"My God, is Lin Xuan still human? How could that be? "

"I'll go. I've won 18 times in a row. Since Shen Qingfeng fell under his hands, Lin Xuan has no one to fight. Does he really want to win the first place?"

"Too desperate, Lin Xuan himself will be able to cross the stage and fight, and now the realm is far ahead, no one can take his move, too terrible!"

"What's more than that? Who else can cure him? Just admit defeat! "

The whole stage was in an uproar. Lin XuanZhen was so strong that 18 of the top 200 talents in the scoreboard were defeated by him, which made them thirsty and didn't know what to say.

If the normal duel also just, but no one can carry Lin Xuan a move, too strong!

The real heroes on the scoreboard have already entered the inner door of cultivation. Lin Xuan's state is still in the outer door, which is a bit overwhelming.

"There's another one... Who might have those opportunities."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came out of the crowd.


"Shen MuQing!"

"What, did you say the same woman from Luohuang city?"

"Yes, it's her. As far as I know, her realm has also improved by leaps and bounds these days. She has already been the sixth stage cultivation of the spirit!"

"No? What kind of demons are they? They have broken through to this level in less than a year! "

"Haha, who said it wasn't? This session is too abnormal, and there are many talents!"

"As far as I know, Shen MuQing and Lin Xuan are very close. They should not fight?"

Just as the crowd was talking, a cry of surprise suddenly broke out not far away!

"Oh, no, she's really here?"

Later, it caused a sensation, and almost half of the people were attracted.

However, at this time, a young man in white in the crowd waved his hand and said, "calm down. This time, she is the absolute seed. There are many duels. How can she not come?"

"However, I don't think she will fight Lin Xuan. As far as I know, there are some complications between them..."

"Hey, brother, you seem to know a lot. Why don't you tell me?"

"Extremely is extremely is, say!"

"How complicated is it, brother? Don't be so fussy. Let's just say it."

On one side, many people surrounded the young man in white and inquired one after another. They were very curious!

"Cough, in fact, there's nothing we can't say. There was an old story between them..."

The white clothes childe elder brother coughs, has a matter of fact way.

"Lying trough, is it true or false?"

"No, that kind of fairy once had a relationship with Lin Xuan?"

"It's too strong. The two outstanding Tianjiao in Qixue sect used to be Taoist couples?"

"What? Have they ever been married? "

"Even children?"


On the ninth peak, in the thatched cottage where Lin Xuan lived.

"Come on, how do you want to die?"

Shen Mu green gas of gnash teeth, ferocious way.

In front of him, Shen Yan, dressed in white, wanted to slap himself a few times. He had nothing to do. What did he reveal?

Shen Yan is too helpless. It was originally Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing who used to have old words. When they came to the mouth of the disciples of the sect, they became like that. All kinds of news flew all over the sky, and even made up the entanglement between Shen Qingfeng and Lin Xuan!

Many of these stories have been passed down from mouth to mouth, which is a matter of great importance. Even if many people didn't believe them at first, they doubted them later.

Three people make a tiger, and many people make money. Even practitioners can't avoid vulgarity.

"Little sister, I don't want to either. That's not what I mean at all. I just said that you and Lin Xuan know each other. They think it's wrong!"

Shen Yan holds his head and is nervous. He is really afraid that Shen MuQing will beat him.

After all, he was the second brother, but he was beaten.

On the other hand, Lin Xuan was also very embarrassed. This was the first time he had returned to the ninth peak since he closed the door.

Lin Xuan was naturally called back by Shen Yan, otherwise he would never have gone out of Lingshan. The aura of that place was not much worse than that of Neimen.

After this explanation, Lin Xuan didn't get angry, but said seriously: "it's too late to say anything now, and the news has spread. Although it's true to have a baby, most of the sect disciples think that there must be something between us, and we won't fight each other."

"Tomorrow, we'll have a fight on the martial arts stage, and the rumors will be destroyed."

But when Lin Xuan said this, Shen MuQing, on one side, had some mixed feelings in his heart.

She knew better than anyone what they were like before, and she was not so innocent.

Lin Xuan's attitude made her understand that the conflict between Lin Xuan and Shen Qingfeng had never been forgotten in his heart, but he didn't say much.

Even, Shen MuQing could feel that there was a little indifference hidden in Lin Xuan's eyes. He didn't even smile as much as before.

"Mr. Lin is right. After a fight, the rumors will be destroyed."

But soon, Shen MuQing squeezed out a smile and nodded.

"But at that time, I hope Mr. Lin can be merciful."

"That's natural. Thank you for your generosity before. Without your help, I would not have been promoted to the seventh section of the spirit so soon."

Lin Xuan nodded and continued: "there are about 2.2 million spirit stones here. There are some pills that I refined. The extra 200000 is my thanks to Miss Shen."

There is a gap between the two people, no longer as close as before, the words also revealed a little cold meaning, the points are very clear.

"Well, I'd like to thank Mr. Lin for his generosity, but I have no choice but to be disrespectful."

Shen Mu green face with a smile, but feel bitter in the heart, there are many words to say, but can not say.

Although the contact between them is not long, Shen MuQing knows Lin Xuan's character very well.

Shen MuQing is very clear in her heart that if she tells the truth, Lin Xuan will surely forgive her, but if so, Lin Xuan will be in danger.

The one who lives in her platform is only a ghost, but it has recovered a lot. It was an unimaginable existence with endless means.

If exposed, I'm afraid I will kill Lin Xuan at any cost.

Although she always said that she was a saint of a holy land, a just party, and had participated in the war against the alien race, Shen MuQing had many doubts in her heart and didn't believe that one.

For example, if she is really the saint of a holy land, she can instruct Shen MuQing to take her back to her hometown. There must be many ways to help her recover in the real holy land, but she did not.

Therefore, Shen MuQing can only bear it silently and takes the ring from Lin Xuan with a smile.

"I don't think I'll live here any more. Either of you can live here if you want to."

"I'm going back to Lingshan to practice. Brother Shen, let's get together next time."

Lin Xuan stands up, smiles at Shen Yan, nods to Shen MuQing and leaves calmly.

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