The whole Lin family was immersed in grief. Along the way, they came to the mourning hall, and many of their children were crying.

Lin Xuan came silently with the same look.

However, at this time, a family found his arrival, and immediately said: "Lin Xuan... Get out!"

"Yes, Lin Xuan, it's all your fault, otherwise how could the young master die?"

"Get out of my Lin family, you wretch!"

"My young master of the Lin family is talented in Tianzong. It's all because of you that he fell down!"

All of a sudden, Lin Xuan's eyes cold swept those who disrespected him, like ice for thousands of years, made many people shudder.

But even so, there is still a bold, unyielding look, loudly reprimanded: "why the young master died, you are still alive? He's stronger than you, but he died. You must have escaped and hurt the young master... "

This day, the family's tragic news, there are many versions of the story spread.

One of the most convincing is that some people say that the young master of the Lin family is unparalleled in style. In order to save Lin Xuan, he fought alone with several talented people in the blood weeping sect, and finally died of exhaustion!

The ending and Elegy of heroes.

Lin Xuan didn't explain anything. He would rather have this kind of news go wrong all the time, so that everyone's mind can only remember the elegant Lin Yu.

He deserves to be remembered by all the Lin family.

These people, trapped in a corner and short of knowledge, can hardly imagine how difficult the outside world is.

Lin Yu won it for himself and his family.

But unfortunately, he fell on the road and failed to reach the end.

Lin Xuan endured the sound of reproaches and went to a dark coffin.

This is Lin Yu's hall.

The master of the Lin family, the wise and powerful middle-aged man, is sitting on the ground now.

Lin Yue's elders also stood aside, with tears in their eyes.

Today, the news of Lin Yu's death has spread all over the star city. Many family members have come here to bid farewell to Lin Yu.

He used to be one of the most talented people in the world. Up to now, there are still many people who don't believe that he has died.

It's so sudden!

"I'm sorry."

Lin Xuan lit a stick of incense in front of the spirit and said in a low voice.

In his heart, he regretted that he didn't go there earlier, but time passed by, leaving him no chance to repent.

"Lin Xuan, I want to know how yu'er died?"

Even though Lin Xuan had already said it to the old Lin Yue family before, at the moment, the head of the Lin family still asked again.

"The person who killed him is the direct family of the Song family in Qingzhou Prefecture. His name is song Tiancheng."

"By the time I got there, it was too late. There was nothing I could do but watch him go."

Lin Xuan said in silence, feeling dark.

"What last words have you left?"

"He told me not to take revenge, but I didn't listen to him and killed song Tiancheng."


"He also said that the future of the family was entrusted to me."

Lin Xuan sighed and said softly.

At this time, people outside the door listening to what he said all of a sudden burst into an uproar.

Someone sneered and said, "Lin Xuan, you are really upset and kind-hearted. You are so rebellious. I really doubt whether the young master was killed by you!"

"That's right, Lin Xuan. You're really calculating. Now that young master Lin Yu has fallen, you can't just say what you say. There's no proof of death."

"You clearly want to embezzle the inside information of my Lin family!"

"You're the only one who deserves it?"

"Lin Xuan, you don't want to speak so high sounding. You must have left the young master alone. Otherwise, the young master is not the opponent. How can you be the opponent?"

"That is, what are you doing in a daze? You don't want to commit suicide in front of the young master's coffin and apologize to him!"

The viciousness of human nature is reflected incisively and vividly at the moment. Lin Xuan has no idea what they think.

However, they know that these people are only afraid that he will become the young master of the Lin family, and they all taunt and discredit him.

In fact, these people did not know that if Lin Xuan had not been entrusted by Lin Yu before his death, he did not care about the so-called "blood children" of the Lin family!

If you want him to be the master of the Lin family, he doesn't want to do it!

"Shut up

At this moment, elder Lin Yue finally made his voice. His mottled hair was very pale, his face seemed to be many years old, and he didn't walk as straight as before.

The tragedy of the white haired people sending the black haired people is unspeakable pain.

The Lin family, the talent of Tianzong who gives great hope, is now a cold corpse. This kind of gap is too striking.

"Lin Xuan, you don't have to have the same opinion with them. You don't need to be angry."

Elder Lin Yue comforted him.

"Well, I'm used to it."

Lin Xuan nodded, not thinking of it.

At this time, the owner of the Lin family stopped asking questions. Lin Xuan said goodbye and left the house.

He went directly to the Yang family and met Yang Qin.

Lin Xuan was not stopped this time, but was invited into the Yang family.

He saw Yang Qin in a different hospital. Beside her, there was another person, Qingtan.

"Young master!"

"Lin Xuan."

They didn't seem to expect Lin Xuan to come. They were all very surprised.

Compared with their surprise, Lin Xuan was also surprised.

Qingtan made great progress. When he left, it was only half a year ago.

Now, half a year later, Qingtan has already practiced for seven periods. It's really terrible.

As for Yang Qin, her accomplishments have finally improved, and she has successfully broken into the ranks of spiritualists.

It's a pity that it's a few months late.

Everything seemed destined, and even Lin Xuan felt sorry.

"Qingtan, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm surprised that your practice speed is so fast."

He nodded to Qingtan and said with a smile.

Then, he looked at Yang Qin and said with a smile, "you too. Congratulations on the breakthrough."

"Hum, don't make fun of me. I have to congratulate you. I don't know how many panacea I wasted. I really don't have talent..."

Yang Qin hummed, some not lazy.

But then she began to question herself daily.

"In fact, it's better for you to enter the clan four years later. Then I will have enough strength to protect you."

Lin Xuan's eyes are very sad. He thinks of Lin Yu again.

If he could be stronger, the result might be different.

"I'm sorry, Lin Xuan."

Yang Qin didn't know what to say, he whispered.

"It's OK. I've put it down. People always have to move forward. They can't stop forever."

Lin Xuan shook his head and said with a smile.

"I heard that you were injured before. Are you better?"

Yang Qin asked with concern.

"Well, it doesn't matter any more. After a few days of cultivation, it will be as good as before."

Lin Xuan nodded.

"Lin Xuan, living in the family, is it really so cruel? I thought it was a holy place for practice, but I didn't expect it to be so sad. "

"Ha ha, living in the family is far less peaceful than you think. It's not too dangerous to say. You don't know which day you will offend people. They don't have a simple generation“

Lin Xuan laughed.

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