"Ha ha ha!"

Lin Xuan was a little embarrassed, but then he burst out laughing.

Now that he was seen through, Lin Xuan didn't hide anything.

However, Lin Xuan said with reason: "that's because you don't practice all the time, and you don't live in the seventh peak."

"Otherwise, I guess you are at least the sixth passage of the spirit now."

"If you have been practicing in a depressed way, you will have more and more resources, even close to the seventh paragraph of the spirit."

"You'd better not belittle yourself."

If anyone underestimates Shen MuQing, she will surely die miserably. This woman is really not a simple person.

Moreover, practice is not faster than who, but farther than who.

Even if someone is running in front of you, one day if he is stopped by a dangerous barrier, it will show the real gap.

Just like elder Luo, it's hard to stay in one realm for 500 years.

"Ha ha."

Shen MuQing laughed. She didn't know why. When she was with Lin Xuan, she was always amused.

"By the way, do you know elder Luo?"

Lin Xuan is very good at elder qiluo's experience now, but he has no way.

"The elder Luo of yaolu?"

Shen Mu Qing slightly jaw head, mouth way.

"Yes, that's him."

Lin Xuan nodded.

"What? Did the elder trouble you? "

Shen MuQing seems to think of the original single autumn water, subconsciously asked.

"No, well... How to say, I am half a disciple of elder Luo now..."

"As for why it's half... Because elder Luo didn't accept me, but he gave me a jade card to symbolize his identity."

Lin Xuan also felt a bit tongue twister, but fortunately, Shen MuQing's understanding ability is very strong.

She looked at the jade card that Lin Xuan took out. She was surprised, but she still said with a smile, "I'd like to congratulate you. It's really not easy to be accepted as a disciple by elder Luo."

"Not yet!"

Lin Xuan corrected the wrong way.

"It's already."

Shen MuQing pointed to the jade card in Lin Xuan's hand and continued with a smile: "even Shan Qiushui, who has been practicing in Lingshan for three years, doesn't have this jade card. It's self-evident that the elder gave you the jade card."

"Even if you say you are not his disciple, outsiders don't believe it at all."

"He's trying to protect you."

"Well, count the days. Once the messenger of the Song family comes back, he should be arriving soon."

Shen MuQing is so intelligent that many of them don't even have the same way to know Lin Xuan. Shen MuQing makes it clear with just a few words.

"Protect me? And why? I killed half of his disciples. "

However, after that, there is still a doubt in front of Lin Xuande's eyes.

"I don't know. I'm curious about how you did it."

Shen MuQing said with a smile.

"Is that really the flattery I used to make?"

Lin Xuan guessed.

But this kind of thought, actually is very outrageous.

"Perhaps it is foreseen that the Song family will come to deal with you. You can't deal with such a great enemy. However, you are so bright and powerful that you cherish your talents."

"After all, the elder had such a precedent before."

"Otherwise, it's really hard to explain."

Shen MuQing's conjecture is far closer to the truth than Lin Xuan's idea, and can make sense.

But, after all, it's just speculation. I'm afraid I have to ask elder Luo personally what the real reason is.

Lin Xuan is speechless.

"As for the elder, actually any elder martial brother in the clan should know."

"Elder Luo used to be the real pride of the blood weeping sect. But at the age of 50, he was already standing at the peak of the spirit Master. It's really amazing for an era."

"At the beginning, many people felt that such a character was destined to rise and become famous all over the world. This is only the beginning."

"But everyone didn't expect that it was the beginning and the end."

Shen MuQing's eyes were deep and his voice was low.

"But that year, the Taoist priest of elder Luo, unfortunately fell."

"Elder Luo was so high spirited in those days, but after this blow, he was not able to recover, and his accomplishments were hard to advance."

"After that, he was more determined to refine the medicine, and stubbornly felt that the death of daolv was due to him and that he was late."

"Zeng greatly hated that there was no elixir to save his life, so he wanted to refine the elixir and sink for a hundred years. After all, he woke up."

"The beauty of the past has turned into a white bone. Even if there is a magic pill, it can't bring the dead back to life."

Shen MuQing sighed and continued: "I have stayed in that realm for 500 years. Ha ha, such a person is really a legend."

"Elder Luo had such a thing in the past. The death of Hongyan made him unable to let go for 500 years."

Smell speech, Lin Xuan is also a little surprised, did not expect this kind of thing.

At this time, he really understood why the boss would have said that he couldn't cross the barrier. If he could, he didn't have to wait until today.

He's not trapped in the realm.

I'm trapped in a knot.

For so long, it has not been solved.

But Lin Xuan still had a lot of doubts and said, "elder Luo said that his life will not be long. Why is that?"

"I remember elder Wu in the entrance examination of zongmen also stood at the peak of spiritual cultivation, but he was already 800 years old."

However, Shen MuQing gave a little smile, and she explained in a soft voice: "generally speaking, the highest realm of a spiritual master is to live five or six hundred years at most."

"Even the ordinary strong who break into the realm of lingzun, if they can't continue to improve, Shouyuan will be seven or eight hundred years old."

"But in this world, there is the king of medicine, and there are more holy medicines than the king of medicine, even divine medicines. These miraculous medicines can be used for life!"

"The king of inferior medicine can completely refine a batch of pills, or directly refine and take them, which can increase the life span of about 200 years!"

"The medicine king of middle and top grade, even the best, is the real life-saving medicine."

"If it's the best medicine king with stronger efficacy, it can even increase the longevity of 600 or 700 years."

"And these drugs also depend on the people who take them. Some people will naturally live longer if they break through after taking them."

"Elder Wu, for example, is the reason why he took the medicine king at the beginning."

Shen MuQing's words seem to overturn Lin Xuan's three outlooks. The records he had seen in the library of the Lin family were not complete.

Lin Xuan has many misunderstandings.

"I see!"

With Shen MuQing's help, Lin Xuan finally understood why the Luo Presbyterian Council said that it didn't matter whether he took the medicine or not. He was determined to die and didn't want to continue to live.

But at this time, suddenly there was a movement at the foot, and bursts of exclamations rang out.

"Here he comes."

Beside him, Shen MuQing blinked slightly and looked at the figure coming from the foot of the mountain. His action was very elegant and natural, which attracted many people's attention.

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