"Shen Qingfeng is defeated. How can it be? It's shocking!"

"Shen Qingfeng's means were useless, but he was defeated by Lin Xuan!"

"The war has finally come to an end. Since then, who else can suppress Lin Xuan

"I'm afraid he's going to be invincible in the outer door!"

When the news of Shen Qingfeng's defeat to Lin Xuan spread in the clan, everyone in the clan was shocked, even some elders were very surprised!

Long ago, only a few people were optimistic about Lin Xuan, and too many people were more optimistic about Shen Qingfeng!

But the end of the first World War, no one dare to underestimate Lin Xuan.

Along the way, Lin Xuan's fame was all obtained by his incomparable fighting power!

Such a record, so many know are speechless!

"After entering qixuezong, he went through several unimaginable wars and never lost! It's terrible. I can't wait for it! "

The news spread, and someone sighed in a low voice, his eyes full of fear!

Because although the battle between Lin Xuan and Shen Qingfeng ended with the defeat of Shen Qingfeng.

But zongmen Dabi has just begun!

There is no doubt that Lin Xuan has become the most popular disciple of the sect. No one dares to say that he can compete with him!

"Today's zongmen Dabi, if there is no accident, Lin Xuan will sweep all his opponents. The fighting power he shows is so powerful that he can even compete with Lingshi masters!"

"I can't imagine that Lin Xuan had been invincible in the outer gate less than a year after he entered the sect. Such a genius has never been seen in ancient times!"

"Young spirit, heroes come forth in large numbers!"

Countless voices rang out in the zongmen, and all the people's attention was on Lin Xuan. On the contrary, Shen Qingfeng, who was favored by all the people before, was ignored.

He couldn't bear such a defeat. He was depressed in his chest, and his Qi and blood went against the current. He was exhausted and fainted. He had been brought back to the seventh peak by elder sun, and became Lin Xuan's background completely!

However, it is undeniable that Shen Qingfeng is powerful, his talent is really terrible, even Lin Xuan also feel incredible!

Lin Xuan had been fighting for two hours. Almost every breath of the fight was in hand. Thousands of rounds later, there were so many terrible means and attacks. They were extremely dangerous. If they were careless, they would be defeated!

But in the end, Shen Qingfeng held on for so long. He was definitely the most powerful opponent Lin Xuan had ever met since his rebirth!

And when all this came to an end, Lin Xuan also went back to Lingshan in a low-key way. Although he didn't matter much, he just consumed most of his strength, but he also felt a little tired.

"Thank you, elder!"

Lin Xuan walks into the familiar courtyard with elder Luo. He stops and thanks softly.

"Ha ha, you don't have to. Since you call me elder, I won't allow anyone to mess around!"

Elder Luo laughed and waved his hand.

Lin Xuan nodded. He was even more grateful to elder Luo, but he didn't express his gratitude.

Today's war, if not for the sudden appearance of elder Luo at the end, the final outcome will be really unpredictable!

Who would have thought that the people of the Song family should be so bold and dare to attack him in this kind of war!

How hateful!

"The feud with the Song family can't be resolved. I'll pay for it sooner or later."

Lin Xuan continued with a low composure.

He really hated it. Although he won today, he won by a narrow margin. If he was secretly attacked by the Song family, he would fall on the spot!

It can be said that Lin Xuan is equivalent to wandering around the death line, extremely dangerous!

"The Song family is really too blatant this time. I won't stop you how you want to do it, but you should know that with your current strength, it's hard to compare with the Song family."

"If you want revenge, you have to be able to bear it!"

Luo elder ha ha a smile, tone comforts a way.

"Elder... I don't understand that although the Song family is a thousand year old family in Qingzhou Prefecture, how can it be compared with the blood weeping clan?"

"Are they really not afraid of clan revenge when they do that in public?"

Lin Xuan looked puzzled in his eyes, which was the place he didn't think of!

Originally, I thought that the Song family didn't dare to attack Lin Xuan in public. After all, he was a gifted disciple of the blood weeping sect and would be cared by the good students of the sect. But the Song family just did it. Suddenly, he almost succeeded!

"Well, you are still young. You don't know many secrets."

Elder Luo shakes his head and sits on the edge of the pond again. With a sigh, he looks serious at last!

"If this song family is just a millennial family in Qingzhou Prefecture, it's natural that they don't dare to be so unruly in our qixuezong, but it's hard to have a big future in the Song family!"

Elder Luo's expression is also helpless.

"The Song family is not our family in Qingzhou Prefecture, but the blood left here by that family after the war outside the forbidden area."

"Moreover, there is news in the clan that the Song family still has contact with that family."

"The clan can not care about the Song family, but it can not care about the family behind the Song family. That is the real family, which has been handed down to ancient times..."

As soon as the sound of Luo Chang's old saying came to an end, Lin Xuan was shocked. He seldom changed color. Even before, he was just serious, but he didn't have such a big reaction!

"The family? Please ask the elder to solve his doubts. What's the origin of this so-called family? "

Pass on the past

Such a terrible family is unheard of!

"The more you know about some things, the more they will hinder you. I can only tell you that the strength of that family is not much weaker than that of those holy places of Xianzong in the northern region. It is extremely powerful!"

"It's far from the blood weeping sect."

"Five hundred years ago, I had a chance to enter the gate of the immortal sect, but for various reasons, I finally missed it."

Elder Luo shook his head with a look of longing on his face.

But now he has no chance to enter the holy land!

This is another regret of his life.

Elder Luo at that time was really strong, and he was also known as a rare genius in hundreds of years. Although he could not compare with Lin Xuan and others today, he was not inferior to those aristocratic children from Luohuang city.

"Elder, are those secluded families in Luohuang also related to the outside world?"

Lin xuannian and here, doubt way.

Hearing this, elder Luo nodded and sighed: "there are many old secrets that have been buried in the years. It's reasonable that you don't know."

Later, he explained: "Qingzhou Prefecture is located on the edge of the forbidden area. From ancient times to the present, every few hundred or thousands of years, mysterious members of the race will come out of the forbidden area. However, there was a lot of noise ten thousand years ago. Some real ancient races forced their return with the strength of the race, and they also talked about letting the Terran withdraw from the northern region!"

"At the end of that war, some other races in the forbidden area were affected, which almost led to a real doomsday catastrophe. Fortunately, there were invincible figures in the forbidden area, and the mysterious race strongmen in the forbidden area did not dare to come out again, and retreated to the forbidden area again with the defeated soldiers!"

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