"What? Is elder Luo going to die? "

"No? Who sent the news? "

"It's true. Several deacons in yaolu have confirmed that elder Luo Shouyuan will die. It's no secret in yaolu. There was such a voice a long time ago."

"Alas, it's a pity that such a person has not taken that step in his heart for such a long time. If not, I will have another elder in the blood weeping sect!"

"I went to the library of zongmen to look up many ancient books of that year. There are many records of elder Luo. I don't know how to say that elder Luo is really a legend."

"Yes, in his time, there were some scattered ancient races. In the past, elder Luo killed several unimaginable enemies."

"He's a real legend!"

"But legend will fall one day!"

After all, the news of elder Luo's Shouyuan exhaustion spread all over the Qixue sect. After all, there were too many disciples in front of Juqi hall, and the old man didn't deliberately avoid anything, so many disciples learned about it.

For a moment, the news about elder Luo covered the news of Lin Xuan's breakthrough for a short time, and even suppressed the war three days later.

Almost everyone's eyes were on elder Luo.

A respected elder is also a legend in the world.

Such a character is about to fall, like an earthquake, shaking the whole blood weeping clan.

In such a storm, Lin Xuan quietly followed the elder into Lingshan.

He had known the news long ago, but at the beginning, Lin Xuan was busy with cultivation, and had no time to comfort the elder.

Today, when I went out of the pass, I heard the elder's words again. It was very unpleasant in my heart.

There's a sense of being alone in public.

He understood that it was elder Luo's last refuge for him, and his words were good when he was dying.

Lin Xuan knows that elder Luo's words are there. One day, even if Lin Xuan is in trouble, elder Luo will be gone, and other elders will come out to protect him.

In elder Luo's words, he doesn't know when his time will come, but he has already noticed that it's not far away.

So, before dying, I want to find a guarantee for him and protect his growth!

When Lin Xuan grew up to such a level, even far beyond him, then, Lin Xuan really had the power to protect himself. Even if he met a strong enemy and could not fight, he could escape.

"Elder, maybe..."

In the natural and peaceful thatched cottage courtyard, elder Luo leans against a natural stone, caresses the old turtle with a smile.

Lin Xuan wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by elder Luo again: "you don't have to say more. Time is running out. Now although you are promoted to seven sections of the spirit, there is still a gap between you and Shen Qingfeng."

"I've seen that man, too. Even if his talent is not as good as yours, it's not too bad."

"So, take advantage of the last time to practice, don't think about other things."

"This war has attracted worldwide attention. Not only qixuezong has paid attention to it, but the whole Qingzhou government has already looked at it."

"Lin Xuan, this will be the most difficult battle on your way to growth. Only by crossing the past can you have a future."

Elder Luo is holding the old turtle in his arms. He is like a serious elder and teaches carefully.

Lin Xuan was silent.


After a long time, he nodded, and then calmly walked into the cottage.

Today, although they don't have the title of master and apprentice, they have the reality of master and apprentice.

Elder Luo even let out his room for self-cultivation, so that Lin Xuan could stabilize his realm.

He is very calm, a small gap between the realm, for Lin Xuan, really nothing.

He has the confidence to win the battle.

However, Lin Xuan still wants to do his best to improve and stabilize the realm, and does not waste any time.

Lin Xuan sat on a piece of jade futon, shining with boundless aura. The room even had the fragrance of medicine.

It's intoxicating.

Lin Xuan fell into the practice of selflessness. In the last time, his mind was as strong as iron.

And in this short three days, the news about elder Luo in the clan finally slowly quieted down, and there were not so many people discussing it.

Now everyone's eyes finally shifted to Lin Xuan and Shen Qingfeng.

Both of them are the most arrogant people in the blood weeping sect, and they are still at the crucial point of Lin xuandu's life.

Almost all of us are looking forward to this war which is destined to be remembered in the history of zongmen!

"It's open. It's open. Who do you think will win? The most exciting moment is finally coming!"

"Haha, of course, it's Lin Xuan. I can still remember the thunder sea pouring down from the sky of Juqi hall that day. It's so powerful that it's not even inferior to the battle of Lingshi masters!"

"And Lin Xuan can carry down in that thunder sea, but he is not in the mood to have the spare power to make pills, which has proved his terror!"

"As for Shen Qingfeng, he hasn't made any achievements since he entered the sect. What if he was a little higher than Lin Xuan? Is the number of people Lin Xuan killed in the cross stage war still small? "

"On the ninth peak, there are still undead wandering up and down!"

This time, Lin Xuan made so much noise that almost half of the people in the whole clan thought highly of him.

Because they all saw it with their own eyes, intact and breathless.

It's really shocking!

"Is it because Lin Xuan's former opponents are so rubbish that you have some misunderstanding and think that he can defeat Shen Qingfeng?"

"Hey, hey, isn't that a dream?"

"Do you really think that the name of the first person of the younger generation is blown out?"

"That is, what's the use of saying so much? It's not that Shen Qingfeng's realm is lower than that of Shen Qingfeng. I'll see you in the war. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's face slapping!"

"Ha ha ha, Shen Qingfeng, I've crushed you. Don't let me down!"

Of course, not everyone supports Lin Xuan. Some people still think that he is just like this and wish he would lose.

And in this atmosphere, zongmen Dabi is finally about to start.

Even the leader of zongmen Dabi had a tacit understanding. On the first day, Lin Xuan and Shen Qingfeng gave full play to them.

Countless people gathered in front of the huge martial arts platform of zongmen. The crowd was like a mountain calling Tsunami!

At this time, a figure in white came to the center of the platform. His eyes were all over the world, and he had a kind of supreme spirit. He was full of powerful Qi.

He yelled at the crowd at his feet: "it's been a long time waiting for this day. Where is Lin Xuan? Come out and fight

The war will begin!

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