Shen MuQing's eyes are amazing, and his heart is like surging waves. It's hard to calm down. This kind of speculation is too frightening!

But then, the ethereal voice was chuckling: "you don't have to worry, the probability is too low."

"He didn't have that kind of twilight in him. You must know that even if he was taken away by the old monsters and occupied his body, the decay of the spirit would never stop."

"I didn't feel that kind of breath, his life essence is as vigorous as the sea, as if he was born."

"If it's parasitic, I don't feel any fluctuation in its platform."

"Hey, hey, if there is a serious injury to a peerless person, there is no need to give up at all, and you can reshape your body again."

The mysterious laughter seemed to have magic power, which made Shen MuQing shudder.

But at the same time, Shen MuQing was also relieved.

Even if the one in her platform doesn't say it, she knows that if she is not trapped in the mysterious stone and the spirit is sealed, she doesn't need to use her platform to warm the residual soul and rebuild her body!

That kind of state of power, as long as the spirit does not die, it is really difficult to completely kill, there are unimaginable means against heaven!

But even so, Lin Xuan's method of inscribing Yumen still surprised many disciples in Qixue sect. The company commander and a group of Deacons looked at him differently!

Today's Lin Xuan has not only amazing talent in the way of cultivation, even in the array pattern, it can be called the only one in all ages!

This age, this array of attainments, really shocking!

"More than that, don't forget that Lin Xuan used to make pills in the thunder sea. According to an elder, the pills Lin Xuan made on that day were the best of the middle class!"

"What? What kind of evil is Lin Xuan? Is this still a human being? "

"Medium and top grade? Only a few deacons and a few elders in Lingshan can refine it. It should be noted that all of them have been in the realm of Lingshi for many years, and Lin Xuan is only the seventh section of lingzhe! "

"It's really against the sky!"

From this day on, Lin XuanZhen has become the only legend ever seen. Many elders predict that if he can grow up, his future achievements will be famous in ancient history!

In the following days, zongmen Dabi was still held as scheduled, but it was difficult to cover their light.

One is Lin Xuan. In the duel he played, almost all of his opponents knew they would give up and admit defeat. They didn't dare to fight against him!

And Shen MuQing's sword Jue of Qinglian shocked everyone. Many people regard her as Lin Xuan's peerless talent and dare not fight for her!

In the late period of zongmen's Dabi, Lin Xuan won all the people with a total victory.

There is no doubt that Shen MuQing also firmly controls the second position.

At this moment, many people in the clan were shouting: "it's not natural. It's a fart. These two people and I are not in the same level at all. Who could have thought that they could grow up so fast after they started?"

"I think it's better to make an exception to let them enter the inner gate to practice. At least some of the elder martial brothers can suppress them there, so that they don't have to stay in the outer gate to bully us all the time!"

"Yes, tens of thousands of people petitioned. Sect elders, we'd better hurry to invite these two evil stars to the inner gate. We'll take them."

"Even if they enter the inner door, these two people will be among the best. Don't forget that these two people are the kind of prodigies who can fight with each other

The disciples of the outer gate are all wailing. The two people have robbed the limelight of this sect. The other people's war has no ornamental value. It's like a child playing a family.

However, even the disciples of the outer gate thought that they were just shouting casually. They didn't think that the clan would break the rules of blood weeping clan for the sake of Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing!

However, on the last day of the end of zongmen Dabi, elder Wu, who had appeared at the beginning of the school, appeared again, bringing shocking news to everyone!

"Zongmen makes an exception. Lin Xuan, Shen MuQing and Shen Qingfeng can enter the inner gate to practice together!"

What elder Wu said can almost represent the attitude of the sect.

The elder is now 800 years old. In addition to several supreme elders and the immortal patriarch, he is the most senior person in the clan. Even elder Luo has to call him elder martial brother.

"It's unimaginable that zongmen really made an exception. They didn't want to delay the cultivation of the three geniuses and let them enter the inner gate directly!"

"Shen Qingfeng has a big face. He has never been involved in the follow-up of the clan Dabi. He even got such a quota. Can't he say that the trauma he suffered at the beginning has improved?"

"Hey, you don't really think that Shen Qingfeng is going to die when he is defeated by Lin Xuan. If the elder of the clan continues his life for him, it won't be a big problem."

"Yes, how can such people stand idly by and not allow anyone to die? They will be the heirs of the sect in the future!"

"Hundreds of years later, when all three of them grow up, they will surely be able to raise the status of my blood weeping sect to a higher level!"

While the outside world was full of rumors, Lin Xuan sat quietly in the courtyard of elder Luo's residence in Lingshan, watching elder Luo fishing in the pond!

Yes, fishing!

Over the past few days, elder Luo has become more and more peaceful and peaceful. Although his life is coming to an end, he always has a smile on his face. He has leisure and elegance. He can play with the flowers and plants, amuse the old turtle, sit and fish, and he can see it very well.

"Elder, what's the difference between the inner gate and the outer gate?"

Lin Xuan had a lot of questions. Looking at the old man, he said softly.

Hearing the words, elder Luo turned his head and said kindly, "if you speak of the inner gate and the outer gate, there is no difference. One of them lies in one word, that is dispute."

"The second is the word Du!"

"It's no harm for you to be in the outer door or the inner door. You are fighting for the word" crossing ", for the chance to inherit, for the glorious destiny, and for the only one in all ages..."

"Only by fighting can we get through."

"Cross the life, cross the other side, cross the life..."

"It's a very long journey to practice. It seems that there is no end to it."

"But as long as you are willing to fight, you will have a chance to cross over."

"When you enter the inner gate, your starting point will be higher than that of the outer gate, your opponents will be stronger, and you will be honed more, but it's just a process."

"Where you can go is entirely up to you."

"Every choice is a struggle for life."

Elder Luo has a compassionate face. He seems to be a wise man who has seen through all the illusions in the world. He is well versed in the ancient and modern mysteries and is extremely profound and vast.

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