"Ha ha ha, I'm so happy. Who could have expected that elder Luo came to cause and effect, not to ask for a crime?"

"Yes, it's too dramatic. I thought Lin Xuan was finished. It was a big slap."

"In fact, if you think about elder Luo's character, you don't need to say much. He was able to save Dan Qiushui because he cherished his talents, which shows that elder Luo is a kind-hearted man."

The onlookers outside the hall were excited and filled with emotion. The plot developed so fast that they didn't expect it.

"Long Luo is a reasonable person who can distinguish right from wrong."

"It's reasonable to do such a thing."

"Poor deacon song, hehe, just now he was so eloquent, but now he's completely stupid!"

"Hush, hush, don't gloat."

"Hum, what Schadenfreude, but song Tiancheng is to blame."

Many people finally seize the opportunity, proud, ridicule the song deacon!

But although these people can't stand the Song family's high posture, they dare not really show up. They are all hiding in the crowd.

Otherwise, they are afraid of revenge.

Now with elder Luo's statement, this matter has really been settled.

Lin Xuan's crisis has been relieved!

But song Deacon's eyes were dim.

Indeed, at this point, he has nothing to say.

Even those in elder Luo's position have admitted that it was the disciple's fault, let alone song Tiancheng's numerous crimes.

Deacon song suddenly laughed and sighed again, as if he had figured it out.

It's just a pity that his wishful thinking is shocking, but in the end it falls short of success!

"Elder, I have nothing to say. Please make up your mind."

However, the words of song deacon did not end.

He turned around and continued to say to Lin Xuan, "people of the Song family will not die in vain. Lin Xuan, you should do it yourself."

With that, he arched his hand at the elder and said goodbye in a hurry!

Now that the result is doomed, there is no need for him to stay here to be shameful, so as not to be ridiculed!

But, looking at the back of the song deacon, Lin Xuan is a low voice sneer.

"Song family... I'll see what you can do!"

Next, punish the evil elder husband to tell the disciples, and make a final conclusion. Lin Xuan and others are innocent, but they just fight back after being humiliated, and they don't get any punishment.

The matter is thus settled.

Lin Xuan was relieved, and a big stone finally fell to the ground.

"Brother Lin, good job!"

"Brother Lin is really a hero in the world and a model of our generation!"

"If you are free in the future, I hope you will come to my house and have a talk with me. How beautiful it is for you and me to have a drink and have fun?"

Many people hold out an olive branch to Lin Xuan, and those disciples from poor families worship Lin Xuan and regard him as an idol.

Today, Lin Xuan's real reputation is so big that he is in the limelight for a while, even surpassing many peerless figures.

However, when Lin Xuan enjoyed the glory, he was not happy at all.

"Sorry, thank you for your invitation and kindness, but I have something important to do. I can't stay long. I need to leave now."

"Life in the world, pay attention to the roots, now, my brother suddenly this bad news, I will take him back, good life and burial."

Lin Xuan left the crowd silently, but at this time, a figure in red appeared in front of him.

"I didn't expect that song Tiancheng would be so vicious. I should have reminded you earlier."

Shen MuQing also looked sad. After all, the three of them fought side by side. Now one of them suddenly fell, which inevitably affected him.

"It's none of your business. I should have thought of it. If it's my fault, it's mine."

"But now it's no use saying anything. I just want to send him back to his hometown for burial."

Lin Xuan sighed. The body on his back was heavy, but it was even colder.

He will not give up any chance of life.

However, people die like lights out, there is really nothing left.

If Lin Yu could gather spirits, he would not die as long as his spirits did not die.

Body body, as long as there is a drop of blood essence, you can use the elixir to shape another one, which can be called immortality.

This is also why the spiritual realm is a watershed. After stepping into this realm and experiencing transformation, he is no longer a mortal.


Shen MuQing wants to talk and stops. At last, she sighs and nods.

She didn't persuade any more, she just made way in silence.

Lin Xuan bent over and carried Lin Yu on his back to see him off.

Although he was seriously injured, Lin Xuan ate one of the Guyuan pills given by elder Luo. The immortal Sutra in his body automatically operated to repair the wound of his body.

This is the strength of the top-level skills. Without human guidance, they can run a big cycle on their own.

He left the clan and walked in the wilderness.

When the Song family got the news, even if they wanted revenge, it would be half a month later.

They are far away from qixuezong. They say they are in Qingzhou Prefecture. In fact, they are all going to Yunzhou Prefecture. They are already on the border.

So Lin Xuan didn't worry about anything, unless the song deacon was shameless and went down to deal with him, a little monk of the second section of the spirit, and went out to rob and kill him for him.

But even so, Lin Xuan was still careful. All the way he walked were deserted mountains and jungles, and rarely took the main road.

In this way, after three days and three nights, Lin Xuan finally got to see the gate of Tianxing city.

Returning to his hometown again, Lin Xuan felt sad.

Unlike in the past, his return came with bad news.

Shen Yan holds back the meaning of exhaustion, strong up the spirit, carrying Lin Yu into the star city.

Although Lin Yu died, he had been reborn. He was no longer an ordinary person. Even if he died, his body was not so perishable.

In front of Lin's house.

"That's... Lin Xuan... The devil is back again..."

The family guard in front of the door exclaimed in a loud voice, recognizing the disheveled and dirty Lin Xuan.

He hasn't changed since the war, and he still looks miserable.

The bodyguard was so frightened by Lin Xuan's appearance that he rushed into the house and yelled.

The news of Lin Xuan's return spread all over the Lin family and the star city.

The place is such a big place. As soon as there is any disturbance, it will be known all over the city!

"Who is the man on Lin Xuan's back? Why do I look so familiar... "

"Is that... Young master..."

"No... the young master is very powerful. Who can hurt him like this?"

"It's really young master... What's wrong with him?"

At this moment, someone recognized the person on his back.

Then, there was a light floating voice, spitting out from Lin Xuan's mouth: "he has fallen."

Smell speech, the public in the mansion all can't believe, a face of unimaginable, very shocked.

The sky is falling!

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