Lin Xuan left with nothing left and no turning back.

"Little sister, don't be stunned. I've already left."

Shen Yan sighed and didn't know what to say.

It shouldn't have been like this!

But now it's too late to blame Shen MuQing.

"Second brother, go back first. I want to be alone."

Shen Mu's face was cold and his eyes were in a trance.


Shen Yan sighed again, didn't say much, shook his head, turned and left.

At this moment, Shen MuQing stood on the cloud peak with deep eyes, looking at Lin Xuan's disappearing back from a distance, and sighed: "I'm sorry."

She really didn't want to, but she couldn't help it!

"Hum, it's stupid. Those smelly men never have a good thing. They don't like you. Otherwise, how can they be so indifferent to you?"

However, at this time, there seems to be a cold laughter, but such a sudden voice, has no way to affect Shen MuQing, she is used to it.

"You are going to be my saint in the future. How can you be trapped in your feelings and cut off your emotions and desires and all the causes and effects?"

"Tomorrow when you fight him, I'll help you get rid of him!"

The voice is really cold-blooded and amazing!

"No way!"

At this moment, Shen MuQing looked very serious and determined.

"I don't need you to take care of my business. I respect you and thank you, but I will never be at your disposal!"

"If you dare to do so, I will tell the clan of your existence. The elder supreme can definitely threaten you!"

Her eyes are sharp, like a blade!

"Ha ha ha, Mu Qing, are you threatening me?"

"Do you think I'm afraid?"

"In my age, even the blood weeping sect has not been established yet."

"The so-called supreme elders in your mouth are just a few little guys in my eyes."

The unreal voice became more and more solid and sneered at Shen MuQing.

However, Shen MuQing laughed and said coldly, "if you were the saint of a holy land, you would not be so afraid of exposure."

"What you said about me has nothing to do with those holy places. Even in those days, it might have been a religion that everyone yelled and beat, so you didn't dare to expose your identity!"

"Cluck cluck, Mu Qing, don't you think that I intentionally gave you some news and slip of the tongue?"

"You don't really think I'm going to be threatened by you, do you?"

It's a pity that it's a spiritual voice. If you don't want to be heard, others can't hear it at all!

"You can try it!"

Shen MuQing is biting his teeth, cold way!

All of a sudden, that ethereal but close to the laughter suddenly disappeared, very strange.

However, Shen MuQing adapts very quickly, she has already been used to this kind of haunting.

One thing, she is very confident, that is, the one in Lingtai can't leave her body at all, at least for the time being.

And if Shen MuQing died, the one in the platform would be very bad, even if he really fell down, there would be no ghost left!

It is not so much parasitic in Shen MuQing's Lingtai, as parasitic in that small brown stone!

Just that small brown stone, inexplicably entered Shen MuQing's Lingtai!

At the beginning, Shen MuQing guessed that the one in Lingtai or small brown stone dominated all this!

But later, she gradually found that her previous guess was completely wrong!

Everything is because of the small brown stone, the ghost of the witch is sealed in the small brown stone, not as she said, with the help of the small brown stone pregnant spirit!

It's not the same thing at all!

She was cheated a long time ago!

It's not so much that the witch can't leave her body that she can't leave the little brown stone!

It's sealed inside.

Now with the help of the warm cultivation of her platform, the ghost can survive, otherwise it will break up!

Only after being pregnant and raised, now she can exert her own strength to achieve her goal through the prohibition of small brown stones.

In her heyday, that witch might be very strong, even as strong as the elder or even the leader of the blood weeping sect. But now, she is just a ghost. If she is found by the most powerful, I'm afraid she will be thoroughly refined with the help of small brown stones!

Therefore, Shen MuQing is very sure that the witch absolutely dare not move!

Also on this day, the news that Shen MuQing will fight with Lin Xuan is spread by Shen Yan!

Originally, they thought that the rumors would be broken by themselves, but they didn't expect that instead of stopping the rumors, the disciples of the sect spread them more widely!

Moreover, the stories between Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing spread more and more, and they all had nose and eyes, as if they had seen them with their own eyes!

"What? They are going to have a big war. Well, how is it possible? It was said that they even had children before? Does it mean that Lin Xuan abandoned everything and Shen MuQing wanted revenge? "

"Bah, don't talk nonsense, what child, what to abandon from beginning to end!"

"Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing just had a love affair. This time, it's said that there will be a big war. I think Shen MuQing has done something sorry for Lin Xuan!"

"Yes, yes, many people say that the reason why Lin Xuan wanted to fight with Shen Qingfeng was because he was robbed of his love by Shen Qingfeng!"

"It's incredible that there should be such a secret. The relationship between these three people is really amazing!"

All kinds of rumors are boiling up again. Even those disciples who were rational and didn't believe so much are suspicious now.

In this context, time flies, the next day the sun finally rises from the East.

Early in the morning, there was a huge crowd on Yunfeng everywhere, and some people exclaimed angrily: "hum, I didn't expect that Lin Xuan was such a person, and he did such a dirty thing!"

"What's the matter? What happened?"

"What else can I do? It's said that Lin Xuan abandoned his wife and son and came to the sect to practice. Shen MuQing came to find him with his children!"

"Heartless man!"

But at this time, someone came to refute, standing in the position of Lin Xuan to speak for him!

"I'm going to tell you something. It's absolutely false. What I hear is that Shen MuQing and Shen Qingfeng collude behind their backs. Lin Xuan will fight against Shen Qingfeng in a rage!"

"Now they have no feelings, and they are going to have a war!"

"What has no feelings? According to reliable news, Shen MuQing has always lived in the place where Lin Xuan lived at the beginning of the ninth peak. Yesterday, they also showed up at the ninth peak together!"

"What? It's true? Does Shen MuQing live in Lin Xuan's cottage? "

"There's still a vacation. It's said that he was there two months ago, and Lin Xuan entered Lingshan at that time. According to the time line, they should be in conflict, so they separated!"

"The cause of the contradiction is that Shen Qingfeng has already broken down. It's his interference that leads to the breakdown of their relationship."

"The head of the bed quarrels with the tail of the bed. I don't think this battle is interesting, but I can go to see the excitement!"

"Let's go, let's go, let's go together!"

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