Lin Xuan's long arm fist was like an old ape fighting for his life. His body leaned forward slightly. This fist was as powerful as a bolt, straight at Shen Qingfeng's chest!

In a flash, Shen Qingfeng's reaction speed was also very fast. He gave a big drink and waved out his palms to stop Lin Xuan's attack!

"Dare you?"

However, at the moment when he met Lin Xuan, Shen Qingfeng felt that he had bumped into a towering mountain peak and could not shake it!

On the contrary, he was shocked by the huge impact force, which made his arm numb and his foot falter back!

At this moment, his eyes slightly Lin, face no longer smile, seriously staring at Lin Xuan, put away all the contempt!

This punch almost made him recognize the terror of the people in front of him. He was really a hero who was not weak with him!

Fighting style, invincible!

Lin Xuan's fighting power shocked all the people under the stage. They were all surprised to open their eyes and exclaimed!

"What's that... Why did Lin Xuan suddenly disappear..."

"Well, it's a terrible speed. I just feel that when I see a flower in front of me, I see Lin Xuan across a hundred meters and appear in front of Shen Qingfeng!"

"Lin Xuan's fists were so terrible that he drove Shen Qingfeng back. How could it be? He knows that his realm is weak, and his strength can't be stronger than Shen Qingfeng, can he? "

"My God, what did I see? Lin Xuan suppressed Shen Qingfeng with one hand?"

"Shen Qingfeng, who had been favored by countless people before, was defeated by Lin Xuan in the first move. He was shot more than ten meters away with one punch!"

"It's against the heaven. Is Lin Xuan going to be a God in this war?"

Someone yelled excitedly under the stage, as if witnessing a miracle!

Originally, they thought it would be a close fight. Many people even preferred Shen Qingfeng and thought he was stronger at this stage.

And Lin Xuan just has more potential.

If only now, he is not an opponent!

As a result, as soon as Lin Xuancai came on the stage, he gave everyone a moment!

This battle can be said to be the focus of attention, not only to the majority of the sect disciples, but also deacons and elders came to witness such an incredible scene!

"I know that Lin Xuan must have got that kind of transformation when he survived the natural calamity. Now his physical body is extremely strong. Shen Qingfeng, who has not experienced that kind of transformation, is not Lin Xuan's opponent at all when he fights in the physical body!"

A deacon, standing in the air without wind, silently looked at the non-stop battle in the field. Looking at Shen Qingfeng, who had just fallen into a disadvantage, he exclaimed!

"It's true that Lin Xuan's physical body was famous for his power. At the beginning, on the ninth peak, he also relied on his physical strength to kill all sides!"

"Shen Qingfeng, on the other hand, is not good at physical body. It's OK to fight close to others. When he meets Lin Xuan, who is also the king of this way, he can only be suppressed!"

"It's really terrifying. It's really a duel between the younger generation. That kind of boxing seems to tear the void. There's a deafening sound explosion. It's too strong!"

Deacons are hard to calm down, even if they have been promoted to the spiritual realm, they are also shocked by today's battle!

And just as the audience and deacons were talking about it, dozens of minutes had passed on the platform, and the two men in the battle had fought each other more than ten times in this short time!

There is no accident, just like Lin Xuan's self-confidence, in this way, he is invincible at the same level!

Even Shen Qingfeng, who is higher than him, can't do it!

Lin Xuan is just like a demon lord in the sky. His fighting and fighting methods honed from death emerge in endlessly. His experience is really rich!

What he is most proud of is the physical duel!

"Long arm boxing!"

"Break it for me!"

Lin Xuan's whole body's Qi and blood are about to fight to boiling. He yells, and runs the immortal Xuan Sutra, triggering the effect of supernatural power, and wants to kill all sides!

That kind of shock heaven and earth, can break through the power of Yunfeng is really too shocking, the void is shaking, the wind of hunting cuts through the eternal, once again rushed to Shen Qingfeng's body!


The roar like Huang zhongdalu resounds through the world. The purple arc swirls around the iron fist, sending out dangerous gas engine, which blows Shen Qingfeng away!

However, even with Lin Xuan's success, Shen Qingfeng still didn't lose. He just stepped back a few steps, and his mouth overflowed with a little red blood. It was obvious that he was also hurt by the huge earthquake!

But in the end, it's steady!

Although Lin Xuan has always had the upper hand in these ten times of fighting, it has to be said that Shen Qingfeng is really a hard bone to chew!

Although he had some disadvantages, he was not completely defeated by Lin Xuan, but withstood the terrible battle!

It was the first time that Lin Xuan met someone who could take so many punches from him in the same level. Those he met before were not the same enemies!

This time, I really met my opponent!

"Lin Xuan... You surprised me so much that you were able to defeat me all the way in the flesh. It seems that the natural disaster has brought you great benefits!"

"But... The war is not over, it's just beginning!"

"Didn't you hit me very well just now? Now, try again! "

"Ah, die for me!"

Shen Qingfeng gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, bit his teeth and raised his head to the sky to roar!

The spirit power in his body suddenly revolted, like a vast ocean, like a rough sea. That kind of momentum is really overwhelming!

A round of red sun emerged from behind him, surrounded by dazzling fireworks, which seemed to be like a melting slurry, incomparably bright, covering most of the sky!

Make the whole stage blush!

"The sun burns the sky!"

Shen Qingfeng holds up the sky to pinch Jue, roars, the cold light in eyes is awe inspiring, wants to take this to kill Lin Xuan!

Physical confrontation is not his strongest means!

It's the killing and cutting of the spirit skill that is his strength!

At this moment, under the stage of martial arts performance, countless disciples of the sect seemed to be silly and silent!

The blazing sun seemed to fall to the earth, and nothing could be spared to melt everything in the world!

The boundless flowing fire fell madly, and the terrible sun was also driven by Shen Qingfeng towards Lin Xuan!


However, at this time, on the stage, there was a scene that made everyone feel trembling!

It seems to burn all the sun, a bright golden figure not only did not avoid, but also head-on rushed up!

As he walked, there was a roar of wind and thunder, and purple lightning, just like the returning God of war!

Lin Xuan's face was solemn. He waved his hand, and a huge hand that broke the void fell down. The huge sun was suddenly pierced and completely scattered!

The flames start a prairie fire!

If it is not for the martial arts platform that is forbidden and can withstand the elder's battle, I'm afraid all the footstones will be burned!

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