This smile

Is Shen MuQing deliberately leading Shen Qingfeng?

It's not too much for her to watch, is it?

Lin Xuan thought about it and found that it was really like Shen MuQing's character.

Looking at his domineering son, Lin Xuan was helpless.

"Yes, you are invincible. No one is your opponent. I'll give up."

For such a conceited person, the more you explain to him, the more obstinate he is with you. In short, he has never been defeated in his life, so he is too conceited.

Lin Xuan was so strong that he didn't feel conceited that he was the best in the world.

"I can see it in your eyes."

However, Shen Qingfeng refused to let go.

"I said, brother, do you want me to bow when I see you?"

Lin Xuan is really helpless, he recruit who provoke who, this was aimed at.

And this pit was dug by Shen MuQing.

"Ah, you know why Shen MuQing doesn't like you, because in your eyes, there's no emotion. There's only conceit. You have to be conceited to heaven."

Lin Xuan sighed, and suddenly felt that the man who had just been watching from afar was not like Shen Qingfeng.

Smell speech, one side of Shen MuQing also some surprised looking at Lin Xuan, it seems that did not expect, Lin Xuan can guess the idea in her heart.

Originally, Lin Xuan did not understand.

Just now, he was still thinking that if Shen Qingfeng was just a little silly, he would not be angry. Would he like to kill him with a sword?

Now, after a few more words, Lin Xuan understood.

Although this guy doesn't have a nostril, he is conceited between the lines.

Eyes above the top!

Lin Xuan can even imagine that he won the war with Shen MuQing. He said in the arrogant way: "Shen MuQing, I think you deserve me. Be my partner!"

Lin Xuan can't bear to look directly at him. No wonder Shen MuQing wants to kill him with a sword!

What a shame this is to others.

If you win, you should win. You should also say that you want people to be your companions.

If the average person also just, proud such as Shen MuQing Phoenix tiannv, this is not bullying people.

Only if you like it can you have a ghost!

However, Shen Qingfeng seems to take it for granted. You see, I'm so strong. If you don't kneel down and obey my orders, what do you think

Now the more Lin Xuan looks at it, the more he has that flavor!

Indeed, as Shen MuQing said just now, he is not bad, but he is really stupid.

At this moment, Shen Qingfeng's face suddenly changed color, frowned and said, "what did you say?"

"I said, if you can change your lofty temper, maybe some younger martial sister will be willing to be your Taoist companion in the future. Otherwise, who can stand it like you?"

Lin Xuan is a little funny.

It's not like that. After all, people have facial expressions, although they are cool.

This can be regarded as the most unusual person Lin Xuan has ever seen. In the eyes of outsiders, he does look very elegant and extraordinary, but once he comes into contact, he reveals his true feelings.

"Are you making fun of me?"

Shen Qingfeng said coldly.

"I just want you to change your character. Do you really think you are from heaven? Who is not stepping on the earth, you are the only one to turn over with us. "

Lin Xuan's face was cold.

"I don't want to fight with you because of Mu Qing's face. I hope you are more knowledgeable and don't have to say more."

"You go, I have something to say to Mu Qing."

Shen Qingfeng sneered, still on the high road.

Hearing the speech, Lin Xuan immediately laughed. He shrugged his shoulders and said to Shen MuQing, who was very interested in watching the scene: "are you really avenging the original revenge?"

Lin Xuan can see that Shen MuQing is waiting here.

He was in Luohuang city at the beginning, and made a pit of Shen MuQing. Now, he was made a pit again.

When is the time to repay each other!

"Smart, just want to let you eat shriveled."

Shen MuQing nodded, smiling like flowers.

"You're not trying to make me shriveled, you're trying to kill me."

Lin Xuan sighed slightly, Shen MuQing thought things too simple.

This is a contest between men. How can Lin Xuan admit counsels.

But Shen Qingfeng is still interested in Shen MuQing. How can Lin Xuan bear it?

She thought that she just wanted to make a fool of Lin Xuan, but she didn't know that Lin Xuan was furious.

Of course, this anger is not because of Shen MuQing.

It's Shen Qingfeng!

This man, do you really regard him as a soft persimmon?

He was so high and aggressive that he despised Lin Xuan and gave him orders.

If this Lin Xuan can endure, he is not him.

"Miss Shen, do you think I'm so cheeky that I won't be angry about this?"

"Or, do you think I'll think I'm thick skinned enough, and I'm sure I'll counsellor, and I won't fight Shen Qingfeng at such a time?"

"Ha ha, I'm not as good as you wish!"

Lin Xuan ha ha a smile, Mou Guang Leng come down.

Sure enough, when Lin Xuan said this, Shen MuQing was really surprised, and his eyes were staring at him.

"Lin Xuan, what are you going to do?"

At this moment, Shen MuQing was a little panic.

"What do you do, fight."


Such as a thunder, this moment, Shen MuQing heart a surprised, did not expect Lin Xuan is playing such an idea.

Shen MuQing said that even if he was on the same level, he might not be Shen Qingfeng's opponent and would lose to him again.

So, let Lin Xuan do it for her!

"It doesn't mean that you are defeated by him. I'll win it back for you."

Lin Xuan smiles and looks at Shen MuQing gently: "thank you for borrowing my spirit stone to practice before. There are only two people who treat me so well in this life. Thank you."

The atmosphere in the field suddenly fell down, and the smile on Lin Xuan's face had disappeared.

"Lin Xuan, are you crazy?"

Suddenly, Shen MuQing's smile froze on her beautiful cheek.

Originally in her eyes, Lin Xuan, who was always gentle and smiling, had disappeared.

"Yes, I'm just crazy."

"I hate being calculated by others. You don't want me to fight with him. Then I'll do what you want."

However, Shen MuQing shook his head in a hurry, and his voice suddenly weakened.


"I'm just making fun of you. I don't mean anything else. Don't be impulsive."

However, Lin Xuan shook his head and said in a soft voice, "well, it's not impulsive, it's about men's dignity."

"You don't understand. You don't have to say much."

"In two months' time, I'll have a fight with him."

Along the way, Lin Xuan did not encounter a strong enemy, and even despair.

But he did not come all the way. What fell behind him were the bodies of others.

Lin Xuan smiles and looks at Shen Qingfeng, who has a bad face. He provocatively says, "dare to fight?"

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