"Not bad, not bad!"

All of a sudden, elder Luo laughs, stares at Lin Xuan and looks at him again. Finally, he says with emotion: "it's really a formidable afterlife!"

"When I was your age, not to mention refining Chinese medicine, even the middle and lower grade pills were difficult to succeed. You really gave me a great surprise."

Elder Luo recalled the past, and his eyes were in a trance.

"You are beyond my expectation. I thought that if you could refine three pills, I could let you do this job."

"Now it seems that I underestimate you."

Elder Luo smiles. He shakes his head and says to Lin Xuan, "well, you are the one to make the medicine."

"The materials in this storage ring are enough for you to refine nine furnaces. You can take the ring back for refining, or you can go to the alchemy room in Lingshan."

Smell speech, Lin Xuan busily does not die of open mouth way: "elder, I choose to refine in the alchemy room."

"Ha ha ha, you

Elder Luo laughed, but he nodded and continued: "hold the jade card I gave you, go to the alchemy room and ask them to find a place for you."


Lin Xuan quickly gets up and bows to elder Luo. Then, in elder Luo's kind eyes, he quietly withdraws from the courtyard and doesn't disturb him any more.

"Well, I've practiced Dan for two days and two nights, and my experience has increased by 80000. This place is so good that I can't go out even if I'm killed!"

Lin Xuan was excited.

Chinese elixir basically does not contain semi elixir, the most inferior, are inferior elixir, and there are two main medicines of Chinese elixir.

With this kind of medicine power increasing, the whole room is filled with medicine fragrance, aura surging, very rich, far more than five times of the outside world.

Lin Xuan was in the middle of it. He could reach 70000 in two days just by being passive!

Even faster than his self-cultivation!

Such a treasure land, who go out who is a fool!

Then, according to elder Luo's guidance, Lin Xuan found the alchemy room on the hillside of Lingshan mountain.

Besides, the alchemy room is far more magnificent than the thatched cottage where elder Luo lived. It's all solid wood buildings, carved beams and painted buildings.

Of course, if binei is there, it can't be compared with elder Luo's cottage.

At this time, Lin Xuan went into the main hall in the center of the alchemy room. Only after he registered here could he be assigned to the alchemy room.

A gray deacon had dry hair, but he was hale and hearty. He looked at Lin Xuan from a distance and said calmly, "come to me, junior."


Smell speech, Lin Xuan immediately respectfully nods, because this is a gray deacon, unexpectedly already is the spirit teacher realm.

"What medicine do you make? What grade? "

The deacon in grey asked calmly.

"Zhongpin Ningshen pill."

Lin Xuan's words are simple, and the lowest level of the concentration pill is the lower level of the middle level. What he said about the middle level also refers to the middle level.

"Well, the younger generation is formidable. Even at a young age, they have been able to refine Zhongpin Ningshen pill."

Smell speech, gray clothes deacon turbid old eyes unexpectedly clear up, carefully looking at Lin Xuan, satisfied nod.

"How many heats are there?"

The grey deacon asked again.

"Nine furnaces."

Then, the gray deacon nodded and asked again, "do you have a wooden card?"

Lin Xuan subconsciously handed out the jade card that elder Luo gave him. He didn't notice that the old man in grey wanted the task wooden card.

"I didn't ask you for the wooden card. What did you bring me... Eh, wait... This is..."

Originally, the old man in grey clothes still had a slight reprimand, but when he looked at the jade card carefully, he found that there was an ancient word on the jade card.


"Are you a disciple of elder Luo?"

At this moment, the old man in grey was very surprised.

"Well, it's not..."

Lin Xuan shakes his head. He doesn't think so. After all, he didn't do any apprenticeship.

"Well? Where did you get this jade card from? "

"Elder Luo gave it to me."

Lin Xuan said subconsciously.

"Well, you are the disciple of elder Luo."

"Otherwise, how could elder Luo give you such a valuable jade card?"

"How dare you tease me, you little generation

At this moment, the old man in grey was angry.

"Ah? Is this jade very valuable? "

Lin Xuan is a little confused. He really doesn't know.

"Nonsense, this jade card is the only one of the elders in the clan. It's a symbol of status. With this jade card, you can go anywhere in the blood weeping clan. Isn't it valuable enough?"

Smell speech, gray dress deacon slightly frown, some annoyance way.

"Do you know how many elders there are in the clan?"

Then, the gray deacon saw Lin Xuan's indifferent face and continued to ask.

"How many? Keke, I've just started at this age. I don't know enough about the situation in the sect. "

Lin Xuan coughed awkwardly. He really didn't know.

"Apart from those noble elders, there are only 46 elders in the inner and outer branches of my blood weeping sect."

"Now you have such a big chance, but you look like you don't know. Hehe, are you making fun of me?"

"Do you know how many years it will take us deacons to get such a brand?"

"You are so angry with me. I don't know if I'm lucky!"

The old man in grey was angry, but when he thought about the owner of the jade medal, he had to hold back.

Well, at this moment, Lin Xuan also understood the benefits that this jade card could not imagine.

You can go in and out of any place in the clan gate. This one alone is very impressive.

He thought he could only enter Lingshan.

"It seems that elder Luo gave me a big gift!"

Lin Xuan's heart slightly moves, don't know why, this Luo elder unexpectedly can treat him so well.

Is it really a pity?

Lin Xuan shook his head and asked, "yes, I remember. Thank you for your help."

"But I have another question. Do I still use registration?"

"There's no need to register. The last alchemy room on the left, you can make alchemy as long as you want."

The old man in grey looks a little bit ugly, but Lin Xuan actually knows that it's just that the old man in grey has an unbalanced heart and no other malice.

"Well, I see."

Lin Xuan was a little embarrassed. He followed the old man's guide and went to the corridor on his left. There was a path every five meters on both sides of the long corridor. There was an alchemy room at the end of each path.

Among them, some of the alchemy rooms gush out wisps of medicine fragrance, which obviously has already been owned.

Lin Xuan came to the back of the corridor silently. There were two alchemy rooms on each side. However, there were already people in the alchemy room on the left.

Lin Xuan thought silently in his heart, and naturally knew that what gray deacon said just now was another house.

He walked along the stone road, pushed open the door and stepped into it. The display in the alchemy room was very old, as if it had existed for many years.

The central position is empty.

There is no trace of the alchemy furnace.

Only a piece of jade futon, and the secret gathering spirit pattern.

"Don't provide Dan Fang, don't provide Ding stove, ha ha, no wonder no one comes to take such a task, ordinary people don't have such strength."

"And those with these strengths will dislike alchemy and give too few points, so they won't do it."

"It's cheap for me."

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