"What happened?"

Hearing the cry coming from the house, the elder Lin Yue came quickly and stared at Lin Xuan in shock.

At this moment, the people in the house were so sad that they cried and couldn't accept the bad news.

Lin Yu has always been the kindest and most unassuming of all the young masters. In fact, he has maintained a good relationship with all the people in the mansion.

He didn't look like a master of his own. He was very polite to his servants or family members.

In addition, Lin Yu has another identity, that is, the first genius of the Lin family, the hope of the family, and the successor of the future master.

Lin Xuan silently stepped forward and put down Lin Yu on his back. His body, as Lin Xuan said, was almost full of scars. The black blood at the corner of his mouth had dried up and condensed. It looked extremely ferocious.

His eyes have been closed, from the moment Lin Xuan avenged him, he has closed his eyes.

Lin Xuan didn't want his brother to keep his eyes open when he died.

That kind of big mourn, let his eyes at the moment some moist.

"He encountered a strong enemy in zongmen, not an opponent. When I got there, it was too late."

Lin Xuan's voice also sobbed.

In the Lin family of Nuoda, only he and Lin Yu passed the test and entered the sect to practice.

But it's less than half a year, and there's already a body meteor.

The cruelty of zongmen is unexpected.

In a hurry, all the elders of all ethnic groups were speechless. Some people were excited and even scolded Lin Xuan loudly!

"Lin Xuan... You must be on purpose... You don't want to save yourself... You think that the existence of yu'er threatens your position in the family, right?"

"Lin Xuan, why are you still alive when the young master is dead?"

"Why don't you die with the young master?"

"Lin Xuan, you die!"

When one person spoke, many people followed him. It was hard to imagine the vicious words, which made Lin Xuan want to laugh.

In fact, even if Lin Xuan was so powerful, in their eyes, he was still a waste.

It's not orthodox just because of his family background.


At this moment, the eldest of the Lin Yue clan gave a drink and looked away from Lin Yu with heavy eyes. He looked at Lin Xuan, who was also miserable at the moment.

His face was very dirty, his clothes had been damaged, many scars on his body had not been eliminated, and the penetrating injury under his ribs had not been healed.

Lin Xuan is like a corpse killed in a sea of blood. Although his blood has dried up, it still exudes a pungent smell of blood.

Lin Xuan silently endured all the blame, but quietly said: "I'm late, but I really tried my best. The person who killed him is dead."

"It's hard for you, son."

Lin Yue's chest fluctuated rapidly. He was watching Lin Yu grow up, and could not hide his grief.

However, he still squeezed out a smile and said deeply to Lin Xuan.

"I know it's not easy for you to come all the way. Go and have a rest. The best pills in the family are open to you. Let's leave it here."

Lin Xuan nodded, and in the very unfriendly eyes of all the people, he returned to the small courtyard where he lived.

He sat alone on the stone bench in the courtyard, looking back on his year. He thought that his root was in the previous life, and he would not have any nostalgia for the so-called family in this life.

He felt that if he was strong alone, he would be able to fish in the broad sea and birds in the high sky.

However, the curtain will come to an end.

If one day, he is like Lin Yu, where is his way back?

Blue star?

It was destined to be a dream he would never touch again in his life.

But here, it seems, is not his home. Many people don't like him and don't like him.

For the first time, he felt so lonely.

There may not even be a family burial ground after death.

However, at this time, Lin Xuan suddenly grinned and said, "how can I die? All the people in the world are dead, and I won't die."

"In this life, since I have come here, I will ascend to the highest, overlook the heaven and earth, and be the strongest being."

"I want to live a thousand years, ten thousand years, and never die."

Lin Xuan silently said the oath from the bottom of his heart. After that, he seemed to grow up a lot.

The heart is more tenacious!

He shook his head and went back to the familiar room without using any of the resources and elixirs of the Lin family.

Instead, he took out the Guyuan pill, ate another one, closed his eyes and sat silently refining it. All day and night, he turned into glass, crystal clear.

That strange drug power, swimming in his body, repairing the injured body.

What's more, his lost life has been greatly replenished and restored!

Although the sword wound under the rib is still there, some pain, but it has been scarred, and it won't take long to recover.

Lin Xuan walked out of the room, only to find that the courtyard had changed dramatically, full of white lanterns and mourning cloth.

Outside the courtyard, there was a woman in white mourning clothes waiting there silently, as if she did not dare to disturb Lin Xuan.

"Yumo, long time no see."

Lin Xuan grinned and said hello to the pretty figure.

Her cultivation still failed to break through the spirit, but it was good to avoid being involved in the fighting in the clan.

"Are you awake?"

Lin Yumo's expression is a little sad, light said.

"Young master Lin Yu, did he really fall?"

The girl still didn't seem to be able to walk out of the shock. I can't believe the ending.

"For you and me, he will always live in our hearts and never forget."

Lin Xuan said in silence.

The girl on the other side nodded and suddenly jumped into Lin Xuan's arms.

Finally, I couldn't help but cry.

"Lin Xuan, qixuezong is too dangerous. Can you stop going?"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan immediately couldn't help laughing, he had to pat the little girl's shoulder, whispered: "born in this world, weak is the original sin."

"There is no pure land."

"Who doesn't want to live well, but sometimes, it's not satisfactory."

"Only when you are strong and stand on the top, can you really build a pure land and complete peace."

Lin Xuan's words were a little abstruse. The girl shook her head. She didn't want to hear them.

"I just hope you live well."

"Yes, you and I will live to witness that day.

Lin Xuan's eyes are soft, and he has no other thoughts in his heart. He regards Lin Yumo as his sister.

"Let's go. Follow me to a incense stick."

Lin Xuan smile, but he did not say a word directly, but in the heart, silently thought: "in the future, may not come back for a long time."

His opponent is too strong. Lin Xuan doesn't want to cause trouble for his family.

In the future, he will face all the sufferings alone.

It is the most important honing to seek the road of Tao and be firm.

Lin Yumo nodded cleverly, but she seemed to think of something, and continued: "Miss Yang came to see you, but when she learned that you were in the closed door for healing, she left, and didn't let us disturb you."

"Well, I'll go to her for a chat after I've done incense."

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