Lingshan, in the quiet cottage, Lin Xuan sat with his eyes closed. His hair was black and dense, like a waterfall.

The whole body is as miraculous as purple jade, with a lustrous appearance. In the dark, it seems that there is a chanting sound.

His breath is introverted, his face is expressionless, and he can't see happiness and anger.


But at this time, a loud chime came, the sound wave like thunder, startled the whole blood crying clan!

Lin Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, and two purple lights came out of his eyes, like two sharp sword lights falling on the small door of the thatched cottage, directly breaking into pieces!

His eyes are too frightening. It's like thunder inside!

During the three days, Lin Xuan had been trying to consolidate his own realm, and he was even more ruthless. He ate all the thunder elixirs that he had made from the sky.

And the effect of Lei Lingdan was as terrible as Lin Xuan expected. It not only stabilized his realm, but also made his body more powerful. Even the spirit power in his body seemed to be infected with the power of thunder!

With the help of the immortal xuanjing method, he not only remoulded himself under the baptism of heaven, but also made his body almost flawless!

Qi and blood are flourishing and surging, and channels are reshaped to fully open the collaterals!

It's just like the straw that used to be just for drinking water suddenly becomes a pipe for pumping water, which is widened as a whole!

The spiritual power that can be aroused can be called terror. As long as the spiritual power in the body is constant, even those spiritual skills that consume a lot and have a high level can be exerted by Lin Xuan!

And even if it is a common spirit skill, in his hands, it is like a tsunami, which is a qualitative leap!

It's very powerful.

Lin Xuan uses the thunder elixir to make his immortal body go up to the next level. The strength of his physical body has reached the level of a spiritual master!

In other words, Lin Xuan's physical body is now perfect. Compared with the physical body, Lin Xuan is not inferior to the master of Lingshi!

If you use this skill, you can't invade all the methods and your body is invincible!

If there were another disaster, he would not be as embarrassed as before, even his body would be scorched!

However, although Lin Xuan's physical body can compete with the master of spirit, it doesn't mean that he has been able to fight against the strong!

Between the two is not a concept!

Because the realm of spiritual master is the real entry state of the road of practice. It not only condenses the spirit, but also transcends the restriction of heaven and earth on mortals. It is free from the confinement and restriction of that law. It can ascend the sky and control the rainbow!

It can be said that only when one enters the realm of spiritual master can he be regarded as a real monk!

At that time, the sea is broad, with the fish, the sky is high, let the birds fly!

The spirit person and the spirit Master are two concepts. The master of the spirit Master realm has been separated from the level of ordinary duel!

It's just a way to get rid of heaven and earth's prohibition. It's no longer suppressed by the law and can fly, which is beyond the reach of the spirit masters!

And the most important thing is that the spirit is immortal, then the master of spirit Master is immortal!

At this level, there are too many means.

However, master Lingshi didn't mention it, but now Lin Xuan has a strong self-confidence. Under master Lingshi, he is invincible!

No one will be his opponent in the physical duel!

Not even Shen Qingfeng!

"This day has finally arrived!"

Lin Xuan held his hand and said softly.

He got up calmly, incomparably calm, more confident than anyone else.

The sound of the bell just now is a reminder of the beginning of zongmen Dabi.

And Lin Xuan, is about to start!

He stepped through the broken wooden door and saw elder Luo leaning against an old tree to nourish his spirit.

Seeing Lin Xuan step out, he almost opened his eyes at the same time, with a kind face.

"Elder, are you going?"

Lin Xuan bowed slightly and saluted.

"If it's two months, I'll definitely go. After all, I said that if I lose, I'll protect your life."

"But today, I don't think so."

"You young people's duel, I a dying old man, will not be involved."

Elder Luo was smiling and waving his hand.

With a little recognition in his eyes, he has great confidence in Lin Xuan.

"Go ahead, they are waiting for you."

Smell speech, Lin Xuan didn't say much, just nodded, and then left the courtyard.

The martial arts platform in qixuezong was not on any cloud peak, but it was transformed into a martial arts platform with great power and great magic power.

Lin Xuan walked calmly along the way. During that time, he also met many people on the road and hurried to Yanwu stage. He didn't want to miss the drama.

But when Lin Xuan appeared, they all followed Lin Xuan tacitly, just like a long dragon, marching towards the platform!

Lin Xuan was dressed in green, and his expression was deep and introverted.

However, these disciples did not dare to underestimate him.

Through the ages, Qiduan, the only spirit of qixuezong, has attracted the genius of natural disaster. This name is too big and loud!

In a short time, in front of a huge platform not far away from the ground, there were already three inner and three outer disciples.

From a distance, it will be very stressful.

At this time, I don't know who yelled: "look, is that Lin Xuan?"

"Well, it's really him. Here comes Lin Xuan!"

"Hahaha, now that we are all here at last, the good play is about to start. I'm so excited!"

"It's going to be the most intense duel in the history of qixuezong. It's going to be remembered by everyone!"

The stream of people on both sides automatically gave him a way to the stage. Under countless eyes, Lin Xuan was really calm. Like a spring breeze, he walked along the steps of the stage!

"Ha ha, waiting for you so long, I thought you didn't dare to come!"

All of a sudden, on the stage, the figure in white laughs. There is a faint smile on Qingjun's face. A gentleman is like jade, which makes many female disciples crazy!


"Shen Qingfeng is so confident that he doesn't give Lin Xuan face and doesn't take him seriously at all!"

"Haha, it's really interesting. As soon as they meet, they're going to pinch each other. I'm looking forward to it!"

This speech, immediately caused an uproar!

No one expected that Shen Qingfeng would take the lead in provocation just after Lin Xuancai arrived!

However, these words did not irritate Lin Xuan. His expression was still calm. There was no anger or panic on his angular face. He was very calm.

"Don't say anything more. I left Luohuang city in a hurry, and I didn't have time to fight with you. I just came back today!"

Lin Xuan smiles. He shakes his head and walks calmly towards Shen Qingfeng. He holds his hand and makes a fist!

Almost for a moment, his figure suddenly disappeared in the same place, just like a ghost. Suddenly, he came to Shen Qingfeng. His fists came out together, just like a meteor. His power was endless, and he fell fiercely!

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