Smell speech, Lin Xuan is silent for a moment, quietly looking at in front of him, the old tortoise that hobbles but walks, seem to have realized.

"Elder, what about you? Are you also fighting for crossing?"

However, elder Luo laughed, shook his head and said, "I don't have the time and opportunity to fight. It's useless. The future will depend on you."

"Elder, you have to have faith. You used to be the most outstanding person in the sect. Are you really willing to end your life like this?"

Lin Xuan's face was a little anxious, and he wanted to try his best to comfort elder Luo, but the figure was still in an old well. It seemed that he didn't care about life and death.

"I had a premonition that the time was coming. I didn't expect that day to come so soon!"

"In three days, I'm going to die."

Elder Luo sighed and stood up from the side of the pond. He looked at the vast sky from a distance and said helplessly.



Like a thunderbolt, elder Luo's words shocked Lin Xuan. He thought that although elder Luo was going to die, he still had several years to live. But he didn't expect that this day would come so soon.

"Some of the great powers participated in nature before they died. When they were about to die, they would understand Heaven and earth clearly and have a premonition."

Lin Xuan was sad in his heart. He was really sad.

Just as the dutianzun said at the beginning, he had a premonition that there would be a big war in the future, that the alien race in the forbidden area would be reborn, and that it would be a new catastrophe.

"I've lived long enough in this life, and I have no regrets. My contemporaries and old friends have withered away and buried in that war."

Elder Luo's face, I don't know when, that originally forced to keep the appearance has become wrinkled, incomparably old, his body is gloomy, surrounded by death.

This is really a sign of the end of life, even without three days!

"Elder, you can take the medicine King's life. How can you just give up?"

"Why can't you regain your confidence, cross that barrier, the world ahead is vast, waiting for you!"

Lin Xuan is flustered. He seems to feel the parting of death again. When Lin Yu suddenly died, he suffered for a long time.

At the moment, even though I have already made preparations, I still don't want to see elder Luo fall like this. After all, this is an elder who is still helping him at the last moment of his life!

However, at this moment, over Lingshan, the wind and thunder move greatly.

There is a dark cloud gradually condensing, between heaven and earth, dusky, there is a misty spring rain falling, like heaven and earth have a feeling, to see elder Luo off for the last journey!

"What happened?"

"How can spring rain fall on Zhengyang mountain? There is a big isolation, ordinary wind and rain can not gather, this is... Heaven and earth anomaly

In Lingshan mountain, two thatched cottages burst out, and two old figures burst out. They turned into two rainbow and appeared directly in the thatched cottage where elder Luo lived!

"Elder martial brother!"

"Elder martial brother, please take the medicine. If it's later, even if the king of medicine lives on, it's useless. It will ruin this life and it's hard to maintain it!"

The two elders in the medicine room all look heavy. They don't need to say anything more when their cultivation reaches this level. You can see the state of elder Luo at the moment!

Almost at the same time, people in the homes of many elders in the blood weeping sect woke up from the closed pass. At dusk in the west mountain, the sky seemed to indicate something!

"It's Lingshan, where there are clouds of doom and death. It's the interaction between heaven and earth. The strong ones like me are going to fall!"

"It's elder martial brother Luo..."

"Go and get a king of medicine!"

"It's useless. Now all the medicine kings in the clan are in Lingshan. Elder martial brother Luo refuses to take it himself. He wants to die with all his heart!"

"After so many years, elder martial brother Luo is still unable to cross the barrier in his heart!"

"The fall of younger martial sister Qingxia had nothing to do with you, elder martial brother..."

"If younger martial sister Qingxia is still alive, I don't want to see you end up like this, elder martial brother!"

There is an elder shouting, spread it all over the clan!

Almost the whole clan already knows that elder Luo's life is going to end. I'm afraid it won't take long to live.

He clearly has the chance to live, but he is not willing to live any more. He has great grief in his heart and is willing to follow his old friend to go home.

These days, Lin Xuan's understanding of elder Luo became deeper and deeper, and he also understood some old things of that year.

At that time, elder Luo was once the most outstanding wizard in the sect. His future was limitless. He was favored by the elder then and the elder supreme today.

When Luo Chang was over 50 years old, he reached the peak of cultivation in his life and stood at the peak of Lingshi.

He originally had an infinite future, and was highly expected by the whole clan that he would be the youngest venerable in the clan history!

However, this kind of praise, like a magic spell, didn't come true.

Five hundred years ago, there was a change in the forbidden area in ancient times. A small number of mysterious descendants came out of the forbidden area, disturbing the Qingzhou Prefecture and shaking the whole Daqian dynasty!

In that year, several elders of the sect led their disciples to arrest and suppress those alien people who came out of the forbidden area.

In that year, elder Luo's demeanor was unparalleled, just like heaven and man in the world. Even if the congenital conditions were higher than the human race, he was not the opponent of elder Luo in the same level.

There are many alien fall in the hands of elder Luo.

However, in such a fierce continuous battle, elder Luo's confidant, unfortunately, fell down and was killed by an alien race.

Elder Luo was crazy at that time. He just killed a small group of foreigners, dozens of them.

After that, he fought all the way to the bloody waters, blocking the alien race back to the forbidden area, and never dare to come out again.

But when the war ended, it was hard for him to find any trace of his old friend.

In that war, several elders of qixuezong fell, and the elders in the sect were killed and injured badly. Many of the most gifted disciples also fell, which was extremely miserable.

But fortunately, it won in the end. With the passage of years, the world seems to have forgotten that battle. After all, such a battle will be staged every few hundred years.

There will be a greater turmoil in thousands of years and a greater catastrophe in thousands of years.

Only after a small amount of turmoil, qixuezong has suffered a lot. If we encounter the real catastrophe era, the world will be red with blood, and countless lives will wither, which will even lead to the end of the real immortal sect, the Holy Land and the great religions!

Elder Luo became a living hero in the sect and was respected by countless disciples, just like the extremely elder in yaolu was very respectful to him. That's why.

At that time, if it were not for long Luo and other people to stay in front and fight in the four fields, the whole Qingzhou Prefecture would be turned into a Jedi at the cost of their lives, and many big cities would be flattened by the strong people of different races!

However, such a powerful elder Luo, when the war ended and he returned to qixuezong, began to fall back and sink for a hundred years.

Time is like running water, which is hard to stop.

After five hundred years, his cultivation has hardly made any progress. He once stayed in the realm of the half step venerable for a short time, but later he fell down.

After all these years, I have never been able to take that step beyond the ordinary.

Now he, Shouyuan exhausted, has come to the end of his life.

If there is no way to make a breakthrough, can not continue life, it will really fall.

So, when he heard the news, Lin Xuan was worried all the time.

He didn't want a hero like elder Luo to die in this way, which was too insipid.

He was the real dragon in the sky. How could it end like this?

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