Lin Xuan stood up calmly and photographed three strange pills surrounded by purple electricity from the cauldron furnace, which contained endless Qi of life.

"Well, even though I'm in a higher level now, I'm still very reluctant to refine the pills of this level. There are only three elixirs in the world!"

He looked at the three pills in his hand and said with emotion.

These three pills are of high quality and have reached the level of medium and top grade. Moreover, they contain the origin of thunder and mysterious life materials. They are very rare!

But soon, Lin Xuan calmed down and put away the three pills.

Ding furnace is early by his income in the portable space!

Lin Xuan also looked embarrassed. Looking at the Qi gathering hall, which is called a broken wall, he did not expect that his promotion to the seventh section of the spirit would lead to such a large-scale disaster!

The whole hall of Qi gathering should be pierced, especially the Qi gathering room where he is, it is a ruin!

Naturally, he noticed that there were a lot of people outside the hall of Qi gathering, but he didn't react much.

Lin Xuan jumped up and came to Luo Chang with a big step. He saluted and said respectfully, "elder, you are worried."

At this time, elder Luo also showed a kind smile on his serious face and said softly, "you're ok if you don't have anything. Ha ha, you..."

Elder Luo pointed to Lin Xuan with a bright smile, shook his head and continued: "guard against arrogance and impatience. There's a big war waiting for you."

Smell speech, Lin Xuan nods.

"Yes, I remember the instruction!"

At this moment, the eyes of the other elders were filled with a trace of envy. The more they looked at Lin Xuan, the more happy they felt.

"Elder martial brother, you really have a good apprentice!"

"Yes, elder martial brother's vision is really beyond saying. Lin Xuan will become a great weapon in the future!"

"Elder martial brother or elder martial brother, I really envy my younger martial brothers!"

Several elders complimented each other, quite respectful to elder Luo.

However, elder Luo shook his head and sighed: "you guys... I'm a dying old man. What can I admire?"

"However, Lin Xuan is the seed of my blood weeping sect. I don't know if I can see him standing in our realm. But if he really gets to that point, I hope you younger martial brothers can protect him as much as possible and go a little further!"

At this moment, elder Luo didn't know what was wrong. Although he was smiling, there was some sadness in his words.

Hearing this, the two elders of yaolu were shocked and cried out: "elder martial brother, why do you say that? The free medicine king in our family will continue his life. It's more than that!"

"Yes, elder martial brother, although your realm has not been broken through all these years, we, elder martial brothers, have not forgotten your original style."

"Even for the sake of the clan, we should continue to live."

Around him, several other elders also spoke out one after another, comforting unceasingly.

In fact, it's no secret that elder Luo Shouyuan will die. After all, he is nearly 600 years old now.

At this age, at the peak of Lingshi, he has already reached the limit.

If there is no external object to continue life, it will naturally die of old age, will fall!

Only if elder Luo can take the step that he has not been able to take in recent years, sublimate to the utmost and start his own transformation, can he really rejuvenate and continue to live.

At this moment, Lin Xuan was silent.

This is not the first time that the elder said this to him. Originally, he thought he would break the myth. Before such a feat, elder Luo might be very satisfied and happy.

But the result is different from what he expected.

Elder Luo is really satisfied with him, but he has already been determined to die.

Seeing Lin Xuan's brilliance at the moment, it was more like he had given up his wish and was completely relieved.

I feel it in my heart.

"Ha ha, the king of medicine is a precious thing. It takes hundreds of years to mature. I don't have many in my family!"

"I'm a useless old man. I don't want to eat."

"You are different from me. You are still young and have time. You may not have the chance to take that step in your life. The king of medicine is more important to you."

However, elder Luo laughs and says with a smile.

His face is really peaceful. He can't see any sadness or sadness. He seems to have seen through all the worldly things and the cause and effect of life and death. He has no fear.

Then, elder Luo looked at Lin Xuan, patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him: "practice well. Maybe in the future, the continuation of the sect will be handed over to you."

He is really optimistic about Lin Xuan. Today's vast thunder sea has proved Lin Xuan's potential. What he lacks is only time.

On one side, several elders are speechless, and the former joy has faded away, and they are all sad.

"Elder martial brother, you can't do this."

"Even if you are short of the medicine king of zongmen, you will have one of them!"

"Yes, elder martial brother, how can we compare with you in terms of talent and potential?"

The two elders of yaolu refused to give up and were still persuading.

"Elder martial brother, when we were young, we had a fight. At that time, we were young, frivolous and rebellious, but we were not taken care of by you. Later, when we were older, we finally understood some truth."

"We all hope that you can live well. After all, only when you live can you have hope, right?"

At this time, an elder in a blue robe also came to elder Luo. His words were amazing, and he even told such a story.

These words were not only heard by Lin Xuan, but also by all the disciples who were close to him.

All of them were a little surprised. Many people were puzzled. They didn't expect that there was such a source between these elders.

"That's elder Xu in the refining Hall... He's a very prestigious elder in the door."

"I once heard a deacon in the sect say that when Luo Chang was young and old, he was extremely beautiful. As soon as he entered the sect, his peers couldn't lift their heads."

"Elder Xu, a few years later than elder Luo, is also very talented. At the beginning, he had many misunderstandings about elder Luo. He has always been in opposition to elder Luo. He has played several games, but they all lost."

"However, elder Luo has a great bearing and never cares about others. It is said that when he went out on a mission, he helped him more than once, which made many people in the clan feel grateful."

"The children of the clan, who were still alive, have become the cornerstone and mainstay of the clan. Now, elder Luo is going to grow old..."


Some people sigh, inexplicably some sad.


Lin Xuan looked at the old but tall figure. He wanted to say something and continued to comfort him, but he was interrupted by the old man.

He waved his hand: "you don't have to worry about my business. You can't die in a short time. You don't have to bear any burden. You have more important things to do! "

"Go, the sky is as big as your heart is."

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