This situation, this scene, hear sad, see tears.

Lin Xuan was no exception. His eyes, which had not been touched for a long time, were moist again.

He also with the flow of people, toward the family mountain, mighty walk.

But in front of him, a familiar family member whispered: "the cat is crying, the mouse is being merciful!"

"Hum, you have the face to come here to see me off because of you, otherwise the young master would not die!"

"Hush, hush, or he'll be angry and start on you!"

"Ha ha, what can't be said? This kind of person, I hope he won't come back all his life. He's a dead man!"

"Who said it wasn't? Since he came to the Lin family, the fortune of our Lin family has changed dramatically. Many family elders say it's because of Lin Xuan!"

"Shut up

At this time, some clan elders found the disturbance caused here, came over silently and said harshly.

Then, he glanced at Lin Xuan gently, didn't say much, turned his head and walked to the front of the crowd.

Lin Xuan, however, seemed to have nothing to do with him. He was calm and allowed them to pour dirty water on him.

But Lin Xuan's forbearance, in the eyes of these people, is tacit.

It also attracted a lot of ridicule, all mocking him.

"Well, look, he's speechless!"

"What else can he say? It's because of him. I really hope he is the one who died, not the young master!"

"Young master, if he is alive, we can expect the rise of the Lin family in the future, but now, everything is over!"

"Yes, I don't know how many years it will take to be a young master. It seems that he has exhausted all the energy of the family. In recent years, some younger generations are worse than one another."

"The family is at the end of the day. I'm afraid that in a hundred years' time, when our souls return to the loess, the Lin family will not exist."

"It's all Lin Xuan's fault. My Lin family is not like this. It's pathetic and hateful. The elders of the family actually believe his lies. I want to say that these people who cheat the world and steal fame should be killed directly!"

Someone said extremely, not caring about Lin Xuan not far away, as if he was a wooden man.

"This man is shameless and pretends to be the glory of the young master. Can he defeat the enemy? I'm afraid it's not that the young master has already beaten the man to death, so Lin Xuan has found a bargain! "

"Hateful, it's an insult to the dead young master to let such villains as Lin Xuan invite his name!"

However, at this time, someone sneered and joked.

"Hey hey, what if you don't agree? Now Lin Xuan has become the climate. In the family, except for a few elders, I'm afraid even the deacons are not his opponents."

However, these people feel ridiculed and indignant when they say this!

"Nonsense, Lin Xuan's cultivation is just the second section of the spirit. Even if Lin Fu is in decline, we can find a lot of people who are better than him!"

"Yes, how can Lin Xuan be as good as the elders?"

However, the man who spoke just now laughed and said sarcastically: "you, you really don't see the coffin and don't cry. At the beginning, Lin Xuan hasn't been promoted to the spirit, so the deacon in the family is no longer his opponent."

"Now his cultivation is the second stage of the spirit. You can think about how much better he is than before."

However, at this time, someone suddenly sneered: "well, who should I be? Isn't this Lin Zifeng?"

"Hehe, he's in the same vein with Lin Xuan, the bereaved star. No wonder he's so protective!"

"It's just a branch child. What is it?"

"If the eldest young master is still there, where can he get Lin xuanlai's arrogance?"

The mournful wailing in front of the procession seemed unable to affect these people. Their faces were full of sneer and irony, without a trace of awe for the dead!


Just at this time, Lin Xuan finally opened his mouth. His eyes were deep, like a bottomless abyss.

"You people are not worthy to be Lin family at all!"

These people take his forbearance and compassion for granted. He wants to shout, who is shameless?

After all, today is Lin Yu's burial day, and he doesn't want to disturb him.

Just with their own kind of invincible momentum pressure, these people are all silent at the moment, locked by the powerful air engine, making their breathing difficult!

They all trembled with fright and did not dare to say more.

"If the Lin family are all like you, then the Lin family is really finished!"

He took a deep breath and said coldly!

Then, his eyes indifferently around a few people, went to the front of the team.

Back hill, it's here.

A huge pit, surrounded by white flowers on the other side, the coffin is placed in the center smoothly, covered by a sea of flowers.

Then, there are family members kneeling in front of the tomb, and there are also people filling the earth.

The sky is blue and the sun is shining, which makes the white flowers brighter.

However, they are buried by the Loess one by one, which is the withering of life, the last pure land and burial soil of all souls.

At this moment, the sound of wailing was like thunder. Not all the family members were onlookers. Many of them showed their true feelings as if the mountains were shaking.

Standing in front of the middle-aged figure, no longer as great as before, his body some rickets, full of tears.

What about the practitioners? They still can't escape life, old age, illness and death, and they can't cut off seven emotions and six desires.

When the son dies, the father is sad.

The figure seemed to be ten years old in an instant. In the bright sun, the long black hair turned to gray and dull, like hay!


"Take care of yourself, master!"

Many people have noticed such a change and have endured great pain, concerned and comforted.

"I'm fine!"

"I can at least live another Jia Zi. I want to live well, for Yu Er, to live!"

"Family, you can't do it!"

The figure suddenly laughed. Under the clear sky, it sounded like a bell, as if it was swearing.

Then, he turned around and looked calmly at Lin Xuan not far away.

A low voice, like thunder.

"Lin Xuan!"

"From today on, you are the young master of my Lin family!"

"Since yu'er has chosen you, I will naturally support his decision."

"There is no branch or main branch. We all come from the same ancient ancestor."

"From now on, if you see Lin xuanru and me in the family, if anyone dares to disrespect him or disobey him, the family rules will not be lenient."

"Lin Xuan, let go. Let me see how far you can go."

"Family, I'll support you!"

"I'll wait for the day when you come to collect it yourself!"

That figure footstep all some falters, but actually nobody dares to underestimate, dares to have any disrespect to him.

He is not only the master of the Lin family, but also the guardian of the Lin family. He is the only master of spirit.

Many were silent, but others cheered.

Lin Xuan's expression was indifferent and did not move at all.

He refused: "the Lin family is the place where I grew up. If there are people I care about, I will protect them, no matter when, no matter where, no matter what the situation is!"

"But I won't be a little master. There is only one little master of the Lin family. He will always be Lin Yu."

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