"After that war, although the Terrans won, they won miserably and paid an unimaginable price."

"The mountains and rivers of Qingzhou prefecture were destroyed, so that many Jedi were left behind. Up to now, there have been murders, and some powerful characters have fallen."

"If it hadn't been for the powerful and invincible people to move mountains and reclaim the sea and reorganize the universe, today's Qingzhou Prefecture would have been full of holes and could not be inhabited."

"Many outstanding people from holy land, immortal sect and Kuangshi sect all gathered here. The war lasted for many years."

"Each of the ancient races in the forbidden area is very powerful. They are born on the basis of heaven and earth. They are stronger than the human race. They have more complete inheritance and secret arts emerge in endlessly..."

Suddenly, elder Luo's eyes flashed, as if in front of his eyes to reproduce the original war.

"The turbulent times, the turbulent and bloody times, were the most fierce war of the human race in ten thousand years. The ancient race in the ancient forbidden area had a great beginning, which is unimaginable."

"Among the many forbidden areas in the immortal realm, the ancient forest forbidden area is definitely a very strong vein. I don't know how many mysterious races are dormant in it. It's said that... There are also descendants of the Royal and royal families in the Archean period..."

Elder Luo sighed and said all kinds of secrets.

"The royal family and the royal family? What's that? "

Lin Xuan frowned, a little curious.

"There is a royal family among the hundred families, and a royal family among the ten thousand families. Those royal families, as the name suggests, ruled the hundred families in their time, except for their ancient origins."

"The royal family, in that era, once ruled over tens of thousands of races, including the royal family!"

"That's the superiority and inferiority of the alien race, just like the immortal sect and holy land of our human race. They are all ancient and have a great origin. Our ancestors were extremely brilliant and their secrets are endless!"

Elder Luo's words surprised Lin Xuan. He didn't expect that there were so many different opinions among the foreign people!

However, at this moment, elder Luo spoke again. As soon as he spoke, he made Lin Xuan feel very thrilled!

"The reason why the war was so fierce ten thousand years ago was that a royal family took the lead, and dozens of ancient races came out of the world. As a last resort, those truly ancient holy places, aristocratic families, great religions and great immortal sects in northern regions had to send their outstanding disciples and elders to suppress them."

The information in these words was so huge that for a moment, Lin Xuan could not digest it. He had never heard of it!

"Only a royal family led such a terrible war?"

"If there is a real royal family, isn't it really going to be a catastrophe sweeping the immortal world?"

Lin Xuan was so shocked that he was extremely frightened. It was so terrible!

Hearing Lin Xuan's exclamation, elder Luo sighed again.

"If that day comes, it will be a day after day's war. Qingzhou Prefecture will surely be the first to rush. Naturally, it will not be spared."

"However, you don't have to worry too much. In ancient history, the oldest royal families have been destroyed in the war between Honghuang and the end of Taigu. It's not known whether there are still descendants."

"Even if there is a royal family, it is certainly not as grand as that year. There is no need to worry."

"There are also strong people in our clan who can protect the mountains and rivers!"

Although elder Luo's words are very strong, he still can't let go when he hears Lin Xuan's words. The more he thinks about it, the more he thinks about it, the more dangerous it is.

"Elder, how many royal families did you have before the flood and the ancient times?"

Lin Xuanfa asked.

"It is recorded in ancient history that before Taigu, there were ten royal families in charge of heaven and earth!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan some tongue, ten royal families... This is simply sensational.

"It's hard to imagine what kind of era that was, there were such powerful races."

Lin Xuan also said with some emotion.

However, he still had some doubts in his heart and continued to ask, "how many kings are there?"

At this time, elder Luo suddenly laughed. He shook his head and sighed: "before Taigu, the top ten royal families in ancient history ruled thousands of families, and all of them were kings!"

"The rest of the races are not included at all..."

As soon as this remark came out, it was like the collapse of heaven and earth. Lin Xuan couldn't help taking a breath!

This is too shocking, no wonder those ancient literature did not mention these, if rumors go out, I'm afraid the Terran will collapse!

Lin Xuan did not dare to imagine that if he reappeared the grand occasion of all ethnic groups before the Archean era, the human race in the world would be reduced to blood food and slaves again!

"Elder, in the war ten thousand years ago, only the royal family was born? What was the tragic situation of the war? "

Lin Xuan was stunned, and his heart was like a huge wave.

"In fact, as you might think, only one royal family led the way, and dozens of races followed. However, the reason why such a tragic situation could be caused is more because the whole clan did not die..."

"The previous wars have never been as fierce as they were ten thousand years ago. They are determined to die and refuse to retreat. In the end, heaven and earth will be dyed red!"

"Ha ha, but this tragedy is only for our Qingzhou Prefecture, and for the Daqian Dynasty, which bordered on the ancient forbidden area..."

"Other places are pure land. This is the strength of the sacred places and immortal sects, which completely suppresses the royal family of the alien race in this corner!"

Speaking of this, elder Luo stopped for a moment and encouraged Lin Xuan.

"If you go out of Qingzhou and Daqian one day, and really see a wider world, you will know the horror of those immortals!"

"Although many heroes died in those years, it is hard to count the number of foreigners killed!"

"For the whole Xianyu world, a small Daqian Dynasty is nothing at all. The royal family only spread the battlefield to the whole Daqian Dynasty with all their strength."

"And you have to understand that they are only a small number of disciples and disciples of the immortal sect, holy land, aristocratic family and Kuangshi sect in the northern region, not the power of teaching."

"Although it sounds that there are so many holy places and religious sects fighting, those people who came in those years were less than one percent of the real strength of each religious sect."

"It's enough to have only a few invincible kings in the town, and the great power of many people has never come."

"But I was born in Qingzhou Prefecture, and I feel the most deeply. In the outside world, there are many people who don't know about this war!"

Speaking of this, elder Luo suddenly laughed and continued to say to Lin Xuan, "do you feel at ease when I say this?"

"Well, I'm at ease!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was finally relieved. Otherwise, he really thought that the situation was so severe that if a royal family was born, the Terran might not be doomed.

In this way, the gap between the human race and the alien race is not irreparable, there is still a war, but the situation is certainly not good enough to crush the alien race!

When Lin Xuan and elder Luo talked about these secrets in Lingshan, the whole blood weeping sect was already in a frenzy. Lin Xuan's feat shocked the sect and attracted the attention of countless people!

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