"Lin Xuan... How can he use such means? It's not true..."

"No way, I don't believe it!"

"That means, except for the array master, only the supreme elders in the door can do it. It's impossible for Lin Xuan!"

All the deacons on the scene looked incredible and gave out bursts of exclamations!

Master of array, what a distant name it is. It's better than blood weeping sect. Only one sect has been born in the past ten thousand years!

Just like the old man in the gate who engraved the great array of mountain protection, his cultivation failed to break through the realm of the venerable until his death. He was only a half step venerable, and it was difficult for him to take the last step!

However, his array attainments are very strong. Although his cultivation is not high, even if the real venerable hands on him, he is not his opponent!

Those strong men, whose attainments against Wen have reached an incredible level, are not inferior to the real masters in combat power. The unique killing array they set can kill the masters, which is also the horror of the array masters.

Such a person can form an array by picking flowers and flying leaves, and countless mountains and rivers can be used as his array plate, which can trap and cut off the most powerful enemy!

In the ancient history of qixuezong, that strong man once killed more than one real venerable and powerful enemy. At that time, he was in the clan's position, even compared with the patriarch!

In a sense, this rare wizard is more precious than the real venerable. No matter where he goes, he will be treated with unimaginable courtesy.

In other aspects, it is also the guest of honor of the major forces. There are too many places that need to use this kind of array pattern master.

It's just like the plundering array of qixuezong, which draws the underground spiritual pulse, is better than the spirit gathering array which covers the whole Zhengyang mountain, as well as the restriction and boundary between the inner gate and the outer gate, and Lingshan becomes its own boundary. All these are the means of the array mage!

It can be said that the blood weeping sect can become more and more powerful and stand firmly on the throne of the first sect in Qingzhou Prefecture, which has a great relationship with the ancient ancestor.

The Zhitian sect, which is also a big sect in Qingzhou Prefecture, is not as bold as qixuezong. It is very poor in many aspects.

In addition, the master of the array can also rely on the array pattern and the divine material to engrave the divine pattern array platform, build a domain gate that can span hundreds of thousands of miles or even millions of miles in a short time, and travel safely in the void!

This world is too big, not to mention mortals, even if the master master of Lingshi controls Changhong, he can't go far in his life!

You know, even if he was a great man like dutianzun, what he said at the beginning was just searching for the northern region, but he could not go further!

Therefore, the existence of Yumen is undoubtedly a great fortune, and this level of regional gate, at least to wait for the array master can be engraved!

Now, the method Lin Xuan used to tear up the void and build a channel is really like opening the domain door!

This is one of the reasons why the elders and deacons are so shocked!

"Is Lin Xuan the master of array pattern?"

Some people can't believe the guess, but then they even feel very funny!

"Lin Xuan is not even a spirit Master. How could he be a master of array pattern? This is ridiculous!"

One elder scolded.

But at this moment, Lin Xuan had returned again. He jumped up and stood calmly on the stage. Facing the woman who was equally surprised, he said with a smile, "am I a winner?"

His heart really has been invincible, and now no one outside the door will be his opponent, Shen MuQing also can't!

"Yes, but I'm curious. What's your strategy just now?"

Shen MuQing's eyes are deep, and she says softly.

"You're right. It's really related to the array pattern. I've learned part of it. I can open a door in the empty air for a short time, and then cross a distance of hundreds of meters!"

"It's just that it can't be used to drive, because this kind of pattern consumes a lot of mental energy!"

Lin Xuan smiles. What he says is the truth. In fact, long ago, after learning the first primitive rune, Lin Xuan already understood the meaning of opening the door.

What he lacks is only how to build a safe passage and how to grasp the coordinates in the void to ensure that he can return, instead of being lost in the lonely void.

With the promotion of Lin Xuan, after the transformation, his mental power has been strong to the extreme. With the help of the system, he has learned more than 30 primitive runes which were difficult to understand in the past!

Those basic patterns from Shen MuQing's hands are almost learned!

It includes those that Lin Xuan didn't understand. He mainly used primitive runes and mental power to carry the most primitive heaven and earth veins related to the law. By inscribing the void, he could complete the above operation.

In fact, he still has a lot of hands under his words. For example, what consumes a lot of mental energy is bullshit!

He tore the space out of thin air, engraved the original runes with spiritual power in the shortest time between heaven and earth, and opened the door in the void. It must cost a lot!

And if he used all kinds of divine materials and spiritual power to carve the Yumen array platform, it would not be said that it could span tens of millions of miles like the array platform engraved by master Chenwen.

But across hundreds of thousands of miles, it should still be no problem!

Of course, these are only theoretical, Lin Xuan has not had time to experiment!

The original rune is the latest Rune which is close to the law of heaven and earth. It can mobilize the power of heaven and earth, and is far more effective than the ordinary basic pattern. Lin Xuan also takes advantage of the original Rune!

Without those primitive runes, it would be impossible to rely on the basic patterns alone!

"What? Do you say you can open the domain door in the void by relying on the array pattern

At this moment, even if Shen MuQing was knowledgeable, she was still shocked. She looked up at Lin Xuan and wanted to ask him what the devil was!

Under the guidance of a "master", she only learned the basic patterns she collected these days!

But Shen MuQing is very clear, this kind of open domain door means she really can't do it.

And at this time, even in her mind also came a sigh, it seems that even not far away the existence of those elders are not very concerned about.

Only Shen MuQing could hear the voice and sighed: "I have said a long time ago that there is a great secret in this son. It must be related to the mysterious Rune he taught you before that he can do this step..."

"The origin of that kind of rune is very old. Even I only found a little bit from the ancient books I taught in those years. Some people even said that the array pattern method we engraved and practiced in later generations is the evolution of that kind of ancient rune."

"Ha ha, is it hard to be defeated or parasitized by some unknown old monster?"

Shen MuQing smell speech is a shock, Mou Guang some strange stare at Lin Xuan, seem to want to see through him!

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