No one could have expected that the peak duel, which should have been paid attention to, actually spread in such a form, which was extremely funny!

As the cause of all the stories, Shen Yan finally failed to avoid the next beating!

"Ah... Little sister, just say it, don't do it..."

"Well, it's nothing to do, but can you put down your sword?"

"Can I have something to say? I really know I'm wrong, and I don't want to be like this!"

"This kind of news is believed by some people..."

On the ninth peak, Shen Yan is chased all over the mountain and runs away. Shen MuQing's face is livid. This kind of news almost makes her out of control. Originally, she thought that as long as two people fight each other, it can be solved, but she didn't expect that it will become more and more fierce!

If we say that the eight trigrams of the ordinary disciples of the sect are just enough, even many deacons of the sect follow suit, and the rumors will come true!

Lin Xuan, even though he was in Lingshan and isolated from the outside world, still received many inquiries and reminders from people on Lingshan.

Before going out, even elder Luo asked in a serious way: "ah, Lin Xuan, I've been here. I've missed a lot in the past years. Don't follow my footsteps. Cherish it!"

"Elder... Even you follow me. There's really nothing between Shen MuQing and me. At most, it's just old knowledge!"

Lin Xuan a face helpless, at the moment also some want to beat Shen Yan's impulse!

"Ha ha, if you don't have one, it's just that I'm an old man with many troubles. Go ahead!"

Elder Luo is very happy. He waves his hand and pays attention to the old turtle in the yard. He looks happy and relaxed.


After leaving Lingshi, Lin Xuan went straight to Yanwu platform.

At the moment, there is a huge crowd of people in Yanwu stage. Many people are laughing and talking about the rumors that are now popular in the clan!

However, at this time, suddenly someone yelled: "Shh! Silence, Lin Xuan is coming

The voice was like thunder, shaking people's hearts. It was quiet in the arena, and the needle could be heard.

Not far away, Lin Xuan walked calmly. He leaped to the top of the stage, crossed the crowd, and stood directly in the center of the stage.

The physical strength of the friars in this realm has been able to withstand the suppression of the law, and can jump to the high altitude for a short time.

Lin Xuan's eyes were a little deep at the moment, and his angular cheek was a little serious.

Looking at the sea of people at his feet, he suddenly said, "Shen MuQing and I are really old friends, but we don't have any special relationship as the clan hears. We are just old friends."

"I hope you will never listen to those rumors again, let alone spread them around!"

His voice is as loud as a bell, his breath is as long as thunder, and he has an invincible spirit, which makes people feel broken.

As soon as this remark came out, those people under the stage were finally relieved. Many people said one after another, "well, that's what I said. How can I even have children? That's ridiculous."

"Haha, now Lin Xuan is the most famous person in the clan. All the news about him will be valued by his peers in the clan. I doubt that there may not be someone with ulterior motives behind this!"

"Yes, I have the same feeling. It's like there's a big net spreading out. Someone wants to use our mouth to ruin Lin Xuan's reputation!"

"Lin Xuan has made a lot of enemies since he started his career. It's not impossible for him to be damaged secretly. Don't forget that in the war between him and Shen Qingfeng a few days ago, some experts of the Song family secretly fought against him. If there were no elders in the clan, he would have been on guard against accidents all the time. I'm afraid Lin Xuan would have been killed!"

"Brother, I don't think there's something in your words. What's more, it's the people of the Song family who are behind the scenes?"

Now Lin Xuan's body has undergone that transformation. He can be described as seeing six ways and listening to all kinds of changes. Naturally, the changes in the crowd are heard by him word for word.

Originally preconceived circumstances, thought it was Shen Yan's reason, not good to blame him.

But if you think about it carefully now, everyone who can spread it is well known. How could it be so widespread if it wasn't pushed by someone behind?

"Song family..."

"I have to be sick before I leave, ha ha!"

Lin Xuan murmured to himself, "I'll go there sooner or later!"

He was furious in his heart, but he could only bear it. He had to know that even zongmen had to give him a thin face. The old Bangzi, who was publicly attacking him, was only driven away and was not allowed to step into zongmen again.

Without any substantial punishment!

This has already shown that the Song family has a very big background, so big that the zongmen dare not despise it.

At this time, there was another exclamation in the distance. Shen MuQing was wearing a sword in red. Her beautiful face was a little chilly, like a chivalrous woman in the world.

"Well, the Lord is coming. They are all here. It looks like a big war is going to break out!"

"Haha, I'm really looking forward to it. If Shen MuQing is not Lin Xuan's opponent, he will be invincible to the outside world now!"

"Lin Xuan is a mountain that is hard to cross. I think Shen MuQing, though equally gifted, is still a little less than Lin Xuan. Moreover, his realm is lower than Lin Xuan. I'm afraid he's not an opponent!"

Many disciples of the sect have tacit understanding to make way for him. They all want to witness the battle of the king!

Lin Xuansheng, then he is worthy of the king, and vice versa!

Today, almost everyone thinks that Lin Xuan has won, but Shen MuQing is still a little bit worse.

That beautiful figure step by step on the steps of Wutai, pure and refined, not stained with dust.

She is like a fairy in the sky, which makes many female disciples feel ashamed and hard to compare.

"In fact, they are a perfect couple."

At this time, I don't know who opened his mouth and let out a sigh.

It resonates with many disciples. One is the only outstanding person ever seen, and the other is the beautiful girl of heaven, who is the most beautiful in the world and the most powerful in the world. It's really a good match.

"At the beginning, you were in such a hurry that you didn't have a fight with you. Today, you can finally get what you want."

Shen MuQing chuckles. It's as beautiful as a peach blossom, as an immortal flower left over from the world.

Smell speech, Lin Xuan's mind floated past fall Huang City of various, suddenly, his face also evoke a smile.

"This may be your only chance to defeat me in this life, and it will be our only battle in this life."

"I don't want to take advantage of you. When I came here, I asked elder Luo to temporarily block the cultivation of seven sections of my spirit with a secret skill!"

"Now I am in the same realm as you, both of which are the six peaks of the spirit."

"So, in this battle, you can do your best, and I will do my best!"

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