"Ha ha, it's earth shaking. It will cause the clan to shake!"

"Yes, I didn't expect that Lin Xuan was so strong. Is this really human?"

"It's terrible. Such a person is unimaginable if he is on the same level as you and me."

"I have to admit that this son is so strong that it's just a pity that he killed the legitimate son of the Song family in public. If the people of the Song family chase him down, he will surely die!"

Many people were shocked, looking at the road to leave the back, mouth exclaimed.

But the song deacon who came to us finally put up with it. He didn't do it. Otherwise, many years of hard work would be destroyed.

In fact, he was angry at Song Tiancheng's arrogance. When he came to the pit, he yelled at the broken body: "I told you long ago that you should leave a line in the blood weeping sect. You don't listen to it. You can't follow the rules because of your family's favor."

"This time, it will be as you wish!"

He was so angry that he didn't want to restrain the corpse!

On the ninth peak, Qingjun, who played the piano earlier, started to smile and murmured: "interesting, really interesting!"

"Come on, let's go to the reward and punishment hall to see the excitement."

Next to him, someone asked.

"Go together, go together!"

"Go, go, go!"

There are many top ten players in this group. Now they are even more terrible. Among them is the young master who plays the piano.

They go with each other, marching towards the reward and punishment hall.

When the news of the ninth peak came out, most of the sects were shocked, especially those who were on the same level with Lin Xuan. They were all shocked and didn't know what to say!

With the cultivation of the second section of the spirit, under the siege of the sixth section of the spirit and the seventh section of the spirit, they were killed!

This kind of feat has never happened in a thousand years!

"For thousands of years, I've never heard of such a person. There's no doubt that he's a rare talent in a thousand years!"

"At the beginning of the entrance test, I thought this son was extraordinary, but I didn't expect to underestimate him!"

"In the short period of a few months, he has not only successfully promoted to two levels, but also become a worthy man of the moment for such a great undertaking."

"Ha ha, what's the use of being extraordinary again? It's too impulsive. He doesn't think about who he killed?"

"It's better to kill them in public, not to lose face at all!"

"The people of the Song family will never give up. I want to say that within seven days at most, the strong people of the Song family will come and ask Lin Xuan for a crime."

Some people were shocked and screamed, others laughed and looked on coldly.

But it has to be said that this time, Lin Xuan is completely famous outside, and even many of the people on the list have sent out words to have a drink with Lin Xuan and celebrate for him.

However, outsiders only saw the scene of his great power, but they didn't know the sadness behind it.

Lin Xuan where still have what mood to drink, he just want to solve the matter, carrying Lin Yu home.

Even if he chooses a burial place, he should return to his hometown. This is what Lin Xuan thinks he can do for him in the end!

"You are proud all your life. I will send you back to your hometown and let you sleep in the place where you once had boundless glory."

Lin Xuan's expression is very lost, but his eyes are very firm. He has eaten several pills of dahuandan. Although his injury is serious, it is not fatal.

The sword running through the ribs was the most serious injury Lin Xuan had suffered, but now the blood had been stopped by him.

The rest are not very serious, just skin injuries.

He was just a little tired. The battle cost too much. He used the technique of burning blood twice. In such a desperate situation, if he hadn't captured the black gold sword, the final victory would be really unpredictable!

Even if Shan Qiushui is dead, he has to admit his opponent's strength. But, similarly, Lin Xuan doesn't like anything except his strength.

Sneak attack from behind, one hit will kill, almost kill him.

But fortunately, it's all over. The battle will come to an end.

As for the consequences of killing song Tiancheng, since Lin Xuan had done it, he would not regret it.

Lin Xuan is not afraid of anyone's threat. My life is up to me, not up to heaven!

Along the way, many people watched him from a distance. It was really shocking that he looked like now. His body was full of blood that had not dried up, and his hair had been stained with blood.

His eyes were more like wild animals, which made many people shudder.

However, Lin Xuan didn't care. He finally came to the reward and punishment hall. At the moment, the punishment elder in the hall had received the news and had been waiting for him in front of the hall.

"Elder, this man killed my song family's legitimate son in public. There's no rules. He should be punished by capital punishment!"

At this time, a middle-aged figure came from the mountains in the distance!

He is the deacon of Song Dynasty.

After all, he is a member of the Song family, even though he doesn't like song Tiancheng very much in his heart, but for the dignity and face of the family, he must stand up!

"Elder, I've come to plead guilty!"

But, unlike what everyone thought, Lin Xuan didn't defend himself. Instead, he confessed his guilt directly, which made many people confused, and there was a lot of discussion among the onlookers!

"What? Isn't Lin Xuan stupid? At the moment, instead of making more excuses, he pleaded guilty. What's the reason? "

"I look at Lin Xuan. He must have been stimulated in the battle. He is already crazy!"

"What a fool

However, just as everyone was talking about it, Lin Xuan said again: "I can't argue that I am good at killing the disciples of the sect, but I hope that the elder can be impartial and aware that song Tiancheng cheated people too much!"

"The eldest brother in my family was tortured to death by that man!"

"Heaven and earth can be used for reference. All the disciples of my blood weeping sect are open and aboveboard. Where can there be such a vicious person?"

"I have no choice but to kill him. If I don't, I will die!"

"I'm afraid the elder didn't know that song Tiancheng had sent someone to my 72nd peak earlier to arrest me, but he wasn't my opponent and I gave up!"

At this point, Lin Xuan sighed and continued: "it's a pity, hateful, pathetic, pathetic!"

"I didn't expect that my eldest brother in my family would also be poisoned by this way!"

"By the time I got there, there was no intact skin on his body. His meridians were broken, and his bones were broken... The crime of Xinzhu being hard to read was heinous, and I didn't care to say much about it!"

"Every time I think of my elder brother's advice to me before he died, I can't help it. I hope the elder can distinguish right from wrong and wash away our grievances!"

Lin Xuan had calmed down. His voice was neither too low nor too excited. He just stared at the song deacon and said coldly, "please don't confuse black and white and ignore right and wrong for the sake of these criminals who are cruel to his classmates."

Although he was covered with blood, he was upright and upright. His head was high and his eyes were full of unyielding look. Many of his classmates admired him and caused a great disturbance!

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