"Yes, how could it not be? There are many chores, such as pruning flowers and plants, opening up medicine fields, collecting morning dew and so on, but the points for these tasks are very few."

Lu Ping smiles a little, looking at Lin Xuan's smile, and explains his doubts.

"In addition to these, they are assisting elders in alchemy, refining utensils, and even inscribing Daotai. However, all these require professional talents."

Smell speech, Lin Xuan some surprise way: "assist alchemy?"? I can do that. I'm an alchemist. "

"What? Are you still a alchemist

Lu Ping suddenly widened his eyes and dared not put the channel on his face.

It's also natural. His cultivation strength is already at the level of peerless genius. I didn't expect that others would also take into account alchemy.

"What's your level? What kind of terrace pills have you successfully refined? "

Lu Ping asked curiously.

"Intermediate and inferior. Well, the last alchemy was more than a month ago. I think now I can refine intermediate pills."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.


"Not bad."

However, Lu Ping suddenly laughed and didn't believe Lin Xuan's words!

Go to the devil!

"Ha ha, do you know how many of us, except the elders, are able to refine Chinese medicine?"

"Lin Xuan, I admit your strength is very strong, and almost no one is your opponent in the first battle of the same level."

"But this alchemy is not a battle. There are many ways in it."

Lin Xuan nodded and said, "of course I know. You can say whether there is such a task."

"Yes, but you can't do it. You have to pay for wasting the elixir materials!"

Lu Ping nodded, but then shook his head, reminding him kindly.

"I said, Lao Hei, why are you so ink? I'll pay for it, but you don't have to pay for it!"

Lin Xuan was a little worried.

"OK, I don't think you can see the coffin without tears. Don't blame me for not reminding you that the materials of this medium terrace elixir are very expensive, and each batch of elixir has at least ten thousand elixirs."

"You have a clear idea!"

Lu Ping's face was a little black, but he could only bear it and think about sending him away, and the world would be peaceful.

"Come on, come on, think about it clearly, and say quickly, what are the tasks?"

Lin Xuan waved his hand and didn't want to hear him continue to talk.

"Elder Yao Lu Luo needs an alchemist who can refine the middle-class Ningshen pill. There's no time limit. It's often used!"

"But we have to bring our own prescription, and there is no prescription without consideration."

"Then, each Chengdan has 300 points. The more Chengdan you have, the more points you have."

"I have danfang, but I still have a doubt. Will the points of these tasks also be included in the ranking?"

Lin Xuan hears speech, the face dew is joyful, only afterward, he then doubts a way.

"As long as it's a task, it counts."

Hearing the speech, Lu Ping nodded.

"Well, that's no problem."

Lin Xuan nodded and continued: "OK, then I'll take the task."

Later, Lu Ping takes out a wooden card from the bottom of the cabinet and gives it to Lin Xuan. He asks him to hold the card and go to yaolu to find elder Luo.

"Well, thank you, old black!"

Looking at Lin xuansatuo's back, Lu Ping is biting his teeth. He wants to hit someone!

Lin Xuan says goodbye to Shen MuQing. He goes to yaolu directly.

It's also a coincidence that the so-called elder Luo is the elder who compensated him for guyuandan.

If someone killed half of his disciples, he would have no face to do anything.

But I can't help it. Lin Xuan is so shameless.

Before Lingshan, yaolu was called Lu, but it was not at all. It was a magnificent black iron hall.

Even more lively than the trading hall!

There are many disciples who come here to buy pills.

However, the place Lin Xuan wanted to go was not the medicine house selling medicine, but the medicine house refining medicine.

The real medicine house is located on the Lingshan mountain in qixuezong. It is the source of the underground spiritual pulse, and the whole mountain is full of all kinds of miracles.

Even if you just walk in front of Lingshan, you can smell the smell of medicine. It's all overflowing. It's as if you're about to ascend to the sky!

When Lin Xuan checked the wooden card and entered the gate of Lingshan, he was shocked.

"This is really a good place. Just breathing, my experience is going up!"

At this moment, in his mind, the original experience value of + 5 per minute began to soar directly to + 25!

The aura here is so rich that it's five times stronger than the outside door!

This is just practicing in Juqi hall!

oh my god!

Lin Xuan had never been so ecstatic and excited. No wonder Shan Qiushui, a half abandoned and dying man, not only survived, but also became more and more prosperous!

Originally, it is because of Aura!

It's time to catch up with the practice in the inner gate, isn't it?

Lin Xuan wanted to hide in this place for a lifetime. When would he be promoted to full level!

One hour 1500 experience, 12 hours a day is 24 hours, every day passive experience can increase 36000!

What kind of fairy is there!

Don't he smell good when he lies down to sleep?

Sleep for more than a month, and then upgrade. What's the level?

If you include the experience gained by self-cultivation, can you be promoted to a higher level in half a month?

It's a great feeling!

At this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly full of passion, he must complete the task of alchemy, so that he can stay here.

This place is so beautiful!

With this in mind, Lin Xuan came to a thatched cottage in accordance with the guidance of Yaotong in Lingshan.

Even if far away, he could feel the fragrance of a panacea in the thatched cottage and feel the natural taste.

This is the real fairyland on earth!

Is he a ball at the top of Mount 72?

Is the ninth peak a ball?

There is really no way to compare with Lingshan, which has its own boundary!

This place is full of Ganoderma lucidum. It's so attractive!

Lin Xuan, he decided that he must learn from an elder of yaolu. He will stay here in the future.


The wooden door of the thatched cottage was pushed open from inside. Elder Luo, with white hair, said with a smile: "the disciple of medicine is coming, isn't he?"

"Why, it's you!"

However, elder Luo recognized Lin Xuan at the next moment and was surprised.

"Elder Luo, it's really me. I'm the alchemist who came here to make medicine!"

Lin Xuangong arched his hand and whispered.

"Your name is Lin Xuan, isn't it?"


Elder naluo continued jokingly: "how dare you come here to refine medicine? Aren't you afraid that I wear your shoes?"

However, Lin Xuan shook his head with righteous words and said with awe inspiring righteousness: "why did elder Luo say that? How can you do such a thing with such an open mind? "

"Since elder Luo appeared to present Dan, I believe in elder Luo's character!"

"Even from the bottom of my heart, I admire elder Luo very much. When Shan Qiushui fell, it was you who helped him. This just shows that you are a person of high moral integrity, not sticking to the details. "

"How can an elder like you deliberately embarrass a younger generation like me?"

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