight, at the moment the realm is already the spirit of six, naturally more terrible!

From Qin Xuanfeng, who threatened to pay for the spirit, we can know how terrible his strength is!

Lin Xuan is facing an almost impossible enemy!

Among the onlookers around, there is a deep fear of Shan Qiushui. This is a real strong man, and it has been agreed!

"The genius of the same generation has come back today!"

"The method of reappearing the peak, with the cultivation of the sixth paragraph of the spirit, the power displayed is no less than the eighth paragraph of the spirit, which is too terrible!"

"Tianjiao, who was in the same class with him at that time, had already entered the inner gate to practice. He was the only one who stayed in the outer gate. Many people thought he couldn't live any longer, but they didn't expect that after he was seriously injured that year, he not only survived, but also could be so powerful!"

But at this time, there was an untimely voice.

"Ha ha, you blow this Shan Qiushui so strongly. How powerful is Lin Xuan, who can fight with him fiercely and is not defeated?"

"Yes, if I didn't feel wrong about Lin Xuan's cultivation, I would be the second part of the spirit."

"Besides, it's better for Shan Qiushui to assassinate Lin Xuan first. Otherwise, Lin Xuan's strength will be stronger!"

Just as the onlookers were talking about it, the situation in the field had become white hot!

Lin Xuan only felt that his whole body's spiritual power was volatilizing at a crazy speed, and the operation of immortal xuanjing could not keep up with this consumption!

The fight between the two is too fierce!

On the ninth peak, countless huge stones and ancient trees were affected, and they were shocked by the terrible aftershocks!

Their battle circle expanded step by step, and even reached the depth of the ninth peak!

And at this moment, Shan Qiushui is also beginning to have some difficulty. He never thought that a guy who is just a spirit of two sections would make him fight so hard!

This is still in the situation of taking advantage, otherwise, as the onlookers said, Lin Xuan's fighting power will be stronger!


Between the intersection of Dao and Ge, the huge power almost overturned Shan Qiushui. His tiger mouth and arm were extremely numb!

If it wasn't for Yinfeng sword, it would have been broken by Lin Xuan!

Lin Xuan's supernatural power never stopped, and most of his boundless spiritual power like the sea had been consumed!

In this short half column of incense, Lin Xuan's tyrannical look is like an ancient race revived from ancient times. It's too shocking. He fought to madness, tearing the flesh and blood of Shan Qiushui!

"Hum, Lin Xuan, I have to admit that your strength is indeed a rare talent, but everything is coming to an end."

At this moment, Shan Qiushui gave a cold hum, and his left shoulder was swept by Lin Xuan's sword light, which had already split a hole!

He was completely angry and wanted to end the battle. His eyes fell on Song Tiancheng, who was watching the battle in the distance. He said angrily, "if you don't do it now, when will you wait?"

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