"There are still 20 days to go before the end of the year. I want to refine all the nine furnaces of pills in 20 days."

"Well, I've earned 1800 points in the past two days for a 300 point coin!"

"Although it's slower than hunting monsters, it's still OK. What's more, it's just the first furnace I've made. I have no experience."

"Every furnace in the future will naturally get better and better!"

Lin Xuan said to himself that he didn't avoid anything. He took the white jade heaven and earth tripod out of the storage space.

The small tripod, which was the size of the palm of the hand, suddenly became larger and more than one meter high under the urging of Lin Xuan. It fell heavily into the pattern of the spirit gathering array.

Then, without wasting his time, he took out the elixir in the jade ring, turned the alchemy door, and slightly shook the white jade heaven and earth cauldron.

All of a sudden, the white jade tripod was full of clouds, and strands of immortal light gushed out. This was the residue of some pills left by Lin Xuan's refining medicine.

But it doesn't matter. He's refining the residue to avoid disturbing the power of the medicine.

Compared with the original refining of the middle and lower level of Ningshen pill, today's Lin Xuan can only be refined from the beginning, not the same.

However, he always had a strong understanding power, and had the blessing of white jade heaven and earth tripod and this gathering spirit array pattern. Lin Xuan spent three days and three nights refining a batch of pills again!

The reason why he took such a long time this time was not that his level dropped, but that Lin Xuan's Alchemy skill could better control the fire and refine the elixir in the cauldron.

At the moment of Dancheng, the glow from the white jade tripod overflowed the whole room. It was as powerful as the Milky way, like a rainbow of nine colors. The whole room was incomparably holy!

Such a startling vision shocked many of the people in the alchemy room around.

When Lin Xuan opened his eyes, the cauldron turned over, and nine pills as bright as silver and jade appeared. This time, Lin Xuan made nine pills out of a furnace of pills!

Then, he seemed to open the hook, immersed in the refining of medicine, unable to extricate himself.

Another three days later, the white jade tripod exploded again, and the boundless fragrance of medicine filled the whole room.

This time, there were twelve silver pills the size of grapes, and Lin Xuan's method became more and more refined.

There are no Jiazi in the mountains. It has been thousands of years in the world.

As time went by, twenty days passed in the blink of an eye. Lin Xuan finally finished refining the last batch of concentration pills before the end of the year.

This time, he only used less than two days, and Cheng Dan, even a full 22!

And it seemed that he had reached the top. When Lin Xuan made the seventh furnace, there were so many.

After all, there are so many elixirs. It's impossible to produce dozens of elixir materials in one furnace!

Even the elder of alchemy, I'm afraid it's such a record.

And Lin Xuan, what he can improve is not the number of pills, but the time of refining pills!

It was shortened by him step by step.

In these 20 days, Lin Xuan refined 138 pieces in total, including the previous six pieces, resulting in 144 pieces of Chengdan.

If according to each Cheng Dan 300 points, and Lin Xuan 20 days of points, full 43200!

Such achievements, in the alchemy of the same door, can be said to be the leader, too amazing!

Who has ever heard that those who make more than 40000 points by refining 20 day elixir are faster than those who are strong enough to hunt monsters on the list.

When Lin Xuan came to the yaolu hall in Lingshan, this hall was different from the front hall, and it was not as big as the one outside Lingshan.

After Lin Xuan delivered 144 pieces to the deacons in the medicine room, he was shocked by many deacons and even elders in the medicine room. Even elder Luo was very surprised and rushed over!

He thought that Lin Xuan could produce six pieces in each furnace, which met the standard, but he didn't expect that Lin Xuan gave him such a big surprise!

"You made it. No one else can help you?"

Elder Luo was surprised. He looked at Lin Xuan and asked in shock.

Think about it. An elder who has been standing in such a state for 500 years, what kind of person is that? What kind of person have you never seen? But such people are shocked by Lin Xuan's feat.

"It was made by one of the disciples. The fellow in the alchemy room should be able to testify for me."

Lin Xuan nodded.

"Hahaha, elder martial brother Gong Xiluo, you can find a treasure. Such an apprentice can inherit your legacy!"

At this time, another white haired old man in yaolu laughed. Before the arrival of elder Luo, he had asked the deacon in grey clothes in the alchemy room, and had understood the process of the matter.

When Lin Xuan came on the 20th, there would be a big stir every few days. Many of his classmates around him were speechless!

Everyone is alchemy, why do you have such a huge momentum? The alchemy is full of auspicious clouds and brilliant rays, and the fragrance of medicine permeates the whole alchemy room!

Let people live or not?

But there's no way. Lin Xuan used the most precious white jade heaven and earth tripod. It's just so amazing!

Of course, elder yaolu also learned that Lin Xuan was a disciple of elder Luo

At this moment, Lin Xuan seems to be the most dazzling new star in the whole Lingshan mountain. No one among the younger generation can match him!

Even elder Luo said three good words!

"Good, good!"

"Lin Xuan, you really surprised me. Even if the deacon in the medicine room came to refine the ten heats of medicine, they were only a dozen pieces in one heats..."

With that, elder Luo shakes his head again. Lin Xuan disturbs his indifferent mood.

What kind of immortal disciple is this?

If we cultivate them well, they will have a bright future!

"That's right. Elder martial brother Luo is right. We have always been fair and just in yaolu. Lin Xuan and other people calculate the points of Chengdan for fear that they will waste materials, so we have to refine at least 6 pieces in one furnace."

"But you're different. It's not fair to you."

"You have saved so many materials for our medicine room, and the refining effect of Ningshen pill is so good that our medicine room will not bury your credit!"

"So, it's up to elder martial brother Luo and me to decide. Every Chengdan counts you 600 points!"

Yao Lu's white haired elder smiles at Lin Xuan.

"Yes, thank you for your care!"

Lin Xuan's eyes brightened slightly, but he didn't expect such benefits!

If his score is calculated according to 600, it's 86400 now, which has to catch up with Lin Xuan's killing demons!

Moreover, there are many furnaces in these pills. Lin Xuan hasn't been refined well, and it takes a long time to waste them!

Now Lin Xuan felt that he could refine ten heats of Zhongpin Ningshen pills for no more than half a month!

Chengdan at least 220, or even more!

This way, he can earn 132000 points in half a month!

One month is 264000 points!

Let's not talk about the great use of the task points in the clan, the rewards and monthly salary given in the ranking list, etc.

Just talking about the ratio of points to Lingshi 10:1, Lin Xuan earned 2.64 million Lingshi a month!

What a concept!

More than he makes by selling notes!

Or no business!

The most important thing is that Lin Xuan has been here for 20 days, and his realm is about to break through!

The experience gained by passive cultivation can make him break through

What's the concept?

Lin Xuan didn't even dare to think about this kind of thing before!

Before I thought it was too difficult to upgrade, there were not enough resources!

At this moment, all those problems were gone. Lin Xuan's eyes were green, and he just wanted to die in the alchemy room!

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