Since his rebirth, Lin Xuan has never suffered as much as he does today.

Many of the onlookers, many of their classmates, who had been persecuted by song Tiancheng's family, all stood up to cheer him on with a loud cry!

"Please look carefully, and don't let the disciples feel cold!"

"Yes, song Tiancheng's crime is far more than that. There are many disciples who are oppressed by him, many of them are disabled and sick. He killed them well!"

"However, we can also testify that Lin Xuan had no choice but to fight back. It was song Tiancheng who was to blame!"

But before Song Tiancheng, no one dares to stand up now. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be beaten on the spot!

After that, many influential disciples also spoke out one after another. The trees fell, the monkeys scattered, the walls fell, and people pushed. Many people had a grudge with song Tiancheng. Now is a good time to make a final conclusion!

If you mark this person with such a despicable brand, I'm afraid that he will be despised by countless younger generations and nailed on the stigma pillar!

"Ask the elder to be the master and be fair to Lin Xuan!"

Many people roared in unison, like thunder and excitement.

Most of them came from the same family as Lin Xuan. In their hometown, they were noble CHILDES. But when they came to qixuezong, they became poor families. They were bullied by the blood of those big families, but they could not make trouble. They could only bear it silently!

At the moment, they finally have a chance to vent their anger. They are shocked by Lin Xuan's strength and means, and they like his decisive style of doing things!

The elder who punished evil was still as calm as an old monk. He didn't say a word.

Knowing this moment, he seems to have come back. His old eyes swept the Deacon song, and his voice asked hoarsely, "what else do you have to say?"

"Elder... Even though Lin Xuan had a reason, he could report to the reward and punishment hall to stop the conflict. He should not act impulsively, and he should not kill people so coldly!"

"He killed six or seven outstanding disciples in a row, including Shan Qiushui, who was the elder's close son. Although he didn't know his name, he was also a teacher and apprentice!"

"If it hadn't been for the elder's rescue, I'm afraid Shan Qiushui would have died long ago."

Deacon song looks excited. It seems that he doesn't have enough weight. He brings out another elder!

He is just a deacon, and can not be compared with the real elder.

However, the elder in his mouth is qualified!

If he is willing to stand out for Shan Qiushui, then Lin Xuan will surely die!

This is the plan of Deacon song!

"Well, the song deacon is really well prepared to move the elder out. Ha ha, it's hard to deal with it!"

"Yes, in terms of identity, the elder is still the elder martial brother who punished the elder. I'm afraid there will be a change!"

"I don't know if the elder has received any news, and I don't know what the most popular society plans to do."

"I didn't think about it before. Ha ha, if the elder intervened, I'm afraid Lin Xuan would really die of injustice!"

Outside the hall, all the people inside the door exclaimed. Unexpectedly, the song deacon came to make a drastic move. It's really a good calculation!

At this moment, even the elder who punished evil was silent again!

Even Lin Xuan thought it was very bad!

"Ha ha ha, Lin Xuan, you should have thought of this result since you were good at killing the wizard in the sect!"

It seems that the Deacon song already feels that he has the chance to win and laughs. In fact, for him, the death of song Tiancheng is nothing. The face of the family matters!

But at this time, there was an old man with white hair and white beard, like an old urchin, with white face and white hair!

This is the performance of reaching the realm of cultivation!

"Elder Luo!"

"It's elder Luo."

"Oh, my God, elder Luo is really here. He's the elder in charge of medicine in the medicine room. He's highly respected. Lin Xuanwei!"

Many people were shocked, looking at the ethereal figure. These people came and had a great say. They could really change the result!

At the moment, even the evil elder arched his hand to elder Luo, and said with a smile: "elder martial brother, you are here."

The old man with white hair nodded, and his means of defending the air were gone, and he fell to the ground.

Although he looks old, but the pace is very steady, walking with great speed.

No one thought that elder Luo should come straight to Lin Xuan. In his eyes, no one else seemed to care.

"Are you Lin Xuan?"

Elder Luo's eyes are calm, can't see happiness and anger, just light mouth way.

"Yes, elder Luo."

Lin Xuan sighed in his heart. This blood weeping sect is really not comparable to a small town. It is often a fierce and invincible figure. The old man's breath is long and his cultivation is absolutely superb.

Even if he can't feel it, he can guess roughly. I'm afraid it's not far from the peak!

This is a real big man!

And their star city, the strongest spiritual master, is only the initial stage of the spiritual master, the most spiritual master is three sections, the gap is too big!

The Lin family in Tianxing city could not provide any help for Lin Xuan!

You know, even if it is as strong as the Song family, it is impossible for qixuezong to change the result.

In this Qingzhou Prefecture, the name of qixuezong is not built. No individual or family can be compared!

The only one who can influence the blood weeping sect is the big men in the sect.

Lin Xuan's heart is cold. He has decided that if zongmen can't wash away his grievances, he will leave qixuezong.

However, when everyone thought that long Luo always came to Lin Xuan to ask questions.

But he didn't know where to come from. He took out a Yujing bottle. It was brilliant and extraordinary.

"This is Guyuan pill. It's a gem pill of the middle class. It's made and collected by me in my spare time. There are five pieces in total. It's a compensation for you."

"Although Shan Qiushui is not my disciple, I do have a relationship with him."

"Well, from the time he decided to go down the sixth peak, I had a hunch that there would be such a day."

"Just, I didn't expect that you would be the one who killed him."

"He has a very extreme temperament. He suffered a lot in his early years. I think he was pitiful and saved his life. Now that he's making a big mistake, it's my responsibility, too. "

"The purpose of coming here is to understand the cause and effect of this gratitude and resentment with you. Take it."

Elder Luo handed the jade vase to Lin Xuan. Then he looked at the elder and nodded slightly. Then he went away like the wind!

At this moment, not only Lin Xuan's tongue, but also the onlookers were boiling. They thought that Lin Xuan was dead, but they didn't expect that the road turned around.

On the other hand, Deacon song was completely confused. Unexpectedly, elder Luo didn't come to ask for a crime, but to reconcile. This was beyond his expectation!

At this time, Lin Xuan sneered, borrowing the words of punishing the evil elder just now, and said to deacon song, "deacon song, now, do you still have something to say?"

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