However, just as the two old sayings of yaolu fell, another big thunder like a tree trunk came down from the sky. At this moment, visible to the naked eye, the whole temple was overturned, and one big hole after another was blasted!

Even the iron and steel walls made of black iron are collapsing. This kind of power affects people's hearts!

It should be noted that in the hall of gathering Qi, those invisible prohibitions are not carved on the wall, but in the void and the earth. The hall is just built on the ground!

This is the means of a real master of array. He can draw in the void and take the underground spiritual pulse as the source. As long as the spiritual pulse is not exhausted, the array Rune will always be effective!

Thunder sea has no way to break the forbidden system of array, but it can easily tear the hall!

Moreover, if not for the appearance of patterns in the void and the constant protection, the thunder would be more powerful, for fear that it would directly destroy the whole hall and turn it into ashes!

Deep in the thunder sea, around the gas gathering room where Lin Xuan was, those tall walls had broken into small pieces, but he himself was unharmed by the roaring thunder!

At the moment, Lin Xuan's body was crystal clear, just like an immortal fetus. His whole body exuded the vitality of the recovery of all things!

He has completed his own transformation, surrounded by those obscure scriptures, ordinary lightning and thunder has been difficult to hurt him, all the way!

However, in front of him at the moment, there was a small tripod made of God jade. It was a white jade tripod!

And just now, the reason why it caused such a series of changes is just related to this tripod!

The white jade tripod is shining, and it is full of thunder. There is a strong fragrance of medicine pouring out from it!

Lin Xuan is making pills in thunder robbery!

"It happens that there is a Dan prescription that records the origin of thunder in the treasure book of medicine God. It is more powerful than the miraculous medicine, and it has infinite benefits!"

Based on this, Lin Xuan took out the white jade heaven and earth tripod from the storage space after confirming that the thunder sea arc covering his body could not hurt him!

More is to put down more than a dozen kinds of elixir, but also to snatch a lot of thunder, refining extraction that rare source, into the elixir!

The fire of the white jade tripod was purple, engulfed by endless electric arc!

But it's very high-grade, even in the thunder, there is no damage, on the contrary, the white jade is more and more sacred, there are strands of life in the air!

Under the baptism of such thunder, both people and tools can get great benefits!

If Lin Xuan didn't know the origin of Bing Hei Jin's ancient sword, he would be baptized by thunder now!

However, he was afraid of some unimaginable accident and didn't dare to try!

Just choose the system reward, know the root of the white jade small tripod to refine medicine!

However, with the passage of time, the upgrading experience in Lin Xuan's mind has only a few hundred, he really wants to be promoted!

According to his previous experience, Lin Xuan knew that as long as he succeeded in the promotion, the thunder sea would disappear!

He will use the little time left to complete the refining of this furnace of pills!

Fortunately, at this time, Lin Xuan's realm was the same as that of the spirit, and the difficulty of refining medicine was greatly reduced!

In the last incense, the thunder became fiercer and fiercer. It seemed that he wanted to take advantage of the last time to cause destruction, but all the power was resisted by Lin Xuan, and then transformed into the cauldron furnace!

"It's going to work!"

Lin Xuan was calm. He looked at the thundering electric arc in the cauldron furnace. The fragrance of the medicine became more and more strong, and several luster appeared from the depth of the cauldron furnace!

This is a sign of Dan Cheng!

At this moment, Lin Xuan finally could not suppress his own realm, and entered the seventh section of the spirit without any hindrance. A powerful afterwave rushed out of the thunder sea, shaking the whole hall!

Almost at the same time, there was a great shock in the cauldron. Ruixia burst out and hundreds of millions of rays of light were scattered. Purple thunder was also looming in it. There was even a mysterious trembling sound, like sympathetic heaven and earth!


Outside, with Lin Xuan's breakthrough, almost at the speed visible to the naked eye, the Milky way that fell from the sky finally stopped, and the thunder sea that covered the whole hall of Qi gathering gradually faded away, disappearing between the heaven and the earth a little bit!

"Lin Xuan broke through!"

I don't know who yelled, and the whole cloud peak suddenly became restless. Many elders who didn't dare to explore the divine sense before finally let out a ray of divine sense to break through the obstacles of the remnant thunder sea and explore Lin Xuan's state!


An elder in the medicine room suddenly widened his eyes in surprise. His divine eyes were bright, like the eyes of heaven. He could see through all the illusions, even the divine consciousness!

Almost at the same moment, another elder was shocked and his face was a little stiff!

"This is really against the sky..."

What do they see?

Many disciples of the sect were very confused. They all widened their eyes and looked at the depths of Juqi hall carefully!

At this moment, Leihai is finally completely hidden. The whole hall has been broken, and the wall made of black iron has collapsed. Lin Xuan's figure appears in front of people's eyes!

In the afterglow of the last purple light, they saw that in front of Lin Xuande, there was a jade like cauldron furnace, in which there was thunder, and the light was blazing!

In the cauldron furnace, there are several beams of light rushing up to the sky, and the strong fragrance of medicine is floating around!

Countless zongmen's children look through the autumn water, see this sacred scene, have a tongue, do not know what to say!

"Lin Xuan... What is he doing?"

"Alchemy in the sky? How can there be such a person in this world? "

"Wocao, this one is really different. Other people are all ready for the robbery, and they can spend all their mental energy to get through it... And Lin Xuan has the spare power to make pills?"

"Hell, he didn't have the slightest injury. His whole body was crystal clear, just like an immortal banished to any place..."

This scene emerged. Not to mention the disciples in the sect, the deacons and elders were completely confused. Originally, they were very worried that Lin Xuan would be able to survive in the outside world!

What happened to this one?

Alchemy in thunder sea?

What kind of immortal operation is this!

They all exclaimed.

"This son, the future is limitless!"

"I survived the robbery safely. My body is so crystal clear. I think I experienced that kind of transformation. Well, it's really terrible!"

"Yes, that kind of transformation, even we can't get it..."

But at this moment, the elder in yaolu opened his mouth again and sighed.

"I'm afraid you've forgotten that Lin Xuan broke through five realms in less than two months. What a shame for us!"

At this moment, everyone seemed to have come back to God and was awakened by the elder.

Yes, in this rare calamity, their focus is on the calamity, but they forget Lin Xuan's breakthrough!

"There are only three days left in the appointed time. How do I feel that Lin Xuan wants to go all the way to the end?"

An elder looked far away and felt a sense of absurdity in his heart.

Two months ago, almost no one was optimistic about Lin Xuan. They thought he was looking for his own death. Today, no one dares to say any more!

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