"Since I'm alchemy for the sect, I have to follow the sect's rules and test your alchemy level first."

"In this storage ring, there are enough materials for refining ten heats of medium-grade Ningshen pills."

"Well, by the way, have you brought the cauldron? If not, you can go to the side room and try refining a furnace with my red blood and black gold tripod. "

Elder Luo is very amiable and says with a smile.

Smell speech, Lin Xuan nods, from all cannot.

Step forward and take the storage ring from elder Luo. Under the guidance of elder Luo, move to the side room on the left.

This room is the place where elder Luo usually makes medicine. The room is covered by invisible array. If it is not for Lin Xuan, he has a lot of knowledge about the way of pattern. He really can't detect it. It's very secret.

Of course, this array is not a killing and cutting array. There is not a trace of killing Qi. It is a gathering Qi array. It can help alchemists gather the aura in the cauldron and keep it from leaking out. It can make the efficacy of pills higher.

In addition to the array, in the center of the room stands a mysterious cauldron stove, which is full of red light and glitters with black gold.

With the help of the system, Lin Xuanli found out the rank of the cauldron, which startled him.

"Red blood and black gold tripod: it's a high-level and inferior smelting furnace made of red phoenix blood gold and eternal black gold."

This strange cauldron in front of me is on the same level as his white jade heaven and earth cauldron. They are all high-level and inferior products!

You know, this kind of terrace Ding furnace is extremely difficult to forge. Only a real master can forge it. I'm afraid that ordinary masters can't have such a treasure!

But elder Luo hasn't been promoted yet. It's incredible that he has such a treasure.

However, Lin Xuan finally calmed down and sat on the emerald jade Futon in front of the alchemy furnace. His body suddenly froze!

A cool feeling came up from under him. It was a special Futon used to relieve the heat and dryness of alchemy.

"It's too luxurious."

At this moment, Lin Xuan had to continue to sigh.

As a matter of fact, there is no simple place to live in.

Behind him, elder Luo's eyes were smiling and said: "you should have a Chinese medicine for the concentration pill, right?"


Lin Xuan nodded slightly, his face calm.

The book of God of medicine is the inheritance of a generation of sage of medicine. The prescriptions in it can't be counted, let alone the middle-class Ningshen pill, which is the best one.

But unfortunately, he can't.

The more high-grade pills are refined, the more refined the alchemy steps are. It's just like the middle-grade concentration pills. The first requirement for alchemy is to have a cauldron to reach the middle-grade level.

Who can afford to buy the cauldron stove, except the elders of the blood weeping sect and the legitimate children of the major families?

That's why Lu Ping didn't believe it before.

The technology of alchemy is the second, you also have the cauldron furnace of alchemy!

In addition, the danfang of alchemy is also extremely precious. If you want to refine Zhongpin Ningshen pill, if you don't have danfang, you'd better make a fart!

Alchemy needs a threshold.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan didn't lack anything.

However, just after Lin Xuan took out a batch of elixir materials from the jade ring, he found that elder Luo didn't leave behind him, but stood silently behind him and looked at him.

"Elder, I'm ready to start alchemy."

Lin Xuan turns his head and looks at Luo Changdao.

"Well, you start. I'll be here to check for you."

Elder Luo waved and said with a kind smile.

His body is as straight as a pine. Even if he is old, there is a kind of rich breath in the air, which is not to be underestimated.

In this way, Lin Xuan had no choice but to sit quietly on the futon and run the method of refining medicine in the God of Medicine's treasure book, and suddenly urged the cauldron stove!

The red blood and black gold tripod was shocked, and the boundless rays gushed out from it, with hundreds of millions of rays!

This is more than that. The red light is as bright as the sun, and the black light is unique from ancient times to modern times, just like the alternation of heaven and earth, the sun and the moon, which shocked Lin Xuan. This tripod is really strange.

This is the vision of high-level treasure, and it is also the projection of the past when it became a pill. The red blood and black gold tripod has been refined by elder Luo for so many years, and it is already psychic after being soaked with medicine!

The material of this red blood black gold tripod is extraordinary. Whether it's red phoenix blood gold or eternal black gold, it has a great origin.

Just like the red phoenix blood gold, there is an old rumor that it is the precious gold made from the blood of the Phoenix, which is rare and precious, and can't be bought even if there is a spirit stone.

Although some exaggeration, but also enough to see the extraordinary red phoenix blood gold.

In this one meter high tripod, some red phoenix blood gold was melted.

The eternal black gold, though not as rare as the red phoenix blood gold, is also hard to find in the world. Every time a piece of black gold appears, it will be snatched away. At the auction, a piece of black gold the size of a washbasin is worth a million spirit stones!

It's terrible!

When Lin Xuan bought the materials for array arrangement, he had heard about them.

Because these are not only valuable materials for refining utensils, but also valuable materials for arranging arrays and carrying runes!

Lin Xuan suspected that the black gold sword he got was made of eternal black gold.

Moreover, with the help of the system, he once investigated the grade of the black gold ancient Dao, which was not the top grade of the middle grade as song Tiancheng said.

It's the best of the middle class.

The most bizarre thing is that there are three words in recovery behind the remarks of the system.

At that time, Lin Xuan guessed that the real level of the black gold ancient Dao might be higher?

But the system didn't give him any answers.

At this time, Lin Xuan shakes his head, abandons the thoughts in his heart, and runs the method of refining medicine. In his hands, two golden flames are burning, prompting the red blood and black gold tripod to fall into the deep process of refining medicine.

However, because Lin Xuan was the first time to refine Chinese medicine, some of them were not very skilled.

Even if the method of the God of medicine is very powerful, the cauldron stove and the array in the room can also provide some help, but his first stove has been practiced for two days and two nights.

During this period, elder Luo seemed to be a wooden man and didn't move. If he didn't have a God in his eyes, he would be regarded as a sculpture.

At this moment, the red blood and black gold cauldron with three feet and two ears was boiling again, and the clouds were like a fairyland.

A strong fragrance of medicine comes from the cauldron. This is the scene of Dan Cheng. The more advanced Dan medicine is, when it becomes Dan, there will be abnormal phenomena, and it will be sympathetic with the cauldron furnace.

Suddenly, Lin Xuan opened his eyes. At the same time, there was a roaring sound from the red blood and black gold cauldron. It was like thunder in the sky. Even if there was a forbidden array in the thatched cottage, it still shocked many people!

In Lingshan, many people subconsciously took a look at it. Someone whispered and said with a smile, "ha ha, nothing, nothing. It's just that elder Luo has refined a batch of precious pills."

In the quiet cottage, elder Luo's eyes were surprised, very surprised.

His eyes were like golden eyes. Through the layers of clouds, he could see the situation in the cauldron.

There are six jade like gems, which are shining like the moon, silver and extraordinary!

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