"My God, what kind of evil is this? Shen Qingfeng's terrible secret skills are destroyed with one hand?"

"Is Lin Xuan still a man? Isn't that horrible? "

"Strong to the top, this is the top duel between the two great talents. Every move can bring us surprise!"

On the platform, the fireworks all over the sky disappeared in the air, without the power of destroying the sky and the earth.

And the crowd, is also issued bursts of startled voice, they are all shocked incomparably, eyes are about to stare out!

Even the elders who watched the battle sighed, and had to admit: "the hero comes from the youth. The talent of these two men is too far away. The secret skill of that level should not have been performed by the monks in this realm!"

"Yes, Lin Xuan has surpassed our prediction, showing the power of crushing all the way. Shen Qingfeng is losing, but he is not his opponent!"

"Ha ha, it's too early to say that, but it's just a fight, and Shen Qingfeng's strength can't be underestimated. If we really fight to the back, who will lose and who will win is still possible!"

At this moment, an elder is not lazy. He has always been very close to elder sun on the seventh peak. He also has high hopes for Shen Qingfeng. Naturally, he doesn't want to see him suppressed.

"Hahaha, that's what I said. The war has just begun, and the good play is still to come."

Several elders laughed, did not argue with him, but seriously when the audience.

The disturbance on the stage didn't stop. Lin Xuan didn't give Shen Qingfeng too much time to react. Instead, he killed him directly!

Attack the other with your own strength!

Even if Lin Xuan is confident, he won't lose Shen Qingfeng in the field of secret arts, but if he can win the war in a more labor-saving way, he won't give up the near and seek the far!

His fists are made of divine iron. Every time they are wielded, they can make people startled and bring up boundless vigorous wind!

Lin Xuan's fighting style is like a wild beast in human shape. His body is as hard as black iron. He rushes after Shen Qingfeng. He is very unreasonable.

Under such a shock, even if Shen Qing's windbreaker formula was floating and he paid attention to his manners, he was still out of control. He roared: "Lin Xuan... You deceive people too much!"

"Ha ha, you didn't ask me to have a try, so I'll have a try. What kind of means do you have?"

"Long arm boxing!"

Lin Xuan laughs. He runs the xuanjing crazily. His golden body is bright and triggers the supernatural power. This terrible blow is like a meteorite falling down on Shen Qingfeng!

The latter couldn't resist this huge force, and was blown tens of meters, directly hit the stone pillar at the corner of the platform!


If the forbidden runes had not been engraved on the platform, they would have broken the stone pillars!

The dull sound shocked many disciples under the stage. They were all shocked. Looking at Shen Qingfeng's face of pain, they spoke one after another!

"It's terrible. Lin Xuan is invincible. As long as he is close to him, Shen Qingfeng is not an opponent at all!"

"The gap between them is very obvious. Shen Qingfeng can't completely suppress Lin Xuan even in the field of secret arts and spiritual skills!"

"Lin XuanZhen, who can only survive the baptism of natural calamity, has become a climate that is hard to suppress. He is destined to rise, and all the people who stand in the way will become stepping stones!"

"It's hard for a man as strong as Shen Qingfeng to support Lin Xuan. It's really a pity."

"In the future, who else in the clan will be able to cure him? I'm afraid it's not to be invincible to the clan?"

Many disciples of the sect are shouting. Many of them have complicated faces. Looking at the two people who are still fighting on the martial arts platform, they feel a sense of fear!

If they go up, I'm afraid that if they can't even take Lin Xuan's fist, they will fall on the spot!

And Shen Qingfeng is worthy of being Shen Qingfeng. Even if he has been suppressed all the time, even if his physical body is not as good as Lin Xuan, he still has a high sense of war, his eyes look down on the world, and his means emerge one after another!

"Lin Xuan, go to die!"

At this moment, Shen Qingfeng seized the opportunity and roared. There was a black light gushing out of his palm, and a large group of black crows flying out of his sleeve!

Then, on his head, there was a huge black palm, with a strong air of death, everywhere!

"What's that?"

"How can I feel familiar with such a move?"

"It's like a giant hand stretching out from hell to end the lives of all living beings. There's a strong sense of death gushing out!"

"It's terrible. It's a secret skill of the sect. Black soul palm!"

At this moment, someone with sharp eyes recognized the reason of this move, very surprised!

"Black soul palm? It's a medium level and top-grade skill. It's a secret skill created by a supreme elder thousands of years ago! "

"I didn't expect that it was this kind of method. The elder then killed all the people in all directions with his hand. He once photographed that the whole mountain was flattened!"

"That's the old story of the turbulent times. There are many foreign people who died in the hands of the supreme elder, which is enough to show the strength of this palm!"

"The elder killed him. Later he was called elder black soul. This skill is absolutely terrible. I'm afraid Lin Xuan is really in danger!"

Even many deacons have come to an end. They are well-informed and most of them are masters of Lingshi.

And Lin Xuan on the stage is also aware of a crisis!

The huge black palm print with the breath of death, very unknown, as if from the Jiuyou underworld, towards him!

At this moment, there was no match for Lin Xuan's golden body. He also roared, just like Buddha's Dharma phase, which reflected heaven and earth. A huge golden palm was made of gold. It was photographed in front of Lin Xuan's body!

"Don't put out the palm!"

This is the Dharma phase of immortal palm. It's also very angry and frightens everyone!

The dark hand in the air completely broken, the crows scattered all over the sky, into a wisp of black gas, dissipated again!

Lin Xuan's immortal palm is also good, and it has the effect of magic power, which blocks Shen Qingfeng's terrible attack!

"Against the sky, Shen Qingfeng's palm didn't suppress Lin Xuan. It was still broken!"

"Is Shen Qingfeng going to end like this? I can't see hope in him for the double failure of body and spirit! "

"Alas, it's a pity that he, who thought he was powerful, would be defeated by Lin Xuan today!"

One after another, his secret skills were destroyed by Lin Xuan. At this moment, Shen Qingfeng's face finally sank down. Suddenly, he had a sense of absurdity. He felt that he was really going to be defeated by Lin Xuan!

Because no matter in the field of physical body, or in the battle of secret arts, he can't beat Lin Xuan, which is a great blow to morale!

But, less than the last moment, no one knows the result!

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