However, Lin Xuan quickly threw away the idea in his heart, and the spiritual power in his body was really going to be sucked dry!

"Keep burning blood!"

There is no way, Lin Xuan can only consume his life again, let his state return briefly!

And the black gold ancient Dao seems to be endless. Those strange and terrible patterns light up one by one. There is a green lotus pregnant with Dao Qi. There are ancient trees towering and shaking, as if the sun and the moon are reversed!

At this moment, the black gold ancient sword vibrated silently, as if it was suppressing something!

But Lin Xuan can't wait for the final change of the black gold sword, because Shan Qiushui has killed him again!

And he had to do it!

"Horizontal sky chop!"

This is the most simple and common first move in the method of cutting across the sky. At the moment, it seems that Lin Xuande is really cutting across the sky. There is a twinkling Milky way, converging into unparalleled Dao Qi, and rushing away suddenly!

The pattern of shimmering light went out instantly, and the majestic Milky Way sword gas seemed to cover the whole cloud peak. Over the sky, there were black clouds rolling in, and the thunder was huge!


"What's going on?"

"It's all made by the black gold sword, isn't it?"

A lot of people show strange colors and are shocked!

However, at the moment, Lin Xuan's mind was extremely ethereal, and he didn't care about the changes of the outside world. He seemed to be in the Dao Qi, inexplicably able to feel the pleasure of rushing away!

Kill the gods!

The Buddha blocks the Buddha!

The wind and thunder, the galaxy down!

The bright Milky way is all inclusive, just like the incarnation of strange and mysterious creatures. Three strange birds fly high, and the Golden Lions fight down, forming such a broad scene!

The tremendous momentum attracted countless eyes and fell here!

This time, not only the ninth peak was shaken, but also the nearby Yunfeng peak felt the majestic power!


Shan Qiushui looks at the hanging galaxy, his eyes are shocked and inexplicable, he wants to escape, he wants to escape!

However, the sword is not so easy to take back!

The huge roar resounded through the sky, shaking the world, the aftershocks of terror scattered down, the rocks rolled down, the ancient trees collapsed, and the flowers and plants were cut off by the roots!

Shan Qiushui's heart is sad. He is struggling to resist. His blood overflows, and the Dao Qi invades the body. At last, it explodes completely. A large amount of blood spills on the rocks, moistening the flowers and plants.

Lin Xuan's face was cold, but deep in his heart, it was also a huge shock. He looked at the black gold sword in his hand, and didn't understand why there was such a terrible change. When he wielded the knife, he turned Shan Qiushui into a corpse. It was terrible!

"Is it true that this cross cutting Dao technique is of the same origin as the black gold ancient Dao?"

"Also from the underground cave?"

If not, Lin Xuanshi can't imagine why this kind of change happened!

When song Tiancheng used it before, there was no such situation at all. The patterns were like dead silence!

The mysterious patterns didn't come back until he used the cross cutting method to activate the black gold ancient Dao!

But now is not the time for him to think about these, there is still a last crucial enemy to solve!

At this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly sneered, holding a black gold sword, and went step by step towards song Tiancheng, who had been seriously injured in the pit!

"No... you can't kill me... Do you know who I am?"

"I'm a legitimate son of the Song family. If you kill me, you will die!"

"Zongmen can't protect you!"

In the deep pit, song Tiancheng struggles to get up, but his legs can't stand up. Under the huge impact, his legs will be broken!

However, Lin Xuan just a faint smile, not afraid of his threat.

"From the moment you start with Lin Yu, it's doomed to your end."

"He is weak and insignificant in your eyes!"

"But in my eyes, it's my brother!"

"Although I haven't known him for a long time, I have been helped by him in the last few days."

"When he stood up for me, he didn't worry about any revenge."

"Today, of course, I'm not afraid!"

Lin Xuan sighed, and finally came to song Tiancheng's body, and said in a soft voice: "injustice has its head, debt has its owner."

"Go down with him."

The black gold sword was raised high, but at this moment, someone came from a distance and yelled, "stop it!"

However, Lin Xuan, with a cold look, waved down his head in Song Tiancheng's despair and unwillingness!

However, what surprised Lin Xuan was that the black gold sword was smooth and moist all the time. All the blood was absorbed by the black gold sword.

"You are... Bold!"

He didn't have time to think, and behind him came a broken voice.

Dressed in purple robes, the visitor was a middle-aged man with a burly figure. He had a ferocious face and hated Lin Xuan!

"You have something to do with him, too?"

Lin Xuan sneered. Although he was afraid, he didn't give advice.

But at the moment, some of the onlookers recognize it.

"Isn't this the song deacon in the lecture palace? Why is this man here? Does it mean that he is also a member of the Song family? How come I've never heard of it before? "

"Yes, I haven't heard of it either."

"I can't blame you for being ignorant. The deacon of Song Dynasty kept a very low profile when he entered the sect. He didn't reveal his identity. I'm afraid he came here in a hurry when he got the news today."

"I can't help it today. Can't I do it?"

And that person is also roar, to Lin Xuan scold a way: "good at killing my sect disciple, do you know the crime?"

Lin Xuan was suddenly relieved when he was asked. As long as he didn't lose his mind, he would fight against him as soon as he came up, then everything would be easy to discuss.

When Lin Xuaner listened to all directions, he naturally heard other people's explanation of the middle-aged man's identity, but this time he didn't want to do it.

Because he can't compete with others!

From the sky!

No doubt he is a spiritual master!

What else is this?

Don't you think you're dying fast enough?

"I'm good at killing a sect disciple, so I should be punished, but I don't want to be deacon song. I'd better go to the hall and confess my guilt in person!"

Lin Xuan's face is cold. If the spirit Master gives him a hand, he has no chance to survive.

But Lin Xuan bet that he didn't dare to do it easily.

Unless you want to give up your position as deacon of the bloody sect.

Otherwise, we should obey the rules of the clan.

Lin Xuan killed his elder martial brother in public. It's a great crime, but there's a rule in the sect that those who are bullied and killed are not counted.

There are so many people present who can testify for him, and there are also some potential allies who want to use a knife to kill people. They will definitely tell the truth, and they will never help song Tiancheng, who died, to work together to deal with him.

Lin Xuan put away the black gold sword and went to Lin Yu's cold body. At the moment, his mood was stable, but there was still a kind of great grief in his heart.

He was silent, but he didn't look at the master behind him. He picked up Lin Yu and went down the mountain calmly.

The immortal burning blood technique made him return to the peak state for a short time, but now it has made him fall to the bottom again. Lin Xuan's steps are a little flighty, staggering, and his face is as white as snow.

But his arm is firmly grasp behind the body has been cold, calm forward!

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