His face is like a jade crown, he is as handsome as a gentleman, his hair is clear, he wears white clothes better than snow, and his temperament is cold.

With a sword on his back, he stepped on several steps in one leap, like a crane spreading its wings.

"Is that Shen Qingfeng?"

Lin Xuan had never seen this man, but had heard of him. This was the first time he met.


Shen MuQing nodded.

Then he said, "do you want to know each other?"

"Forget it. It's too much pressure."

Lin Xuan shook his head.


Shen MuQing couldn't help laughing.

"You have stressful times, too."

"That kind of person, who faces him, will have pressure."

Lin Xuanyuan glanced at them. Unexpectedly, the figure didn't enter the trading hall directly, but jumped to them directly!

"Crouching trough... Does this guy find us peeping at him? How can he say that he just came here? Is it going to fight?"

"Damn, it's coming."

They were standing on the ninth floor. They thought it was nothing to have a look at them from a distance. Unexpectedly, Shen Qingfeng was so sensitive that he found them!

Lin Xuan was ready for a moment, and his face was a little serious.

But Shen MuQing did smile and said, "it doesn't matter. He should come for me."

At this time, the elegant figure came to them and looked at them in silence.

"Don't worry about it."

Finally, Shen Qingfeng opened his mouth. His voice was not abrupt, but warm and moist.

"You're all right."

Shen MuQing nodded and said with a smile.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you ok?"

At this time, Shen Qingfeng whispered to Shen MuQing again.

"Not bad."

Shen MuQing has a beautiful smile.

At this time, Lin Xuan on one side seems to have figured out that he is not a fool. There is something wrong with these two people!

I don't know why, Lin Xuan's heart suddenly lost.

"You wait for me here for a moment, I'll deliver the task, and I'll be right here."

Shen Qingfeng said with a bright smile.


At this time, Shen Qingfeng's eyes inevitably swept from Lin Xuan's body, and then turned away with a smile.

When he's gone.

Lin Xuan immediately doubts a way: "do you know each other?"

"Well, I met you three years ago."

Shen MuQing slightly jaw first.

Well, that's right. Lin Xuan's question is very problematic. They are two proud people in Huangcheng. How can they not know each other.

"Cough, then I'll avoid it for a while?"

Lin Xuan coughed awkwardly and said softly.

"No, there's nothing to avoid."

However, this time, Shen MuQing shook his head.


However, at this moment, Shen MuQing suddenly said: "I had a fight with him, three years ago."

"At that time, I was a lower level than him. I was badly abused."

"Later, I didn't feel satisfied. I tried my best to catch up, but I still couldn't catch up."

"When I first entered the spirit, I had another fight with him. I was still a lower level than him. There was no accident. I lost again."

Shen MuQing suddenly laughed, as if relieved.

"Then I know that this guy is really strong. Even if I fight with him at the same level, I don't have to be his opponent."

Smell speech, Lin Xuan seem to understand what, ha ha a smile way: "no wonder what you said at the beginning, you and he with the same level a war are not necessarily its opponent."

"I lost to him more than once."

However, Shen MuQing didn't seem to hear him. He said: "you know at that time, I lost. What did he say to me?"


Lin Xuan has a wonderful way.

"He said with a cold face, let me be his Taoist companion. He thought I was strong enough to match him. Hahaha, I was stupid at the beginning."

Shen muqingjiao laughs, beautiful and moving.

"Poof, there is such a thing between you?"

At this moment, even Lin Xuan couldn't help it. It sounds like a sad story.

I don't know why, Lin Xuan's mood is better again.

"He is really stupid. Although he is better now, he is still stupid."

"But it's not bad."

Shen MuQing laughed.

Smell speech, Lin Xuan also calculate understand that Shen Qingfeng Shen elder brother's rank, probably is the former straight man that category.

"At that time, I was so angry that I really wanted to kill him with a sword, but later I thought that I was not an opponent, so I had to bear it."

"Then I went away in anger. After that, he went to my family to look for me, but he was kept away from Merlin."

Shen MuQing seems to be explaining something on purpose.

Lin Xuan's face was calm.

In fact, he didn't understand what feelings he had for Shen MuQing, such as Lin Yu's general partner?

Just then, Shen Qingfeng hurried back to them.

This time, Shen Qingfeng opened his mouth to Lin Xuan and said, "I'm Shen Qingfeng, MuQing's friend."

Lin Xuan nodded and said, "Lin Xuan."

"It's you?"

Shen Qingfeng was stunned and then began to laugh.

"At the beginning, I heard about the disturbance you stirred up in Luohuang City, but after I left the customs, you have already left."

"This time, we can compete with each other."

Even Lin Xuan didn't expect that when Shen Qingfeng opened his mouth, the smell of gunpowder was so strong?

Is this treating yourself as a rival?

"I'll fight with you when I'm on the same terrace. You're bullying people. You need the spirit seven. I'm still the spirit two. You have to fight with me. I'm too difficult."

However, Lin Xuan shook his head like a rattle.

Don't be shameful when you can't fight.

It's really humiliating to be taught a lesson.

If he was an ordinary spirit, he would not be afraid of anything.

However, this is also a Tianzong figure who can fight across the ranks, which is not easy for him to fight.

On one side, Shen MuQing laughs like a flower.

"I think what Lin Xuan said is quite right. It's fair to fight at the same level."

At this time, Shen Qingfeng confidently said: "in this case, there will never be the hope of the same level. He can't catch up with me at all."

For Lin Xuan, he was very conceited, very conceited. Lin Xuan found that he was looked down upon again.

What is this called.

"It doesn't take too long to catch up with you. One year is enough. I'll see you inside!"

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"A year? Ha ha ha, Mu Qing, your friend is really interesting. "

"Do you know the gap between us? While you are improving, I am also breaking through. You can't catch up if you want to. "

At this moment, Shen Qingfeng suddenly burst into laughter.

On one side, Shen MuQing showed a sly smile, silent, interesting looking at them two tit for tat.

Just then, Lin Xuan noticed the smile.

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