But it was when all the people were not optimistic, and they were sweating for Shen Qingfeng.

Once again, he lived up to the expectations of the public. His whole body's blood was boiling, running through the heaven and the earth. It was like the waves crashing on the shore, running crazily in his body!

The spirit power is surging, roaring in the body, as if to overflow!

At this moment, Shen Qingfeng didn't want to admit defeat. He gave up his most proud secret skill. Instead, he turned it into a shadow and rushed to Lin Xuan. He wanted to fight Lin Xuan with his body and regain his self-confidence!

"What, am I right? Is Shen Qingfeng crazy? He wants to fight against Lin Xuan's body. Isn't he a loser just now

"Oh, my God, I'm looking for death. Why don't I use my best means to fight?"

"I've pressed a hundred thousand spirit stones. Shen Qingfeng is really embarrassed. At this time, he's already in a hurry. He's going to die regardless of the cost!"

"My spirit stone, do you want to lose it?"

Under the stage of martial arts performance, seeing this incredible scene, many disciples of the sect all yelled angrily. They didn't understand what Shen Qingfeng wanted to do!

Why do you want to show off your strength when you have already shown your weakness in the flesh?

But it is in a cry of surprise that Shen Qingfeng's white clothes burst to pieces, and his incomparable body shape is slowly growing bigger!

It's like some mysterious secret method, which makes his clothes burst. The whole person's green tendons are exposed. The bronze skin is as if it has experienced some kind of hardening, incomparably solid, as if it were an iron wall!

He seemed to turn into a giant and a human like wild animal. He threw away all his gentle words and rushed to Lin Xuan!

"You forced me, Lin Xuan. Watch the fist!"

In a short time, Shen Qingfeng seemed to turn into a beast more than two meters high. His blood was boiling and his strength was infinite. He punched Lin Xuan fiercely, and there was an infinite wind whistling!

At this moment, Lin Xuan was also serious, and the immortal body was moved to the extreme by him.

Shen Qingfeng's change alerted him and sighed: "that's right. As a strong man of the same level, how can he not have some physical secrets?"

Lin Xuan burst to drink, and did not flinch, he waved his fists, once again to meet up!


The huge roar is deafening, just like thunder, which makes the heaven and the earth shake. The boundless wind is roaring, sweeping across Nuo Da's martial arts platform!

However, at this moment, there are dense divine lines on the martial arts platform, blocking the afterwave of the vigorous wind, not affecting the crowd under the martial arts platform!

"My God, this kind of power is really the result of the fighting between the two monks in the realm of spirit. How can I feel that there is a kind of power of the spirit Master!"

"I thought that Shen Qingfeng's physical weakness was because he had not been baptized by heaven. Hehe, now it seems that he is hiding his inferiority. Even at this stage, he still doesn't show all his cards!"

"Haha, a man like a gentleman pays great attention to his manners. Although his body secret is powerful, it makes his body very ugly. Maybe that's why it didn't work just now."

"What kind of body secret is it? It's so powerful that it can make up for the difference between Lin Xuan and him!"

Under the stage of martial arts performance, many disciples in the gate widened their eyes and were filled with emotion. This scene is really amazing!

In the center of all the fighting, they retreated almost at the same time, but Lin Xuan only retreated one step, while Shen Qingfeng retreated more than three steps!

In the field of physical body, even if Shen Qingfeng has the secret of physical body, he can't beat him. Lin Xuan still has the upper hand!

Moreover, it is because his realm is lower than that of Shen Qingfeng. If he is on the same level, the gap will certainly widen, and he will not be as hard as he is today!

"I have to admit that you are the strongest opponent I have ever met!"

"But even so, all the enemies in front of me will fall behind me!"

Shen Qingfeng seems to fall into a madness, he roars, unwilling to admit his weakness, mobilizing the strength of the whole body, to Lin Xuan again!

However, Lin Xuan's eyes were quiet. He was smiling faintly, and his blood was boiling: "don't talk nonsense, just fight!"

He did not say that he was the same. He fought all the way and crushed all his opponents. Even if he was as strong as Shen Qingfeng, he would not be his opponent!

Lin Xuan faced the fierce Shen Qingfeng, and had the feeling of facing the wild animals. The wild and cold-blooded nature of his body made him afraid!

"Isn't this kind of secret method from the human race, related to the alien race?"

Lin Xuanxin was puzzled, but it was not the time to get to the bottom. Even many elders didn't say much, obviously nothing.

Almost in an instant, Shen Qingfeng rushed to him again. His fists were as big as meteors, and his speed was extremely fast!

However, in such a situation, Lin Xuan did not have any panic, he was calm and calm, did not avoid, but once again to fight with Shen Qingfeng!

"Don't be angry with Vajra long arm boxing!"

Lin Xuan murmured and slowly waved his fists. Two bright golden fists shot at the comers, just like a collision train, which made everyone lose their voice for a short time!


This punch, even directly broke the void, in the place where two people fight, was torn open a huge hole!

There is a strong sense of loneliness and coolness coming from the mysterious crack, which is very penetrating!

Shen Qingfeng, who was supposed to be indomitable, was blown away again like a broken kite and hit the stone pillar at the corner heavily. Even if there was a pattern to protect it, at this moment, the stone pillar was greatly shocked and cracks appeared!

Lin Xuan whispered in his heart, "you're not the only one with a card!"

This is not angry King Kong long arm boxing is an upgraded version of long arm boxing, also known as King Kong Boxing!

It was awarded by Lin Xuan when he was promoted. It's a boxing method evolved from the long arm boxing. The level is the best in the middle level. It's incomparably powerful!

This scene completely shocked all the disciples. There was a huge riot among them, as strong as Shen Qingfeng. Lin Xuan blew them away twice and suffered a lot!

In front of the scene, they really can't believe it!

"Defeated, the battle to such a moment, the cards out, Shen Qingfeng in the flesh is still not the opponent, the outcome of this battle has been clear!"

"Shen Qingfeng's defeat is obvious, and the secret of the body is useless!"

"Yes, I have to say that Lin Xuan is really too strong to fight across the ranks and beat Shen Qingfeng. Just talking about this kind of achievement, I feel like a dream. I can't believe it!"

"Before the war, who dares to believe that, ha ha, this time, those who beat Shen Qingfeng will go bankrupt!"

"Haha, I have already reminded you that all the powerful enemies of Lin Xuan are not his opponents. If they are crushed by him, Shen Qingfeng will still become a stepping stone."

"I'm going to send out Lin Xuan's 200000 stone."

Under the stage, some people are happy and others are sad. They are all shouting!

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