Lin Xuan's words are neither humble nor arrogant. He is as steady as a mountain, which makes many people feel surprised.

But even so, it is still not recognized by people. Among the crowds, some people sneer.

"Well, that's nice. Who knows what's behind your back?"

"That's to say, it's better than singing. Who believes that he doesn't covet the family's resources?"

"Lin xuanming is just a branch of the family. It's not his turn to choose the young master."

"He is nothing and deserves to be the young master of the Lin family!"

Among them, some are the leaders, others are fearless. They are born in the main vein, boast of nobility, and despise the children of the branches.

Today, it's even more important to announce that the children of the branch will become the little masters. Although many of them don't say it on the face and are forced by the authority of the head of the family, they don't agree with it at all.

Lin Xuan smiles. These people really don't deserve him to guard them.

On the day of Lin Yu's great burial, before his bones were cold, he even refused to pretend. Instead, he wanted to stir the water more muddy.

Lin xuangen didn't believe it if he didn't do it intentionally.

Lin Xuan didn't know that he could be regarded as a schemer and purposeful person when he protected the family for free.

This is ridiculous!

"As you can see, many people in my family don't agree with me, so I'm not a nuisance. Please choose someone else."

Lin Xuangong arched his hand. He looked very calm.

At the moment, the white hair of the owner is getting older and older, and his face is becoming more and more gloomy. These people are not only taunting Lin Xuan, but also beating him in the face.

This is the Lin family that he painstakingly maintained. In such a situation, he still can't unite, on the contrary, he has to form his own people.

This is no more than why the Lin family is declining.

What useful talents can be born in such an environment?

"I'm not asking for your opinions. I'm making a decision. There's no doubt about it!"

The owner's voice was low, looking at the black crowd, and said harshly.

"From now on, if anyone dares to stir up conflicts and differences in the family and drive them out of the family, he will never tolerate them."

Governing a big country is like cooking small delicacies, and governing a family is the same. It's not so easy. Everyone has one mind.

But it's always good that the power of the owner is still there. As long as he lives for a day, no one dares to underestimate him.

However, the appearance of the white head of the Lin family at this moment makes many people have no bottom in their hearts. They are afraid that there is something wrong with the master's practice.

You know, the reason why their Lin family can still stand among the four families in Star City is that there are Lingshi masters in the family!

If not, those enemies in the past may be able to eat them!

"I haven't been back to my family for a long time. It's really not suitable to be a little master. It's hard to convince the public. Please don't make it difficult for me."

However, others were silent, but Lin Xuan was not afraid.

"That's all. Since he doesn't want to do it, we'll talk about it later."

At this time, the old linyue people waved their hands and sighed.

"Today is the death day of yu'er. Let's give him the last ride."

Lin Xuan heard the words, nodded, went to the grave, picked up a wad of loess, scattered among the white flowers.

It's like saying goodbye. This farewell means farewell forever.

After that, there will be no more meeting.

His face was so sad that he refused to leave for a long time.

After a long time, he finally looked back at the coffin covered with white flowers and whispered: "I promise you, I will do it. You can rest in peace."

Then, Lin Xuan turned to leave, and did not look back. Many people looked at his back and felt a little desolate.

"In the future, if you have something to do, you can go to qixuezong to find me."

Lin Xuan finally said goodbye to Lin Yumo, gave her a piece of music, and then left calmly.

No more nostalgia.

Lin Xuan left in full view of the public.

His mission here has been completed, and there is no need to continue to stay.

When I came here, I was alone in the distant mountains and heading eastward.

I have an old friend who holds a sword and refuses to go back!

Only the chivalry will be tilted to heaven base, a total of this sacrifice drunk.



"The sweeper has finally left. It's just a disaster for such a person to stay in my Lin family!"

"Who said no, hehe, I wish he died in the blood weeping sect and never came back!"

"Ha ha, now young master Lin is dead. The position of young master is still vacant. You and I may not have no chance!"

"It's not bad. If we could get the resources from the family, we would have been better than Lin Yu!"

"Hum, good death. In this way, the family will have more resources for us to practice."

In the Lin family's house, someone whispered, with a look of satisfaction.

When they maliciously speculated about Lin Yu and Lin Xuan, they would never know that Lin Yu had never received any resources from his family since he entered the clan.

Otherwise, he doesn't have to make a big feud with others for the position of a peak, which will lead to his death.

Rather than for himself, he wanted to set aside more resources for his family's children.

However, at this time, there was a shout in the forest house.

"The Nie family's daughter and the Yang family's son have returned. They have come straight to our forest house. They have also brought the news of Qixue sect."

"Yes? Doesn't that mean that we can finally find out the truth? "

"That's right. Now we can finally expose Lin Xuan's true face, so that he won't be so rebellious in his family!"

"Hey hey, you say it's a coincidence that Lin Xuan left just after the geniuses of the Yang family and Nie family came back. Isn't he afraid of being exposed before he ran away?"

"Ha ha ha, I think so!"

"Go, go and have a look!"

In the Lin family, many people smell the wind, and they all rush out of the door curiously.

In recent days, there are all kinds of stories in the family. Although the family leader and Lin Yue clan elders have believed Lin Xuan's words, they are very suspicious.

Even many people who are not from the Lin family come to join in the fun!

However, the more they listen, the more green they feel, the more incredible they are, and the more shocked they are!

"What, it's impossible?"

"He Lin Xuan's cultivation of the second section of the spirit killed a wizard of the seventh and sixth sections of the spirit on the ninth peak, and killed many followers of the fifth and sixth sections of the spirit."

"Mingdong qixuezong, is everyone afraid?"

"It's not a story, is it?"

"How can I hear more and more mysterious? Is Lin Xuan really so strong?"

"No, it's still human?"

In front of Lin's house, when people learned the truth, they were all silent and couldn't believe it.

They thought that Lin Xuan had been boasting, but they didn't expect that he not only didn't boast, but also hid his fighting power!

"Yes, now Lin Xuan has been recognized as a once-in-a-thousand-year prodigy in the sect. Even in the bloody sect, where experts gather and talents crisscross, he still dominates the world

At this time, Yang Qin's brother, as if he had become a fan of Lin Xuan, was very excited.

When the news spread, suddenly shocked the whole Star City, many people have a premonition, they Star City, even out of a monster!

It's so strong!

The children of a big family, the first genius, are all rubbish in his hands!

However, there are still people in the Lin family who feel that he is not worthy of being a young master. They slander him and force him away

It's the biggest joke ever!

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