With Shen MuQing's hand, Lin Xuan's pressure is greatly reduced, and the black blind man is hard to resist the two people's attack. He roars from time to time.

But it doesn't help. It's doomed.

At this moment, because of the roar of the bear of the earth, the area within ten miles was shaken. Many monsters came, but they only dared to watch from a distance.

They have no intelligence, but they know how to seek good fortune and avoid evil. Of course, they can't change their habit of watching the crowd.

When Lin Xuan waved his knife, he noticed that hundreds of meters away, there was a purple winged Unicorn stretching its neck to look at them.

"Miss Shen, hurry up and make a quick decision. There's a purple winged Unicorn next to you. Hey, you don't have to find it. Let's solve it together."

Lin Xuan, with a smile, has no waves in his heart.

And Shen MuQing also nodded slightly, the means out, the black blind man even if the skin is rough and the flesh is thick also can't withstand such attack, in a unwilling roar, died on the spot.

Lin Xuan immediately put away the animal corpse.

Then he turned his head, stepped on the moon shadow step, and killed the purple winged unicorn.

Such an accident, shocked those wait-and-see monster, have scared to flee!

The whole Hengduan Mountains are full of excitement. Under the moon night, the animals are surging and roaring, even scaring some of their classmates in the distance!

They thought there was a tide of animals!

Who knows that it was Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing who provoked him. Before he came, he said he should keep a low profile and be careful, but when he found that there was no great danger, he let himself go completely!

The purple winged unicorn was really strange. If it wasn't for the mission, he wanted to catch it as his own mount.

The purple winged unicorn was a fast thief. Even if Lin Xuan stepped on the moon shadow step, he was still far behind, which made him very depressed.

That pair of purple wings, like the wings of a bird, fluttered quickly, which made Lin Xuan feel more and more distant.

At this time, seeing that the purple winged Unicorn wanted to get rid of his pursuit, Lin Xuan had to take out the cloud piercing bow from the space and shoot out nine invisible power arrows!

However, the purple winged unicorn is still very coquettish and can walk, avoiding most of them. It only weighs two arrows!

But even if only two arrows, but also still let it hurt!

Because the purple winged unicorn is originally used as a mount. It is good at speed and is very fragile. It is not born for fighting!

There was no accident. Although Lin Xuan was the only one who came after him, he didn't waste much energy to kill the purple winged unicorn.

In Lin Xuan's opinion, the only valuable thing on the purple winged unicorn is the unicorn on the head, which can communicate with the spirit.

He is very sensitive to lingkuang treasures. It can be made into a secret weapon and used for treasure hunting.

If you want to come to zongmen, what you want is only this one-man.

In the next seven days, Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing finished all the tasks without danger, but they also caused a rush of chickens and dogs outside Hengduan Mountains.

At this point, the two returned to the zongmen together and went to the trading hall to deliver the task.

However, the two of them did not expect that they were recognized as soon as they climbed the steps of the trading hall.

Don't know who, surprised to shout!

"The ruthless group is back!"

"Well, it's really them. Ha ha, we'll have two more ruthlesss in the future!"

"These two people still use a lot, especially Lin Xuan. When he killed on the ninth peak, he was really cruel!"

"So it is

"It's said that they took the task of 200000 points this time, and they came back so soon. Isn't that terrible?"


Lin Xuan and his colleagues were extremely calm and calm. They didn't say much. They went directly to the seventh floor and came to deliver the task.

Seeing them coming back, the deacon in black was full of surprise and said curiously, "so many tasks have you finished in half a month?"

"Ha ha, that's right. I came here to deliver the task!"

Lin Xuan laughs and gives the black deacon the bag of heaven and earth with the corpses of monsters. He can explore with his own mental power.

After confirming that there is no problem, Shen Yan's identity on the jade card, immediately added 100000 points!

Taking into account the points he gained from his previous tasks, he made it to the top 1000, ranking 972.

Of course, the position of this ranking is very awkward, very insecure.

But Lin Xuan is not a killer. At the moment, he doesn't need to brush monsters quickly to get points. He can do other tasks to stabilize his ranking.

As for the remaining 100000 points, naturally, Shen MuQing's ranking increased directly to 182nd, which is extremely terrible!

"That's right. Just do a few tasks at will. Be steady. When the end of the year comes, the top 200 will be sure."

Lin Xuan saw his name on the list of points. It was a piece of jade, on which many people's names and points were recorded.

There seems to be a mysterious inscription on it, which is incomparably miraculous.

Then, Lin Xuan bypassed the jade and went back to the black deacon again.

The task on the wooden card is updated every day. The task Lin Xuan saw today is quite different from before.

The first escort has been taken.

Now ranked first is a kill mission, cleaning up the bandits in a certain area, with 20000 points.

This task reward is very rich, but among the people who come and go, let alone no one to answer, even don't bother to ask.

They seem to realize that this highly rewarding task is not something they can accomplish.

So as not to die.

For Lin Xuan, there is no psychological burden for him to kill the bandits. But these days, with his hands stained with blood, he is really tired and wants to have a rest.

As a result, we can only continue to look down.

As a result, a lot of them are either hunting or hunting. There are no other kinds.

Lin Xuan only looked forward to the deacon in black and said with a bright smile: "Lao Hei, is there any task that can earn points without going out of the clan?"


"Who's your name?"


"Who told you my name was Lao hei..."

"You wear black all day long. Isn't that old black?"

"... if I wear white, will I be called Laobai?"

"You're right."


The deacon in black is a little speechless by Lin Xuan. If he wanted to be someone else, he would have been angry for a long time.

But Lin Xuan has been in the limelight recently, and even the deacon in black doesn't want to embarrass him.

I had to hold my nose when it didn't happen.

"My name is Lu Ping. Just call me deacon Lu."

Lu Ping cleared his throat, snorted and said to Lin Xuan.

"Yes, then dare to ask deacon Lu, this kind of task should be in the clan?"

Lin Xuan, with a smile, said.

Lin Xuan didn't come to the trading hall to take over the task before, so he didn't know much about it.

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