"What? Is elder Luo going to fall

"Is it inevitable that the sky will come down?"

"How can this be? When I saw elder Luo before, he was still hale and hearty. How could it be so serious?"

When the news spread in the clan, few people dare to believe it. It's really amazing. It's a major event of the clan!

You know, every elder is the inside story of the blood weeping sect. Only because they are in charge can the blood weeping sect stand on the top of Qingzhou mansion!

"It's true. Many elders in the sect have already rushed to Lingshan to see elder Luo off!"

"Well, even if you are such a hero as elder Luo, you will fall one day. Where is our future? Can't escape the bondage of heaven and earth after all? "

"It's a pity that elder Luo's demeanor was unparalleled, which shocked the whole Qingzhou Prefecture. He was famous for his great rivers, mountains and rivers, and everyone knew that..."

"He destroyed many alien people who came out of the forbidden area with his own efforts, and protected the mountains and rivers of Qingzhou Prefecture."

"But even such a hero will come to an end today."

"Heaven, you are so unfair. Elder Luo should have been on the top of the mountain, but he has been trapped in the peak of Lingshi for 500 years because of a ridge..."

Zongmen mourned greatly. Many disciples gathered in front of Lingshan. They all came here to see elder Luo off!

Today, the Lingshan mountain is in full bloom. The dusk above the dome is clear, and the dead clouds and rain cover the whole mountain.

"Thousands of years later, zongmen will never forget that there was once a genius who was so strong that he was a flash in the pan. His name was... Luo Changsheng!"

"How I want elder Luo to bloom like a flower forever. I don't want to see him wither and scatter his last petals."

"Elder Luo was named Changsheng, but he didn't expect that he could not fulfill his wish..."

In front of Lingshan mountain, there are countless disciples kowtow. Elder Luo is a hero who once guarded Qingzhou mansion. It's worthy of their great gift!

At the moment, there are more than ten figures in the natural and peaceful courtyard of Lingshan. Most of them are old and old.

Among them, there was an old woman with silver hair. Lin Xuan had never seen the old man, but her breath was very strong. She also stood at the peak of the spirit Master.

"Elder martial brother... I haven't been born for many years. I didn't expect to be separated from elder martial brother today."

The old woman's face was wrinkled, but now she was in tears. She was very sad and didn't want to see such a scene.

"At that time, I was too weak to help elder martial sister Qingxia. For so many years, I had no face to see you..."

The old woman kept talking about the past, which shocked Lin Xuan.

This means that this old woman is at least 500 years old.

"Younger martial sister, why do you have to do this? I never blame you. You, what can't you see after so many years?"

Elder Luo leans against the pond, and his eyes kindly sweep over many visitors in the courtyard. Finally, he puts his eyes on his younger martial sister.

"Elder martial brother, you don't have to be like this. Why don't you take the medicine King's life?"

"Yes, elder martial brother, we don't want to see you die like this. You shouldn't give up!"

"We are the only outstanding people of our time..."

Many elders are all emotional at the moment. At that time, they were all fans of elder Luo. They watched him rise and stand at the top of his life.

But it's a pity that elder Luo, who should have made great progress, can't make progress any more because of his obsession.

At that time, when elder Luo was 50 years old and stood at the peak of the spirit, among them, the one with the highest accomplishments just broke into the spirit Master.

Although he caught up with him in the following years, no one dared to show any disrespect to elder Luo. In that year, he represented a legend.

Lin Xuan's eyes were slightly red. He was also sad in his heart. He didn't want to see the sad scene.

"Elder, take medicine and live!"

"You were so dazzling and brilliant, just like the sun in the sky, so that all people can only look up, hard to reach, do you really want to end so flat?"

"Although old friends have gone, those who are alive, such as us, can not lose the heart of Tao."

"We will live forever for them!"

Lin Xuan's memory flashed Lin Yu's figure, flashed the moment he was buried. Could such a legend as elder Luo go on such an old road?

"Elder, an elder once said to me that before he went to the throne, he predicted that in a thousand years, in a hundred years, there would be a great catastrophe sweeping over him!"

"At that time, there will be no pure land between heaven and earth. You need to protect it. Elder, please defend your glory and take that step back to the heart of Tao."

"Legend shouldn't end like this!"

"Your destination should be in the most dangerous battlefield!"

"Even if it's death, it's a proper death!"

At this point, Lin Xuan has no idea. He can only use all the methods to inspire elder Luo and let him regain the hope of living.

Even if he could not take that step, take the medicine king, and continue to live, he would have achieved Lin Xuan's goal!

At this moment, many elders took a different look at Lin Xuan,

"Legends come down in one continuous line!"

"A hero is a young man!"

"Elder martial brother, it's as if I saw your supreme demeanor in him..."

"Yes, elder martial brother, as Lin Xuan said, those of us who are still alive will continue to live for those old friends!"

"What Lin Xuan said is quite right. Now that it has been 500 years, I'm afraid a new turmoil is coming. Elder martial brother, do you want to retreat at this moment?"

These elders have some feelings, but in order to make elder Luo live, they don't hesitate to force each other with the method!

"Elder, time is really short. Please take the medicine King's life. You may not have the chance to take that step in the future!"

Lin Xuan shouts out and wants to wake elder Luo up.

But at the moment, the kind old man didn't seem to hear him. His eyes looked into the sky, as if something was attracting him.

Elder Luo looked a little dazed and whispered: "younger martial sister, have you come to pick me up?"

"I'm ashamed of you. I've lived alone for 500 years. Today I'm dead. I can finally find you!"

Elder Luo stood up and reached out to touch the nothingness in the sky, as if someone was standing there.

"Younger martial sister, next life, you and I will continue the front edge."

Elder Luo looks more and more old, with white hair and fluffy hair, just like a madman. He seems to be trapped in a magic barrier. At this moment, he is full of tears. On his wrinkled face, he seems to cry rather than laugh!

The strong dead air gushed from his body, and the bright holy platform suddenly made a strange noise!


It's a sign that the spirit is decaying and about to break!

And if the spirit is broken, it is the real fall.

Don't talk about the king of medicine, even if there is holy medicine, it's useless!

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